xtreme stations of the cross, crashing parades, crashing wakes, chocolate flavored yogurt, rolling my eyes, talking shit, laughing at the cool kids, hair shirts - the medieval kind and the sexy kind, booze cruising, rehydrating, pepsi, sewing, being very sexy, lying, procrastinating, starting fights, restarting my heart
i will probably never meet anyone ever again. it seems that this myspace thing doesn't care for my kind and now neglects to inform me of any new messages, comments, invites, or whathaveyous. unless my e-mail tells me to come here or i see a sensational "My MySpace TERROR!!" report on the news, i forget that this place even exists. sorry.
i only listen to what my boyfriend tells me is cool. this is the only thing that he has been listening to lately. i'm gonna check ebay for an autographed copy.i can see by the look in your eyes that you are about to start hating. don't.
head, nights of cabiria, whatever happened to baby jane?, latoya jackson's playboy celebrity centerfold, rear and pleasant danger, mother may i sleep with danger?, dinky hocker shoots smack!
i thank the baby jesus everyday for the blessing that is denver's FOX31 news. antm, yes.
in cold blood and anything that makes me look smart by having on my bookshelf. let's face it, my brain is enjoying the vacation.
that guy who glued his own ass to a home depot toilet seat and tried to sue them for 3 mil and then took a lie detector test on FOX31 to prove that he really didn't glue his own ass to a toilet seat. i really appreciate that he exists.