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You can cite reasons or not, as you wish. We will thoroughly investigate every complaint.
Start an Undercover Profile
You can find and infiltrate cliques of users through participation in MySpace Groups. Copy/Paste text from outside sources like other message boards, web sites, and chatrooms to gain credibility. Try to reword it, if you can.
Try to be in the 50th percentile range on the Fanat-O-Meter. Nobody trusts the new guy in the mosque screaming, "Death to America".
Leave no links to your real profile. No shared friends, no duplicate emails; if you write alot in your undercover persona, use intentional spelling and grammar errors to help throw off the scent.
When you create your alternate profiles, don't customize your URL. That way, if you are discovered by your target(s), you can quickly anonymize by changing your name, default pic, and layout.
If you find a group of people that you think may be a serious threat, DON'T POKE THEM. Or at least, before you do, let someone else know whom you are poking.
B'nai Elim Blog
B'nai Elim Home Page
CAGE: news
Clarity & Resolve
Front Page Magazine
Little Green Footballs
Middle East Media Research Institute
Western Resistance
World's Reality
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
American Congress For Truth
Campus Watch
Counter-Jihad Education Task Force
Daniel Pipes
Martin Kramer on the Middle East
Northern Virginiastan
United American Committee
Americans Against Hate
Coalition Against Terrorist Media
Cooper Republic
Global Terror Alert
Institute for Counter-Terrorism
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Internet Haganah
Prophet of Doom
SITE Institute
Students Against Terrorism
The Counterterrorism Blog
The Intelligence Summit Blog
The Terror Tracker
The Terrorism Research Center
The Terrorism Update
Watch - Covering the War on Terror
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Armenian National Institute
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Compass Direct
Islam Review
The Free Copts
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Middle East Truth
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Women's Aid Organisation of Malaysia
Women's Rights in Iran
American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Annaqed -- The Critic
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Apostates of Islam - We left Islam
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Free Muslims Coalition
Institute for Islamic Society
Islam Watch
Righteous Muslims and Arabs
The Truth Project
A Muslim Speaks on Islam
Lo Ta'amod 'al Dam Re'ekha
Pursuant to the B'nai Elim Mission Statement, we are launching a Clean-Up-OurSpace Initiative. The goal is to locate, expose, and remove users and groups that threaten or attack Jewish people or interests in any manner.
Want to help? You can start by Adding us, and telling your friends to Add us. Also, remember to REPORT to us any anti-semitic profiles or groups you find, and watch for "Report and Delete"'bulletins.
If you'd like to be more involved in the Clean-Up-OurSpace project, you can join the S'Maccabee Club and be a first responder to anti-semitism on MySpace, as well as work directly with us to infiltrate and disrupt terrorist-leaning groups and cliques here at MySpace.