Add to My Profile | More Videos Brand New SHINE video! Exclusive!
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Brand New SHINE video! Exclusive! WHOA! Wanna hear more music like this? It's your support that enables this to happen! The debut album, Come Listen, has 13 tracks and features Matisyahu, Andy Statman, E-Shy, and Y-Love. Available at most online retailers. Click our pic for the the link to Amazon. Find us on the itunes store, too! TA SHMA
Beats straight outta the Bass-Medrash, meets lyrics from the depths of
the Jewish soul. Ta-Shma drops the spiritual science making your head
spin and your soul dance. Lyrically breaking it down like the middle
matzah, beats on fire like a candle for Havdallah. Piercing Jewish souls
like a maimar chassidus, opening Jewish hearts like a Rebbe yechidus.
Ta-Shma brings the water, 12 Tribe Sound the fire, together Come,Listen
takes you higher.
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Member Since: 1/15/2006
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Band Members: Chuna Silverman & Menachem Shapiro
Sounds Like: Whoa! Debut album Come Listen IN STORES NOW!
Say What?!:
Record Label: JMG
Type of Label: Indie
My Blog
Chabad Telethon?!
Okay, what happened? As many of you know, we were scheduled to appear on live TV vis-a-vis the Chabad Telethon. Well, we flew out to LA, had a rehearsal Friday morning and again on Sunday morning. Our... Posted by Ta Shma on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:09:00 PST
Rate our songs
LET US KNOW WHICH TA SHMA SONGS ARE YOUR FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! Posted by Ta Shma on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:53:00 PST