Designing clothing, photography, hipboneclothing.comTraveling wherever the road curves next. Living life to it's fullest. I like to call it "G.M.S.".
Earthgrounded people. Anyone with talent or posseses an art or skill. Do something with your life and help others, instead of feeding off others.I'd like to meet someone famous also,- famous people rank high as well, but we're all connected,- so we all are really on the same level. Famous is a mind state of being seen many times over. I'm too busy trying to make my clothing line, Hipbone - Comfortably Hip Clothing, become know rather than to fantasize. I want to be the one people want to meet. So I'm out in the street, beating the concrete, screaming, making it happen, EVERYDAY!
All types: Rap, Hip-Hop, Brakes, heavy, fast, downtempo, whatever. Everythings a go. Anything with Bass!
Too many to list. But really don't remember them all. Just a blur of 2 hour entertainment we use in conversatition refferences in coffee shops, night clubs, and pick-up-lines. My favorite will the one I'm in. I'll let you know when that happens.
Okay, another blur of entertainment. But show wise: CSI, Greys, Law & Order, most of the Thursday night lineup. I'll check my local listings and get back to this one.
Sooo yeah,- when does that come out in the theater?Unless it's a website building program, or magazine full of pics, It's not been seen by these eyes.Really anything dealing with fashion. Quick tips, easy reads and highlights.Plus I fall asleep when I read. I need clif-notes.