sound, making sound, my album collection, Djing, making mixtapes, being loud, being quiet, 3 AM, ice cream, jellybeans, cuddling, napping, dusk, riding my bike down hills, summer afternoons, cartoons, Laura, massages, singing, karaoke, social commentary, media studies, philosophy, sittin' around and just thinkin', reading, literary and film theory and critique, film, theatre, writing plays, meeting new people, the sound of wind in my ears, listening to the right song at the right moment, other people's favorite things, falling down when i'm dancing, humility, art installations, keyboards and synthesizers, twisting knobs on audio gear, dancing, being moved to tears, empathy, compassion, video game music, radio static, radar bleeps being cast out into the night, long lonely highways, ouzo, beer, gyros sandwiches, dogs, cats, wearing ties, pancakes, blueberries, t-shirts with amazingly cool designs upon them, going to shows, pantheism, the sound of the train at 3 AM, video games, but only role playing games really (yay final fantasy!) trying to think of things I like.
fellow sound obessives, music geeks, film whores, cartoon watchin' buddies, record collectors, comic book freaks, and those who know that if you don't sweat when you dance, then you ain't dancing.
oh, lots of things.
Watching Lately:
Little Miss Sunshine Six String Samurai Talladega Nights Wild At Heart Borat Rock N' RuleAnything strange, dark, wondrous, eerie and inspired. best cartoon ever), Arrested Development Fullmetal Alchemist Paranoia Agent Invader Zim Freakazoid Family Guy Sealab 2021 Powerpuff Girls Aqua Teen Hunger Force The Kids In The Hall Spongebob Squarepants Batman: The Animated Series Ren and Stimpy Futurama The Simpsons Samurai Jack Big O Cowboy Bebop Outlaw Star Neon Genesis Evangelion Buffy the Vampire Slayer Connections (used to be on TLC) Twin Peaks Conan O'Brien Monty Python's Flying Circus Red Dwarf Fawlty Towers Teen Titans Talespin Deep Space Nine The League Of Gentlemen Justice League Unlimited The Venture Brothers The Daily Show The Colbert Report The Soup Stella The Showbiz Show ummm...
"A Series Of Unfortunate Events" David Eddings Umberto Eco "House of Leaves" Dave Eggars Kurt Vonnegut "A Clockwork Orange" "Watership Down" H.P Lovecraft Sartre Tennessee Williams Antonin Artaud Edward Albee Eugene O'Neill Samuel Beckett Shakespeare "Ocean of Sound" "Haunted Weather" Sam Shepard "Heart of Darkness" Neal Stephenson Charles Bukowski sociology books books on media and culture studies "Culture Jammers "No Logo" Terry Pratchet Douglas Adams Voltaire-"Candide"
i read a lot of magazines: Adbusters The Wire XLR8R Grooves Mojo Wired Uncut Give me some book suggestions.
david bowie
Jamie Lidell
Akira Kurosawa
Hayao Miyazaki
Eugene O'Neill
Samuel Beckett
Neil Gaiman
Dave McKean
Pete Townshend
Jon Stewart
Stephen Colbert
cEvin Key
Jason Bentley
Mick Jagger
Laura, Lovely Laura
brian eno
Baconfat Huxley IV
Jack Dangers (meat beat manifesto)
boards of canada
aphex twin
danny elfman
Tom Waits
Tim Burton
Michael Gira
Neko Case
John Cage
Alvin Lucier
David Toop
Herbie Hancock
Stevie Wonder
Bob Moog
Jeff Lynne
Toril Moi
Antonin Artaud
Jerzy Grotowski
Nina Simone
Chet Baker
Nick Cave
John Lennon
Scott Herren
Allison Goldfrapp
Beth Gibbons
John Coltrane
Terry Gilliam
James Murphy
Terry Pratchett
Arthur Russell