I have no interest in anything that does not have to do with me. I am a very interesting person. I am a self centered prick. All of my friends will tell you, I'm just a bad person. It's not true I just don't care about anyone other than me.
I would like to meet me. If I were not me I would be the biggest fan of me in the world, besides the real me.
I like the Gangsta Rap. Im a straight up THUG.
My favorite movie is Tombstone. What can I say, I like watching rednecks shoot each other.
Lost is the best show on TV right now. I can't get enough of that show. It's like crystal meth, once it's over you want more.
I don't read. OK I can't read.
My hero is me. It takes a lot of courage to be as bald as I am and not care. Look at my pictures im a great looking guy. Not good looking great looking.