Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince profile picture

Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince

Blood of a Slave, Heart of a King You want Me on Your side...Emet www.zfa.org.il/

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I Have A Dream

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The Bill of Right

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Add to My Profile | More VideosAbout Me? Hebrew style is pedigree/enemies'll never see the best of me or see a respit B/Its G-ds Armor, protecting me like G-ds Aura/Bomb waters with Divine Knowledge and act lawless/spray rawness, Covet HaTorah cause it's G-ds gift/G-ds Splif, acknowledge the knowledge that The G-d spit/...ready for War with Teffilin and a rusty knife/the dead of night i spy the site and attack in the light/my aim is tight its too prescise for when Amalek strikes/this game of life can have You praying for wrong over right/but my fight is to unite, no more funeral pipes/Halacha tells us to persue peace at all roads/till they come blasting for You, then let it all go/let it all blow, they tastin lead now/twisted like Hindus seeing me rip through a dead cow
i am a Jew, proudly born and raised in America. Ani Tziyonim, i am a Religious Tzionist how does this mesh... i love America, i hate amerikkka. The aspirations of Americas founding fathers were beautiful, Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness... It makes me tingle, yet they were not infoulable, not nearly. There were many "convenient loopholes" alowing slavery, racial and religious discriminations and sexism, We wont even disscus the masonry foundation... Freedom to worship, or not to was revolutionary as a doctrine of a Nation, and those abiding by those laws still had hard feelings toward other religious groups, steming back to wherever they came from and whatever grandma told them was evil and wrong. Yet there was no Official National Faith, a legal environment, not so tolerant though. Corruption, discrimination and greed have plauged Government since the Greeks, after the Children of Israel had Democratically elected King Saul, good choice. Being as it is, for all its flaws, I love Lady Liberty. In its pure essense. Yisrael, LECH LECHA! Our Eternal Homeland, the Land of Milk and Honey. Yerushalayim. Any faithfull Jew should feel those words. Tzionism has been argued for and against by Jews and Gentiles on either side. I dont see how one can say that they are a faithful Jew, and not instantly be a Tzionist, it goes hand in hand, Torah demands We be Tzionists. Better to live in squalor in Yisrael, than to have all the fat of Babylon...
im not left, right, capitalist, communist, pacifist, agressor, demorat, republicunt, black, or white... Ani Yehude. Ani Elyahu Chaim ben Reuvin All Praise due The Holy One, Blessed is HE
Cool SlideshowsNew York City, home of the nitty gritty. Thoro-bred New Yorker. Cannabis freedom fighter and Activist for legalization. Published Columnist, Poet, Lyricist, and Song Writer. Deep conversationalist, Religious and Historical themes get me open. Through pain comes the apreciation of laughter, I gotta crack a joke. Once one man thought that he was bigger than one man, that one man threw man off of G-ds plan. Jewish stuff for your profile at ChaiSpace.com !

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My Interests

"According to Palestinian Authority"

Aaron Russo- Freedom To Fascism
Robert Newman- History Of Oil

Walid Shoebat- Former PLO Terrorist turned Israel Supporter ..
History of Marijuana

I'd like to meet:

Revolutionaries. Jews. Freedom Fighters. Independant Thinkers. Are you sleeping through the revolution?

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Add to My Profile | More VideosIts important to overstand that i do not support random violence against ANY people, and that i DO NOT have any feelings of hatred towards Arabs or Muslims. The difference is with an individual claiming to be "pro-palestine" or a Jihadist Muslim that does not respect the beauty of other peoples cultures. The "pro-palestinian" is an excuse for hatred of Jews garbbed in righteousness that this generation believes, but was born of racism. Read my BLOG about "palestine" and just how rediculous thier beef is. Its purely a hatred of Jews, The Arab nations have downpressed Jews living in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Jordan since before Yisrael was re-born as a Nation, so to say this is a new beef... purely over boarders... is false. Truth is, We all (Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Secular people) roamed around Yisrael/Palestine in peace for many years, but the rest of the Islamic run nations didnt take too kindly to Us, but in Yisrael there was peace... Unfortunately, True and Righteous Muslim Leaders have been assassinated, many times, by thier own "brothers" for trying to achieve peace with Us since 1948. I have not forgotten Yitzchak Rabin, or the innocent Muslim men women and children killed by Jews either. The land was poor, by all definitions. Early Tzionists settled, with guns. We didnt go in blasting We set up communities, peacefully since the late 1800's. We were tight nit, well guarded by Our own Revolutionary Spark to make Aliyah to The Holy Land as The Torah Of HaShem commands. Violence occured. Jews defended thier settlements. Let it show that We never occupied a territory with force. We moved in next door. Weve had bonds with Our neighbors and Cousins, yet there were from time to time tempers. Larger battles also errupted with death tolls over 100 a few times. 1948 comes around (1948 from creation also being the birth of Avraham, Father of The Prophets) England "gave" it to Us after nearly two decades of funding and fighting with Jordanian military forces against Tzionist settlements. It was surely to ignite a pressure cooker and flee. After this time, the Jordanian Government refused return to many of the people making them a mass number of homeless ex-Jordanian militants, nationless. We DID NOT kick the Arabs out, We tried to be nieghbors, and We were attacked by Jordanians that were expelled from Jordan, and WE CALLED THEM PALESTINIANS! Being that palestine was not an official country on its own rights, it had help from the U.K., the U.S., Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, and had no internal governmet, it was a multi national territory. Overstand that a "pro palestinian" is in essense mislead to believe that there was a country called palestine, and that it was stolen by the U.N. and given to the Jews. We called Arafat a Palestinian leader cause he had the loudest voice. We gave the PLO its name. Read a book. Not all Muslims are this ignorant. Most are good, honest , strong men and women who praise Faithfull The One Almighty. To the LIBERAL ON THE LEFT: Are You willing to submit to the will of Allah? If not, a radical terrorist will behead You just as quickly as anyone else. They are not interested in Your figurative "bleeding heart" they have no concern for Your "humanitarianism" Look at the violence they carry out on innocent people, un-armed people, good "humanitarians". THINK.
Hip Hoppers, Beat Rockers, Rhyme Droppers and Drunk Doctors. Kabbalah Scholars, gotta holla shorty's from Bahamas. Israelites, Russian kids, Mexicans, Dominicans, just have a mind to write a line, admire overcoming grime, I got mad love for all the people of all the world, unless youre a hater of the sweet Mary Jane, my girl, and my PeopleYISRAEL


I grew up around rap, and it was my first artistic venture writing rhymes at 7 and 8 yrs. old. They werent very good but it was like an outlet for me. Since days of old, I've been put on to many different music styles. Harmony, melody, and rythm are more powerful than even language, in that they are heard by the soul, not overstood by the mind. kick a beat, stomp ya feet, get them bastards out thier seats, make em shout make em cry, make em laugh before they die, see dem cry before dem fly. All splifs to the sky recognize the Most High. The Most High
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Basic Gun Care...Be craeful with the springs .. width="425" height="350" ..


FUCK T.V. It is the the tool with which the masses are herded as sheep. HaRevoluTZION!!! FUCK YOUR SLAVE BOX!!!


Torah, Neviim, Khetuvim, Talmud, Zohar, the 4TH Book of Maccabees, The "Lost" Books of Eden, Dead Sea Scrolls, Tehillim and Orot, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, Lies my Teacher Told Me, Art Of War, Hadith, The Naked Capitalist, Numerous Poetry Collections, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Fear and Loathing, Dantes Epics, The teachings of Amos, and the Book of Daniel... Chapters 11/12. Read it. Much respect. It goes on. The knowledge in books can liberate, not like the soothing, consuming rays of the T.V.Master. Rise from the idols of T.V. and free your Spirit, Read-Up young SoulJahMartin luther King Jr Video Documentary

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My Father, Rueben-Richard G-d rest his soul. King David, peace be with him. Avrahim, father of the prophets, peace be with him.Yaakov, a man of honesty, peace be with him. Moshe Rabeinu, Peace be with him. Amos the Prophet, read up on that man, may peace know his soul. Martin Luther King Jr, peace be with him. John Fitzgereld Kennedy, peace be with him. Hunter S. Thompson, may he finaly know peace... All my heroes are dead, except the child who sees truth dispite the miseducation of his parents. All those who past, dreaming of and never seeing, a lasting PEACE. HaRevoluTZION!!! Peace, Be Still

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My Blog

Truth for the people. Justice for Yisrael

B"HThroughout the course of human history, the fight for the liberation of peoples, the dismantling of abusive monarchies, governments and regimes, tied with the strife to attain a real, genuine, last...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 01:12:00 PST

Eretz HaKodesh

B"HBaruch HaShemBaruch HaShemBaruch HaShemi have made the move, the only move, from galut to the land where a Yid can be a Yid.No politics, no Davar Torah, just some personal feelings in this one.my e...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 02:10:00 PST

Altered "Evidence"

Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:01:00 PST

Who is not accountable?

B"HThe man who sold his god for a bucket of waterThe daughter who sold her flesh for a buck and a quaterThe soldier who sold his people on executive orderThe wealthy man taking advice from the righteo...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 03:51:00 PST

We Mourn

B"HAn easy fast to You. Our people have been exiled, rediculed, scoffed at, mocked, abused and acused by the nations of the world. Is this how Yud-K-Vav-K is sanctified in this realm? Could this be th...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 02:21:00 PST

Khazars and 911

B"HWell, no generation of Jews should be without thier "blood libel" My father was charged with conspiring to take over Germany through business prowess, his father was charged with banking schemes to...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:54:00 PST

Random Thoughts

B"HRandom thoughts, expressions to the universe..., uni-verse, uni? or You an' i? Is not the entire universe the fertile and nourishing whomb of the mother? Her children kiling Her children on the str...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:28:00 PST

Hebrew Sovereignty

B"HStop and think. Shimon Peretz, a man who said "there is nothing to be proud of in Jewish history", a man who said "We (the Israelis) have lost and they (the Jews) have won" is the President of the ...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 02:03:00 PST


B"HIts a sad "i told You so". The fact of the matter is that the Egyptian Israel boarder is now wide open through Gaza and Israel plays the diplomacy game again. Why do We play this rediculous politic...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 10:58:00 PST


B"HShavua tov v'Chag semeachKuf Dalet Shin. The Hebrew characters that spell the root of the word Kadosh. This is commonly interpreted as "Holy". The root of the word "holy" is from the Greek word he...
Posted by Polluted Brilliance: Ashkenaz Prince on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 05:48:00 PST