Oh you know, writing diaries, visiting Dr. Jacobi, having sex, doing cocaine, going to the woods...
I want to meet any guy with cocaine and a bird. I also like to meet people who are in at the Black Lodge. That place is really the place to be. Sometimes Agent Cooper comes there and I try to make out with him, he is hot! I like going to the woods and meeting people there. I like guys with money and drugs.
Anything on the jukebox at the RR Diner
I like mysteries and popcorn and a bad boy to make out with.
Twin Peaks, what else is there?
My diary is the only book worth reading
Agent Dale Cooper, Maddy, my dad Leland, The one armed man, The log lady, Bobby, Leo, James, Nadine, Harry, Lucy, The entire Horn family (even though Audrey is hotter than me), Norma, Shelly, and of course my best friend Donna who started to sleep with James after my brutal murder. You will get yours Donna!