roomthirteen profile picture


roomthirteen! roomthirteen! roomthirteen!

About Me


We are roomthirteen!!!! Hello from the four of us. For there are four of us!!!! We are form just outside America. We can be located in England!!!! Manchester and West Yorkshire, UK that is. We are interested in the inner workings of the internal combustion engine. However we also write some staggering original pop music! We are a four-piece pop band as we have already said. We write all our own stuff as performing someone else,s would seem like professional suicide. Check out our official website which is You could also check out our radio show which is available on the interweb thingy. When I say "our" it isnt really ours! It belongs to someone else...They let us present a show full of our favourite music.... You can find that at Click on the link for the radio show and then select any show by the radio shed. I could go on and on about us but that would be boring so, hey what about you? Who are you and do you want to chat. Get on our page and start chatting with us. I thought this would be another way of promoting us, and also a good way of meeting more people! Please check out our blog and leave us some form of communication.... Though keep it clean. We are very sensitive souls. Please get in touch and start chatting with us.. Speak soon!!!!Or buy the CD NOW....

My Interests


Member Since: 1/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: John Done-Guitar and Lead vocals.Craig Winston-Drums.Paul Geraghty-Bass GuitarBrian Mitchell-Guitar and lead vocals.

Check this out, it's a cool map of everyone who visits this profile:

Check out our video and let us know what you think! Shattered Smile

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Influences: Varied. Family and friends. Bowie. The Smiths. Marilyn Monroe. Morrissey. Dinosaur Jr. The Lemonheads. Audrey Hepburn. Ernest Hemmingway. Fidel Castro. The Manics. Maria Montessori. Marc Bolan. Karl Marx. Quentin Tarantino. The Freshies. Manchester. Rosa Parks Glossop. Mama Cass. The Beach Boys. Coheed and Cambria. Led Zepplin. Stone Temple Pilots. Blind Melon. Was Not Was. David Hockney. Laurence Stephen Lowry. Ian Curtis. CBGBs. The Ramones. Patti Smith. Oscar Wilde. Jim Morrison. Dusty Springfield. Aretha Franklin. Where do you stop?
Sounds Like: Acoustic pop. It might be easier for you tell us what you think?

Record Label: Bitrate Sound
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Apologies to you all

To everyone that turned out last night in the hope of seeing us at the Q bar our sincere apologies. The last thing we wanted to do was cancel the performance. However after having to endure three quar...
Posted by roomthirteen on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:12:00 PST

We bought it. Did you?

We bought the 30th anniversary edition of "out of the blue". Did you?
Posted by roomthirteen on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:41:00 PST


Are Aerosmith simply brilliant or what? It seems to me that as the years have progressed so has Aerosmiths ability to write a tune.... Needles to say so has their ability to survive the ravages of tim...
Posted by roomthirteen on Sun, 21 May 2006 03:06:00 PST

We don,t rock.... Honest.....

Seriously and in all honesty.... We don,t rock.... Not in the literal sense of the word.... We sort of approach you from the side have a quiet chat..... We are not a rock band... Honest.... We love yo...
Posted by roomthirteen on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 11:33:00 PST

Your top eights?????

Does anybody bother? What do they mean? Do you change yours to suit your mood? Or is the reality that they are normally the first people you befriended or that befriended you and that is how it stays?...
Posted by roomthirteen on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 03:42:00 PST