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l i s e t t e

MAGAZINE Publisher/Editor ================ where ur treasure is, there ur heart will also be'

About Me

My Interests

"INVIGORATE MY SOUL SO I CAN PRAISE YOU WELL, USE YOUR DECREES TO PUT IRON IN MY SOUL. AND SHOULD I WANDER OFF LIKE A LOST SHEEP -- SEEK ME! I'LL RECOGNIZE THE SOUND OF YOUR VOICE" (DAVID, Psalms 119:175-176Interests: i'm going to just ramble them all off here: Yeshua, the pursuit of absolute truth; God the creator of the universe; the redemptive power of Jesus Christ [Faith & Redemption], sincere friendships, literature, apologetics, creative endeavors, crafty folks, Messianic Jewish, Israel/Spain/Rome, glass art, Zola Levitt, world issues, celebrities making a difference with their lives & investing their celebrity status for the greater good, Hebrew/Greek, photography, print publishing, marketing & advertising, salsa/ballroom dancing, music exploration, history, Latin America, open-mindedness, money matters, editorial content in fashion/beauty/music/literature/film/art, Chicago/NYC/LA/Miami happenings, inspirational stories, fighting child abuse and violence against women locally & globally, protecting the weak and poor, fighting against child pornography & prosecuting the sick pigs who dare harm one of Gods little ones, activist moms, treasure hunting, business building, living out Proverbs 31 (or trying to at least), book of Psalms, event planning & promotions, t-shirt creations, selling print ads 4 magazines (not just my own), summers on the boat, Lake Michigan jogs, Lincoln Park zoo, bike riding with my family, building up my strength & stamina for long marathons, creative women (I’m inspired by their work), mosaics, paper art/craft, knitting, shoe shopping, selflessness (haven’t achieved this title-but Lord knows I’m trying!), beauty in all forms, creative ventures, people who break the mold, recycled art/clothes, Michelangelo, Boticelli, Van Gogh, the Art Institute of Chicago, Pablo Picasso, the life of St. Patrick, salsa competitions, loyalty, confident people (not to be confused with arrogance or self-centeredness), fearless living & loving, reading anything A.W. Tozer, listening to Ravi Zacharias, Way of the Master Radio show, black & white portraits, long road trips, living my dreams, a good cup of coffee (sorry, but Starbucks can’t deliver a good cup of café con leche), Cuba, Spaniard Jews, genealogy, archeology, Paris, Middle East, politics, the book of Revelations, John 10:10, Psalms 91:1, uniqueness, perseverance, letting go of something only to get it back 10 fold (Jesus talked about this; hard to do but I’ve seen this happen), other women who “run with the wolves,” coffee breaks at work instead of “cigarette” breaks, learning a new skill, skiing, reviewing local hot new boutiques in the city, film and theater, listening to my children (I mean, REALLY listening-I watch them as they speak-life is so perfect from their little perspectives…it’s refreshing!), I love seeing good fathers/husbands who know that love is an action and NOT just an emotion (good faithful men are hard to find, but when we see them through a discerning eye, we can spot them a MILE AWAY)-these men inspire me and remind me that there are loyal men in the world, people watching ALL THE TIME (love to see what people are wearing/reading/talking about-I’m just nosey like that…but not critical!), a good song on the radio, a voice mail/text from a distant friend, love and attention from my beloved (we girls can’t get enough of that), energy, surprises, discovery channel, magazines (I have just about every single one and rarely through anything away…even my European and Middle East mags), the Sunday paper, speaking in Spanish, helping other women get their lives together (for some reason the sad and lonely friends always run to me-and I always receive them with open arms), book clubs, poetry, meeting new people in my industry of work, figuring out my purpose (I have many purposes; they change), Indy folks, crafty anything and everything, running into an old boss (just to say “how you like me now!” JK), going to clubs and reviewing them (not for the weak at heart; I have to gird myself up to enter into some of these places; I still can’t figure out why people think getting drunk is fun or not remembering who/what/when/why/where the next day because they’re plastered from drinking-this isn’t a criticism-I pray for those folks believe it or not; it’s so sad…some of the most beautiful people in these clubs who have the lowest self-concept- how tragic), so many more interests…

I'd like to meet:

--------------------------------- COMPLACENCY KILLS! --------------------------------- Scripture: "For your Maker is your husband--the Lord Almighty is his name--the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit--a wife who married young, only to be rejected," says your God." Isaiah 54:5-6


Musical Interests: Tropical-Salsa/Bachata/Merengue, Alternative Rock, Gospel/Messianic Jewish/Christian, SMOOTH Jazz, soft Classical; high energy; old school salsa/house music


www.BellaTheMovie.com Pride and Prejudice; In the Time of Butterflies; Crash; Passion of the Christ; Walk the Line; Moulin Rouge; North Country; Narnia; Munich; Be Still & Know that I AM G-D; Constantine; Gladiator; the Pianist; World Trade Center; Saturday Night Fever; the Departed;


Women who run with the wolves; Fav authors: John Eldridge, Phil Yancey, the Apostle Paul, Ravi Zacharias, Erwin Lutzer, books on Apologetics; Favorite books-Proverbs/Psalms/Isaiah/Ecclesiastes/John/James; philosophy; biography; ------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++----------- -------Other Fav Books: BLUE LIKE JAZZ; COMING FROM EAST TO WEST; I CAME ALL THE WAY FROM CUBA TO DRESS LIKE THIS?; MERE CHRISTIANITY & ANTHING C.S. LEWIS; EPIC; JESUS-LOVER OF A WOMAN'S SOUL; COLONIZE THIS!; FLOW by Mihaly; I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS by Maya Angelou; ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------


Yeshua; Esther; Abigail; Abi; Mary Magdalene; Prophet Isaiah/Jeremiah; Nathan. Maya Angelou; Single Moms; ambitious folks; movers & shakers; teachers; people who exhibit sincere humility; meekness; lovers who love with reckless abandon; leaders of the Kingdom; activist for human rights; activists who protect the old & new covenant; messianic jews who stand up for Y'shua; "real" fathers & mothers; faithful men; loyal people; people who aren't afraid of going against the current;