Right now i'm interested in having some lunch. Would you like to join me?
People who want to help me raise money for the Komen Race for the Cure by tweaking my nipples with their mouse in the picture below!
That'd be nice!
it seems as if the links aren't really working anymore for some reason. So, do it the old fashioned way: cut & paste www.komendenver.org/goto/see_tim_run
why yes, i'm quite fond of it you know...
If you look closely, you'll be able to notice, that there is a generous selection of Radiohead CDs in this collection. I also have lots of music by the Spice Girls, and Charles Mingus. You'll also find many albums by The Clash, Gene, Stevie Wonder and (for some reason) Menswe@r. The Stereophonics also take up more than their fair share of space on these shelves, as does Travis. It all starts with the band A, followed by A Camp, A Certain Ratio, and Adorable. At the other end, you'll find Zongamin, ZZZ and ZZZZ (sorry, no ZZ Top).
and these are most of my records
Some of my current favorites though, include The Research, The Pipettes, Cowboy Curse, D.Biddle, and other albums that you'll hear me play at THE SHACK-UP!
And, I love Trapped in the Closet, too.
I like Fox teen dramas! All of them. From Bev Niner on up! Currently we have The O.C., and I must say it's a fantastic glimpse into the lives of teens in the The O.C. From what I understand it is very 'in touch' with the 'real world', and takes on 'real' issues with amazing accuracy. I love that shit!24 is also an amazingly addictive television program.I must admit, if Cheaters happens to come on as I'm flipping through the channels, I can't turn past it. Whatever happens to be on when I go to sleep, or when I wake up, which usually happens to be complete crap. I do enjoy trashy television, but not nearly as much as trash stage productions featuring trashy television stars. Just think Luke Perry (Dylan from the Bev Niner) and Alyson Hannigan (Willow from Buffy, or, if you must, the 'band camp girl' from American Pie) together on stage as the stars of the stagged production of the American cinematic classic, "When Harry Met Sally". Yes, it's real, and yes, I was there!
current reads include: The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, and Rip it Up and Start Again by Simon Reynolds.
Idolotry is wrong. It says so in the Bible, so I know it must be true...it also says this in the bible:
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of Donkeys and whose emission were like those of horses." Ezekiel 23:20.
"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." Psalm 137:9