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אריק הלמד

Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? - Mishlei 6:27

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Come study with a ONE GOD GROUP.

He Who Sins - By Mike DesarioCURRENT MOON moon info

Hello, to all. I am one of the fanatical ones that has an undying passion for The Most High: one of the people that would rather die in the land of the prophets - Eretz Yisra'el - than to live a life in the midst of an unclean people:

and having reduced to ashes the cities of Sedom and Amorah condemned them to destruction – having made them an example to those who afterward would live wickedly, and rescued righteous Lot, who was oppressed with the indecent behaviour of the lawless (for day after day that righteous man, dwelling among them, tortured his righteous being by seeing and hearing their lawless works), then Elohim knows how to rescue the reverent ones from trial and to keep the unrighteous unto the day of judgment, to be punished, and most of all those walking after the flesh in filthy lust and despising authority – bold, headstrong, speaking evil of esteemed ones, whereas messengers who are greater in strength and power do not bring a slanderous accusation against them before the Master. But these, like natural unreasoning beasts, having been born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheme that which they do not know, shall be destroyed in their destruction, - [2 Peter 2:6-12]

I'm proud to be an American but ashamed in many senses with what our society has become and where it's headed. I also know that I must teach and fulfill what our GOD as asked of us... may He clean my impure lips to do so:

And I said, “Woe to me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips – for my eyes have seen the Sovereign, of hosts.” And one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your crookedness is taken away, and your sin is covered.” And I heard the voice of saying, “Whom do I send, and who would go for Us?” And I said, “Here am I! Send me.” And He said, “Go, and you shall say to this people, ‘Hearing, you hear, but do not understand; and seeing, you see, but do not know.’ “Make the heart of this people fat, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and shall turn and be healed.” - [Isaiah 6:5-10]

It is our duty as followers of Yeshua to assemble for learning from one another and sharpening each other's countenance (Proverbs 27:17). This is the reason I am on here. Let's talk regardless of your denomination.

Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Biblical Hermeneutics [exegesis], Scriptural Allegories, Apocalyptic literature, Comparing Different ancient biblical works. Entymology, Mathematics, the study of out of place artifacts [OOPArts] and my only sport which was Martial Arts...

I'd like to meet:

ADONAI, Yeshua, Melkhi-tzidek, Mikha'el, Avraham, and the list goes on.


ALL NATURAL sounding music with little or no vocals/instrumental. If it has vocals it better be trying to inform me of something pleasant or useful. Otherwise it is Idle and we know what that means...Ezekiel 16:49


The Gospel According To John, Napoleon Dynamite, and any kind of biblical documentary... "Study to show your self approved... rightly DIVIDING the word of truth"-(2tim.2:15)
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TV is the devil... jokingly in one sense, but seriously in another. Parents, if you want chaste children don't let them watch t.v. or internet and if you must, don't let them watch it unattended, as there are many subtle messages. This won't save them of itself, but it will certainly help. We have reached a prophetic epoch in mainstream America - The War on Religion.

This movement stamps out much of what we consider to be values, varying according to the adherent, of course.

It's #1 conduit is the internet of which your children are said to spend three hours a day on average, #2 is the education system and Supreme court [unless we're talking about Islam], and #3 is the television another time consumer of your children. This movement has seized the opportunity to categorize all religion as something foolish and dangerous just because of a few reprobates that are so murderous that they'll blow themselves up in order to kill others. Television's bombardment of contentious topics and sacrilegious subliminal messages have contributed to this nation's negative view of religion and therefore its downfall.

As any martial arts master will tell you: "repitiion is the key..."

Just a decade ago, Jerry Springer was almost kicked off the network for "violent activities" but now we have bo-dogg fight on basic antennae channels. Around 1990 one could get reprimanded for airing a show that contained the word "ass", these days it is regular to see women call each other "bi7ches" and "Ho3s" on regular every day t.v. Part of this movement's campaign is to challenge anything that seems remotely Christian or biblical.

It isn't like the scriptures don't speak of this anyway and any student knows this elementary principle [Psalm 2].

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things made, both his eternal power and divinity, for them to be without excuse. Because, although knowing God, they did not glorify him as God, nor were they thankful, but became vain in their reasonings and their heart was darkened without understanding. Professing to be wise, they became foolish, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image like corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed things, and creeping things. And for this reason God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, to degrade their bodies among themselves, who changed the truth of God into the lie, and worshiped and served the creation against him who created it, who is blessed into the ages. Truly. Because of this God gave them up to shameful passions, for even their females changed the natural use into what is against nature. And likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, burned in their lust toward each other, males with males producing shamelessness, and receiving in themselves the recompense of their deviancy that was fitting And just as they did not approve having God in knowledge, God gave them over to an unfit mind, to do things that are not fit; having been filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; being gossips, slanderous, God-hating, aggressors, arrogant boasters, contrivers of evil things, disobedient to parents; without understanding, untrustworthy, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. Who, knowing the righteousness of God, that those who commit such things are worthy of death, not only do them, but also favor those who do. [Romans 1:20-32]

America was founded with a rifle in one hand and a bible in the other, as the saying goes. However, we've picked up an irreversible momentum of departure from our original founding principles and because of this, your country will fall just as Rome did - gloriously lived but relatively short...

Blessed be the Name of Elah forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons. He removes sovereigns and raises up sovereigns. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who possess understanding. He reveals deep and secret matters. He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him. I thank You and praise You, O Elah of my fathers. You have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of You, for You have made known to us the sovereign’s matter. <[b>Tenakh]



I enjoy reading The Dead Sea Scrolls [canonical and midrashim], The Septuagint (LXX Greek Old Testament), The Peshitta, The Stone Edition Chumash, Etz Hayim, The Aramaic Targumim, Talmud, Apocryphal and Pseudopigraphal works that predate Master Yeshua and his Talmudim. Any Midrash or work pertinent to understanding scripture further.


The Ancient of Days(YHWH), Yeshuah(Jesus), Mikha'el(The Arch Angel), And The rest of the legions- Matt. 26:53

My Blog

Yeshua in the Talmud: Bar Nafle

.. wide column -->     .. center column --> ...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:26:00 PST

Yeshua in the Talmud: Messiah in terms of Jubilees

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Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:23:00 PST

Yeshua in the Talmud: The millenial concept

Yeshua in the Talmud Lesson 6 ...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Wed, 02 May 2007 09:39:00 PST

Yeshua in the Talmud: The Leprous Messiah

By Joseph Shulam Graphic by ...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST

A.rmilus: The ancient Hebrew Anti-Christ...

The False messiah of the end of daysArmilus It has been taught that Rabbi Nechemyah said, "In the generation of Messiah's coming,&the Roman Empire will be converted to heresy"& This supports Rabbi...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 02:41:00 PST

The 613 Mitzvot/Commandments of Torah as divided by Maimonides

THE 613 MITZVOTMaimonides' Division of the MitzvotThe 248 Positive Mitzvot/Commandments:G_DP 1 Ex. 20:2 To believe in GodP 2 De. 6:4 To acknowledge the Unity of GodP 3 De. 6:5 To love GodP 4 De. 6:13...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:23:00 PST


Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:17:00 PST

The Dead Sea Scrolls: The New Jerusalem (Fragmented)

New Jerusalem1QJNar=1Q32, 2QExc=2Q4, 4QJMa=4Q554-5,5QJNar=5Q15, 11QJN=11Q18,Paraphrase and comments by John SankoParaphrase and notes edited by Alan HummIntroductionNew Jerusalem descriptions were wri...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:04:00 PST

The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Coming of Melchizidek (Fragmented)

The Coming of Melchizedek11Q13Col.2(...) And concerning what Scripture says, "In this year ofJubilee you shall return, everyone f you, to your property"(Lev. 25;13) And what is also written; "And this...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 06:52:00 PST

The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Chosen One (Fragmented)

The Chosen One4Qelect=4Q534, 4QarNC=4Q535-6Paraphrase and comments by Nick FlaniganIntroductionThe fact that all things happen according to God's divine plan for the world is a fairlycommon theme amon...
Posted by ÐèÙç ÔÜÞÓ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 06:50:00 PST