The Search for Higher Self. To seek through Prayer and JAPA Meditation to make conscious contact with the Source. To tame my EGO! To quiet the noise in my mind. To journey into the GAP between thoughts and join forces with the SACRED energy I recognize as GOD. I am also very keen on getting another HARLEY DAVIDSON.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, John Lennon, Marianne Willamson, Jesus of Nazareth (I got a few questions), Poet Gary Snyder, BONO, Buddha, Dali lama, Jalaluddin Rumi, Patanjali, Leonardo Da Vinci, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Jefferson and My Higher Self.
You are listening to V-ger..... RIGHT NOW!Hey!, go give some love to my brother V-GER! Please explore ALL the "SHELTER" artists on my friend list.............................On a different note (Note- get it?) check out my friend "DR. STEEL". An unusual performer. Or is this a performance? Judge for yourself and let me know what YOU think................. I enjoy most musical styles except that stuff that ECHO and Heather listen to! HA! I will generate a list of favorites soon........... AND if you like classic rock check out- GREAT band and yours truely co wrote two of the songs on the new CD.
This week rent "Way of the Peaceful Warrior"
HAVE GUN-WILL TRAVEL. Richard Boone (dressed in BLACK) starred as Paladin in this seminal 1950s Western TV series. This gunslinger with a heart was my first HERO. Episodes written by Gene Roddenberry are excellent and carry touches he will much later bring to Star Trek. Get the series on DVD.
FREEDOM- by Sonny Barger. Turtle island by Gary Snyder, Getting in the Gap- by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Way of the Peaceful Warior by Dan Millman, Wisdom of the Ages- by Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny- by Wayne Dyer, A Return to Love, Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles- by Marianne Williamson, Modern Arboriculture- by Dr. Alex L. Shigo, Arboriculture- by Dr. Richard Harris, One Straw Revolution, an Introduction to Natural Farming- by Masanobu Fukuoka, The Monkey Wrench Gang- by Edward Abbey, ANY of the Humorous Writtings by Daniel S. Goodman.
Robert Barry Leech(R.I.P. my Brother)of the classic rock band- "BLUEBEARD". A true artist, a tortured soul. He was my friend...... Ralph "SONNY" Barger. If I have to explain- you wouldn't understand. Sonny stepped in and changed my direction when I was on the wrong path, THANK YOU Chief. My greatest hero is my lover and best friend- the artist known as (Julie) Echo.