Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! profile picture

Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai!

You say potato, I say Kartoffel.

About Me

ATTN: If your profile is set to private and you don't send a message when trying to add me, you get insta-denied!
I also don't do critiques anymore, be it writing, art, or lettering-- unless the fancy strikes me. There's just not enough time and too much work to be done as it is.
Are you bored? Why don' cha have a look at my complete portfolio?
This is what I do: Letter and edit comics, do pre-press, design, general production management, and occasionally write. Not nearly enough writing there, unfortunately.
My principal comics employers right now are Silent Devil and Markosia, as Production Manager for both. I also letter for them (Starship Troopers & Kong: King of Skull Island for Markosia, Unhappy White Girls, Dracula vs. Capone et al. for Silent Devil).
Further companies that I letter books for are Image Comics (Low Orbit, Outlaw Territory, PopGun, The Surreal Adventures of Edgar Allan Poo), Desperado Publishing (Thirteen Steps by Phil Hester), Th3rd World Studios (Omega Chase, Space Doubles), Archaia ( Awakening ), Spacedog House (Hip Hop Chronicles), and many more.
But let's not forget lettering/editing work for creators such as Chris Yost & Scott Wegener , Rich Johnston , Christian Beranek & Josh Medors (Willow Creek), and Mark Andrew Smith & Paul Maybury (Aqua Leung at Image Comics).
And what would our modern age be without web comics? A lonelier place, let me tell you. Yessirree. Here's some webcomic stuff also on my plate:
Taki Soma's "You'll Never Die..." (weekly - WED)
HoCal (weekly - THU)
The Surreal Adventures of Edgar Allan Poo (weekly - SAT -- stopped lettering this after volume 1 concluded which is still ongoing in web comic form. The second volume is in production, I'm told).

My Interests

History, popular culture, politics, books, music, comics, movies, theatre, friends, writing, lettering

I'd like to meet:

"Why We Fight" - A simple explainer as to the issues causing the Writer's Strike


Lots of different genres. Leave me alone with Friend request, though, music people. If I don't send an add request, I don't want you on my list. Sorry.


Equilibrium, Sin City, Shaun of the Dead, Batman Begins, X-Men, Spider-Man, Indiana Jones, Star Wars 4 - 6, Lord of the Rings, Sergio Leone spaghetti westerns, Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon, Seven Samurai, L.A. Confidential, Gattaca, King Richard III (with Ian McKellen), Fight Club, American Psycho, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, All Quiet on the Western Front


Lost, Veronica Mars, Firefly, Medium, The Shield, The Wire, The Sopranos, Rome, Carnivale, Deadwood, Alias, Scrubs, Coupling, The Office (UK), Parker Lewis Can't Lose, Twin Peaks, Babylon 5, Crusade, American Gothic


Gerald Brennan, The Spanish Labyrinth; Michael Herr, Dispaches; Bernard Fall, Last Reflections on a War; Fortunate Son: The Autobiography of Lewis B. Puller, Jr.
Joseph Conrad, The Heart of Darkness; Lothar-Günther Buchheim, Das Boot; Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front, Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose, Baudolino; Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho; Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club; Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers; H.P. Lovecraft
The Hunger, Daredevil, Captain America, Runaways, Y - The Last Man, Ex Machina, New X-Men, Of Bitter Souls, Scar Tissue, Path to Armageddon, Wasteland, Dead Men Tell No Tales, Elektra, The Punisher

My Blog

Stuffing the Eagle Awards 2007 ballot box Nominate me in the favorite letterer category, please. :)...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:18:00 PST

I am going to *shudder* watch Lipstick Jungle

Not because I'm interested in the show, but because my favorite band Bitter:Sweet has two songs in the pilot from their upcoming album. One of them is actually the show's theme song. Listen to it here...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:05:00 PST

Printers with non-resumable, web based file uploads. GAH!

Today is printfile upload day at AAM/Markosia. We have a total of four books going to print this month which total 352.3MB - actually, it's probably gonna be more like 450MB, but one interior file goe...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:55:00 PST

Another Starship Troopers 5 review - and this time Im credited! iewst.htm Starship Troopers 5 Bad Blood Part 1 By Cy Dethan, Paul Green & Thomas Mauer. "Shame me, and I will piss bullets down yo...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 04:37:00 PST

Woohoo! First Starship Troopers 5 review! While investigating Anachnid activity, Elite Pathfinder platoon, Vanuakens Vandals discovers much more than they expected. New writer Cy Dethan ...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 09:03:00 PST

PopGun vol. 1 reviewd on G4’s Attack of the Show! "You'll want to buy this for the art, not for the writing" is a weird thing to say, but fuck it. This plug made PopGun the 3 Image book on Amazon ...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 04:49:00 PST

PopGun vol. 1 reviewed by The Onion A.V. Club! "Anthology fans will find a lot more variety and accessibility in Image's mammoth "mix-tape" Popgun Volume One, which reads like a 450-page answer to Villard'...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 04:22:00 PST

Small update

The book with Boatwright is a lock. Contract's being drawn up, but that's more of a formality at this point and of course important for the tax man. 8)
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:11:00 PST

Today was a good day

...and I only got up 1.5 hours ago! Got some awesome news from CB this morning. More to come as it develops, but it'll make a lot of people happy. A LOT of people. Oh yeah, I'm also lettering "The P...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 02:38:00 PST

NYCC is on like Donkey Kong!

I just booked my flight for a trip to the New York Comic Convention in April. For about two weeks now, my credit card wouldn't work with the company I was trying to book the flight with, so trying ano...
Posted by Thomas Mauer: Lettering Samurai! on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 04:10:00 PST