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Steve Cone

Calling all headbangers around the globe!

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Reviews of In My Bones

Reviews of In My Bones.

Metal Express Radio (Norway)
It should not come as a surprise that Arizona resident guitarist/singer/composer/self-producer Steve Cone likes to keep busy. Unlike the all “do it yourself” exercise that was Distortion, Cone has this time utilized the talents of one Erik Fehrenbach, providing drum duties, which this time around packs more punch. Other than that, though, it's all Cone again, cooking up Heavy Metal in his home studio. Cone certainly knows what he wants and he doesn’t seem to need a lot of help to make it happen.
The rocking attitude and Cone's playing abilities help the matter, but the strength of the songs themselves is where the enjoyment of Cone's music ultimately lies. Hard-driven, but never bombastic, often clever, but certainly not indulgent, the music of Steve Cone witness of days gone by. Imagine a soundtrack to accompany scenery of dirty rainy streets. Imagine a possible metalized-version of April Wine, complete with imagery of shady, smoky clubs with ripped apart Anvil posters on the sweaty walls.
There you have it; Steve Cone, working up a steam on stage with his street-smart, rocking Metal. Indeed, material such as “Your Eyes” and the stomping Metal of “Killing Machine” carry this point across perfectly. “Get Down” is pure sex-cheese, but things get back on the right track with “Nothing That I Can Do,” an utter cool guitar rhythm and a catchy chorus makes it arguably the best track on offer here. “Trapped” is good old instrumental Rock, and “Crazy Like Me” stands toe to toe, yet in contrast to the likes of “Inside Your Head" and “Euphoria.”
Slightly heavier than Distortion, In My Bones still feels varied, yet surprisingly coherent at the same time. Steve Cone doesn’t exactly reinvent the wheel, but at least he reminds the listener how to Rock.
Metal Express Rating: 7.0/10

Ballbuster Hard Music

Pretty much everything you hear on this release, with the exception of the drum tracks, which were performed by Erik Fehrenbach, was done by Steve Cone himself. So, this is a true solo album in every sense of the word. Now, when you do everything on your own, it's kind of a risk. On one hand, it's a good thing because you have complete and total control of your vision and you can pretty much do what you wanna do without having to worry about other people. On the other hand, the only point of view you have is your own and that's not always a good thing. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience. I've heard solo releases that didn't turn out too well because the artist did everything himself. Luckily, that's not the case here. Steve did one hell of a job with this release. The quality of the music is fantastic. It sounds like a full band to me. As for his musical style, call it what you want...hard rock, heavy metal,'s simply a kick ass release in my opinion. A lot of these tunes sound like instant metal classics. They stick with you after the first listen. I'm talking about tunes like "Killing Machine," "Like The Dog I Am," "Get Down" and "Dead Like Me." If I never listen to this release again...I'll still have these tunes in my head and that's the sign of a release that's well worth checking' out. Remember the old school hard rock/heavy metal that probably got you into music in the first place? Well, Steve took everything that made that music worth listening to and he gave it a fresh and modern sound. Yeah...this is metal for right now. Need I say more?

by Paul Autry

Strutterzine (Netherlands)
'In my bones' is the 4th CD of Arizona/USA based guitarist STEVE CONE. He has released every year since 2004 an album. Not instrumental, but with vocals, so also interesting for the non-guitar virtuosity fans. Actually musically speaking STEVE CONE has a sort of 80s Melodic Metal sound with updated approach. RIOT, VIRGIN STEELE and THE RODS (very much) come to mind when listening to the CD. Most of the included songs are pretty good straight-ahead hard hitting 80s inspired Metal tunes that have a touch of ACCEPT, but then more with an updated sound. More info at: and
(Points: 8.0 out of 10)
(All reviews by Gabor Kleinbloesem)

Thoughts Of Metal (Belgium)
About two weeks ago I received the new album of guitarist/vocalist Steve Cone, an American musician with the heart on the right place, especially regarding qualitative Hard Rock/Heavy Metal. The man hails from New York and releases his music under his own name. Prior to his solo career, he spent some time in other bands to gather experience and improve his skills.
I thought that his new release, "In My Bones" (out since 29/10), was his debut or perhaps second album. Great was my surprise when I visited his website and to see that Steve is one busy Metalhead:
I haven't heard anything he released before, but thanks to the YouTube videos and samples on his website you can get a good impression of what to expect. And the new album is just inline with that, just better produced, although the previous albums sounded pretty good as well.
"In My Bones" starts with the title track and it's full power from the beginning. Catchiest, heavy grooves, Steve's raspy voice and pounding drums. A first class song! The tempo goes down a little more the next songs, although the rock factor is still very much present and there certainly is no cutting back on power. "Your Eyes" for example has stop-start riffing, and this also lets the bass guitar come through a bit more. What's clear about this song and practically all songs is that you can clearly hear what Steve is singing. The instruments aren't drowning his voice at all and this is a very important and interesting aspect of the album, as the booklet doesn't contain the lyrics.
In "Dead Like Me" Steve goes for a sleazier approach. Not a bad result, but not as attractive as the others, as far as my taste goes. It's the next song that get my heart and blood pumping again: "Get Down". Pure Rock 'n' Roll, baby, oh yeah! Bang the head that doesn't bang! Great grooves, great riffing, great drumming, great all the way! More of this, I tells ya, more.
The tempo goes down again in "Nothing I Can Do", which overall is an enjoyable song and offers a nice 'break' after the energetic "Get Down". "Like The Dog I Am" brings back some punch and here you have the bass playing a key role again.
Time for a little Blues now: "Inside Your Head". Again the bass is very prominent, but there's also enough room for instrumental moments and Steve will only add the required heaviness when the time is right. This is another very nice song, hands down. While Steve's music reminds for a big part of BLACK SABBATH (with Dio) and DIO and anything else in that vein, AC/DC is another inspirational band, as shown in "Euphoria", which contains AC/DC-ish leads.
Since Steve is primarily a guitar player, the addition of an instrumental track sure is a welcome element. "Trapped" is the title and features 3 kinds of guitars: an acoustic one, an electric one and one I don't know, but it seems like something in between, although more acoustic. All this builds up very nicely and little by little the other guitars join in. A very nice result, to say the least.
"Crazy Like Me" sounds like the title says: crazy. This is one chaotic rock song, where the chaos is controlled, don't worry. ;-) Steve doesn't use friendly words, but speaks his mind, not caring about your feelings. This is another energetic song and fits perfectly in the pattern of the track listing.
Steve has been rocking 'solo' since almost ten years now and if he didn't know how to write a rock/metal song today, he would never know. I guess you can say that he has grown and evolved on each album, but sticking to the pureness that Hard Rock and Heavy Metal have to offer. On "In My Bones", his 10th album, you get a nice mix of different tempos, lots of grooves, great leads, crazy solos and not to forget the drum work provided by Erik Fehrenbach, because he did a very good job. I can do nothing else but recommend this to any Hard Rock/Heavy Metal fan who loves it pure and uncompromised. The production is also good enough to keep the instruments real and not as digital/plastic/... as on other bands' albums. If you don't find the album in the shop, check or just go to Steve's MySpace page or website to obtain a copy.

With a lot of pleasure and dignity I leave the new album of this New York Native Steve Cone separately on all those into dynamic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Music with balls! Steve is not an average guitarist like many others, he's a really flash rocking guitar wizard to me charged with skills to dream of. A great singer / songwriter too that worked damn hard during uncountable years while he was active in several outfits playing different styles of music. The last few years, Steve concentrates itself in recording solo albums such as its predecessor entitled "Distortion". Magnificent, straight forward, hard-hitting Rock and Metal release that continues to shimmer long after you've spun it. He also build up his own recording studio a few years ago which proves that Steve effective knows where he is busy with. An abundance to musical skills and ambitions enough which he makes reality without problems, that's Steve Cone to me folks!
Recently, Steve Cone's newest work has been unleashed by the title of "In My Bones". Where other musicians occupy itself...hey that's not Steve's problem...he is that strong and wise enough working out thoughts by himself. Originality is trump card all over the way and I was damn curious to hear what the new album ''In My Bones'' had on soon as Steve's package reached my postal address, I opened it up and give the disc a swing followed by turning on volume button! Opener and title song is a bull's eye right on featuring strength-full riffs and great rhythms. Heavy Metal to the bone with dazzling bass lines and Steve's unique feels like Ozzy Osbourne meets Jack Frost meets Dave Mustaine to me! Next one is called 'Killing Machine' and yeah...once again a very tasteful / up tempo song.
'Your Eyes' drag you to the valleys of Heavy Metal with awesome riffs, very hard hitting drums (done by Erik Fehrenbach-the only member in the band besides Steve himself) and it seems that Steve's voice improve better and better each song passing by. Feels good to bang my head on a song entitled 'Get Down', followed by 'Nothing That I Can Do' which is played with less speed but the power is still on and be sure that this element presently remains in a priority way during the rest of "In My Bones". 11 songs reflecting different characters, main man Steve Cone's guitars roars like never before, all the duties on the bass guitar to make you inner soul to booming and his throat fits so darn good that I cannot deny for sure...this release is a MUST OF FORMAT. Into Hard Rock or into Metal...what's the difference anyway? You can get both styles on one album played by the most grooviest axeman shredding around on planet earth, his name is Steve Cone!
Hesitate to order "In My Bones" is totally wrong...make your order right on and sets your spirit free as soon as this album hits the bottom of your postal mailbox. Amplifiers humming while speakers roaring, get your Rock and Roll fix quickly at the following links: / or .
MY POINTS: 92 / 100

Metalzone (Greece)
This is the new solo album from Mr. Steve Cone who comes from Arizona US and over the last few years, it seems that he has took very seriously what he is doing, presenting some albums which are at least good. Now the things are a little bit different, because of the fact that Steve is more experienced than in the previous releases and nowadays is keener into composing beautiful music, something that is clear in this album. In My Bones contains 11 songs that have nothing less than the songs of the leaders of Heavy Metal / Hard Rock because almost all songs are consisted of catchy breathtaking riffs, many beautiful melodies which are very easy for someone to listen to, and of course there are high quality vocals made by Steve himself and it’s a fact that the performance is a part of his soul. The compositions are mid tempo, and to be honest, there is not something unique or something special, but they are able to catch the attention of the listener in each note of every song. We are looking into an album of melodic Heavy Metal created by someone who is very talented and dedicated to his job. The only thing we have to do is to wish him good luck in the future, and personally, I would recommend "In My Bones" to everyone who is familiar with Heavy Metal / Hard Rock sound.
Vassilis Mazaris

Hardrock House (England)
Steve Cone is a New York born, Arizona-based, metal guitarist and singer who I must admit I had never heard of when I received this CD, but this will now change after listening to his very impressive new solo album.
One thing is for sure, this man knows how to write killer rock riffs!! He also knows a thing or two about how to incorporate them in well constructed old school metal tracks. He has a pretty decent voice that has leanings towards the likes of Rob Halford. His style is uncompromising yet retains a sense of melody, despite guitar lines that rattle teeth and rock as hard as anything I’ve heard in a long while. This is very much the definition of what I grew up calling “Heavy Metal”…proper loud music that shook you to the very core and made you want to headbang.
The album kicks off with the title track, “In My Bones” whose riff-laden opening sets the tone for the whole album, the vocals then entering the fray and leading you nicely to a decent chorus. Good stuff indeed and a fine way to introduce you to the all-round talents of Mr. Cone.
You can feel your head start to nod and face contort into a snarl as “Killing Machine” gets down to business and refuses to let go. Very Judas Priest in style, this one. From then on, song after song assaults your senses and gets you wondering just how heavy this would sound in the live environment. I get the distinct feeling you would come away feeling battered and bruised, probably both physically and metaphorically, from a no-nonsense, no frills all-out metal onslaught.
Worthy of particular mention is the excellent “Nothing That I Can Do”, whilst there’s a good solo in the equally cool “Like The Dog I Am”. Also, “Inside Your Head” is a dark and brooding rocker, reminiscent of Metallica, which is total class from start to finish and possibly the highlight of the whole album for me.
I can’t blame anyone for not knowing the name of Steve Cone right now, but all proper metal fans should get a copy of this album to see what we’ve all been missing. You will not be disappointed !!
Rating - 7.5/10
Review Paul Williams
Contact Info:
Steve Cone c/o Dilligaf Entertainment
PO Box 7313
Mesa, Arizona 85216-7313
[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 1/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Steve Cone

Steve Cone: All Guitar and Vocal's
Erik Fehrenbach: Drums

There was a time when musicianship really mattered. There was a time when fiery riffs, dazzling fretwork, and soaring melodies lived harmoniously in the stereo speakers of rock fans. In these days of whining vocals, soapbox lyrics and cookie-cutter chord progressions, it is a relief to find music that still can grab you by the throat and throttle you with its intensity and passion.

Steve Cone has not forgotten that rock and roll is about energy, drive, and most of all, rattling your cage until the whole world seems to be shaking. With In My Bones, Cone’s latest solo release, this Arizona-based guitarist and singer has once again established himself as one of the premier heavy metal songwriters on the scene today.

The phrase “heavy metal” is too easily tossed around. It has been used to describe Def Leppard as well as Slayer. So where does Cone fit into this landscape? If the essence of metal lies in heavy guitars, thunderous rhythms, explosive leads and memorable choruses, then Cone becomes the epitome of the genre.

Cone is a New York native and has been a member of several prominent bands in his years of making music. After relocating to the desert, Cone built a studio and started writing his own brand of metal, forged in the classic European tradition of progressive hard rock/ heavy metal and tempered with his own street-smart style picked up from his days of playing the dark, seedy clubs of New York City. The results have been nothing short of impressive with each Cone release topping its predecessor with intelligent yet wild songs about power, betrayal, and the various dark places in our minds.

But when it is all said and done, what Steve Cone brings to the table is the ability to craft memorable hooks that rock so incredibly hard. And ultimately, that’s what matters most. Blast In My Bones through your speakers and it may be your own bones that find themselves loosening up and remembering rock and roll the way it is supposed to be played.

Check out Steve Cone at

IN MY BONES and other Steve Cone titles can be purchased at .












The Whiskey A Go Go Hollywood, California

The Whiskey A Go Go Hollywood, California

The Whiskey A Go Go Hollywood, California

Ground Zero Spartanburg, South Carolina

Tobacco Road, Miami, Florida

Zakk's Coffee House Murfreesboro, North Carolina

Club Fusion St Augustine, Florida

Various Photos

Influences: All great heavy metal.
Sounds Like: Heavy Metal that will punish your senses and leave you wanting more.
Record Label: Dilligaf Entertainment
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


BIG DIGITAL MP3 AND CD SALE AT CDBABY.COMDistortion, SO*LO and Killing Time are on sale at can buy the full release as an mp3 release directly from cdbaby. Why is it so much less then a...
Posted by Steve Cone on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:27:00 PST

The latest info.

March 21, 2008 The media page has been updated at  with more places to purchase and download tracks from In My Bones. A new review of In My B...
Posted by Steve Cone on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:28:00 PST

Radio play thank yous.

A special thank you to Patrick De Sloover from Overdrive, the Oldest Metal radio show in Belgium on Radio Aktief 107.6. He has been playing some tracks from In My Bones over the last few weeks. I also...
Posted by Steve Cone on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:07:00 PST

New song from In My Bones

Just wanted to let you all know that the song Nothing That I Can Do has been uploaded to myspace. This is from my latest CD In My Bones. You can download this song for free. Dont forget that you can p...
Posted by Steve Cone on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 08:05:00 PST

New review and interview.

Click on the link below to a read a new review and interview at Thanks to all tevecone...
Posted by Steve Cone on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:55:00 PST

Interview posted part 2.

Here is part two of an interview I did with Rock Zone. It can be read at the following link below or read it here. Wednesday, January 16, 2008 ..>   Pa...
Posted by Steve Cone on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:27:00 PST

Interview posted part 1.

Here is part one of an interview I did with Rock Zone. It can be read at the following link below or read it here. Monday, January 14, 2008 ...
Posted by Steve Cone on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 04:07:00 PST

New song at Garage Band

Just a quick note to tell you that a page has been set up at Garage Band. The song Get Down from the CD In My Bones has been uploaded for streaming. Go check it out at
Posted by Steve Cone on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 07:54:00 PST

Surgery update and Happy Holidays

I just wanted to update you all on the surgery I had yesterday. All is well so far, my hand is sore and in a big bandage. I had a cist removed from the back of my right hand that had been bothering me...
Posted by Steve Cone on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 06:24:00 PST

Guest DJ

I'll be the guest DJ this Friday on www.metalexpressradio.comFriday Guest DJ Hour Guitarist and songwriter extraordinaire STEVE CONE!!! Steve has just released another solid album entitled In My Bon...
Posted by Steve Cone on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:56:00 PST