Art of all kinds, good music and better friends, sitting in the kitchen chatting, swinging in the hammock on a warm spring day or a cool fall night, SNOW, and working on my dreams of a thriving jewelry business, and of course my FAMILY both born to and chosen
Kind and positive people who have a special occasion such as a Wedding, Charity Event, Formal Dances, or just lifes everyday occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or simply just because. I can also turn a token from a special trip into a piece of jewelry. So next time your combing the beach for a keepsake, we can turn it into an heirloom to have from your travels or honeymoon. A great idea men, is to take a shell from that special moment and give it to her on your anniversary the next year, major romantic points for you.
Led Zepplin, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, The Band, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Matisyahu, Bluegrass, New Grass, New Age, Classic Rock, Sugarhill Gang, KT Tungstall, Michael Hedges, Narada, Adam Weinberg, Reggae, Funk and Blues and an ever expanding search for new great music.....
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Meet Joe Black, Raising Helen,
.. Blast from the Past, The Mummy, Good Morning Vietnam, Tapps, The Breakfast Club, of course Ferris B's Day Off, The Blues Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, ah more recently there's The 300, Miss Potter, Rome, Pathfinder, The Fountian, and so many more....
E.R., Grey's Anatomy, The Dead Zone, Stargate series, Jericho, The History Channel, Disscovery Channel, and other educational programing oh yeah and Martha Stewart
Rasing the Chances of Raising Responsible Teens, Parenting with Love and Logic, How to talk so teens will listen and listen so teens will talk, The other Bolin Girl, so you might guess that I have a teen that I am learning about, goodness help us all....=)
My Father who has always done his best to take care of his family both their material needs and most importantly their spiritual needs as well My husband who can deal with me through thick and thin and still love me despite it all