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About Me

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Mate!, lets just say i could write a book! which i am doing, but its taking a while.!
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I live in sydney, Im a self employed MYOB specialist Bookkeeper. (& for those of u who dont know what that is....well its not a "Bookie" as in races & bets.....& i dont work in a library..... its that nasty paper work & accounting stuff that everbody (except for me) HATES!!!I have ran my own biz since 1993. Its called "one Day Secretary" (if only it was 1 day). I think i should have called it "24/7 Bookkeeping & Counselling" LOL!!I work too bloody much!! But love what i DO!!! Im a very down to earth person!! Possibly 1 of the most down to earth peeps u will ever chat to. Or maybe not!!! Maybe im just full of crap!!! How can 1 really tell ......
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Life is too short for bullshitt..i reckon!!
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I have 2 kids
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts(that drive me totally insane)& Dale (or known by some of u as "Blindlemon" my wonderful yet crazy partner of 14yrs... (hey im puttin in for long service leave)....that would pay for my 1 way ticket to the Bahammas anyway...
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So basically "Im INSANE"!! but life did drive me to this point...i wasnt born like this!!! LOL!!!
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I played softball for cabramatta! We made it to the finals...but i chucked a wobbly (which is what the coach was doing entire way along season)& didnt turn they lost 31 to 5.....Now surely i didnt make that much difference to the team!!! Usually its always stinking hot days that we have to play!! & im usually the idiot stuck out in the field with the cows.....last game i dint touch the ball..except when i batted. Thank god its am going to try to start our own team for next season!! Look OUT!!!!
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Im into just about anything/everything! (Usually mischief) I will try anything once. Nothing is considered weird to me (well that would be like the pot calling the kettle black) LOL!!.
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The stories i have heard, the things i have seen are sometimes unbelievable!! (or were they just character building???)
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Im into (or i dont not oppose) astrology, numerology, aliens, ghosts,spirits, black magic, white magic, witches
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ufo's .anything interesting.....u name it... a lot of people call me "OUT THERE"(im still trying to work out where "OUT THERE" actually is)
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...however compared to some of the people i A SAINT!!!
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I luv chattin to people!
Myspace Quotes ..well nice peeps anyway. (altho i come across a lot of idiots in my path) So feel free to drop me a line (if your nice that is) & if you are not!!! Go harass blindlemon....LOL
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(Clyde is the Tan Ridgeback x Labrador) R.I.P "CLYDE" (25/2/07) & R.I.P Bonnie (Bonnie is the boxer x ?) We found her wandering the streets one day. She was a great dog...but wild & uncontrollable...(she broke into a bird cage of our neighbour (which happened to be the owner of the house we were currentlt renting at the time) & ate the birds....but we still loved her...)
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R.I.P PAM!!!!! - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics This is the car id like to own!!!!
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Myspace Icons - Free Image Hosting

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My Interests

Cool SlideshowsI am interested in a POINT!!!I luv online chatting!! You can have the online dating!! (the stories i hear bout that) Im really diggin this myspace.... i think its AWESOME!If i aint online im usually playing taxi driver for my children & if i aint doing that im at work.I have a daughter that does
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Karate &
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cheer leading & a son that plays basketball
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& football (rugby league)
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. Dale is obsessed with Rugby league (like most aussies!!!)I love to watch kickboxing, UFC, Muay Thai, Street Fights,
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Pride Fights U name it ill watch it! (only to watch tho, so far anayway)I get enough of an adrealin rush from just watching!!!
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I like going to Rodeo's , drag races , speedway...basically anything FAST & DANGEROUS!!! Like to live on the edge (but only from my seat ..LOL)Oh & i really love it when my kids stay over at my dads place, that is really awesome!! LOL
More stuff at ChangeYourLayout.comAh & i think this bloke is hot !!!!!!
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I'd like to meet:

As many interesting people as possible. The more people i meet the more i learn....& the more i appreciate what i have !!!
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All sorts, im pretty well open in that department! As u will see from the music currently playing....But a few favs: EMINEM, SNOOP,

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50Cent, there is really too many to mention... i will listen to pretty much anything (cept for opera, country, folk, wiggles)
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-------------------There are several ways of identifying a meth user. Listed below is a generalized list of symptoms of a meth user, keep in mind that just because a person is experiencing the symptoms listed below does not automatically mean that they are using meth.Users may experience: agitation, excited speech, decreased appetites, and increased physical activity levels (Other common symptoms include dilated pupils, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and elevated body temperature). Occasional episodes of sudden and violent behavior, intense paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and bouts of insomnia. A tendency to compulsively clean and groom and repetitively sort and disassemble objects such as cars and other mechanical devices.increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration flushed or tense appearance dilated pupils bloodshot eyes a chemical odor on their breath excessive sweating rapid speech inability to sleep or eat severe weightloss rotting teeth scars and open sores paranoia hallucinations (often times auditory) repetitive behavior memory loss depression psychosis teeth grinding restlessness tremors Increased heart rate Elevated body temperature Flushed or tense appearance Loss of appetite Panic attacks False sense of confidence Loss of pleasure Excessive talking Dry mouth Aggressive behavior Open sores or blemishes Distorted sense of timeWho was the dickhead that invented sudoeffedrin, he outta be shot for causing so much destruction in so many peoples lives. With the result of "METH" or better known as "ICE" or "CRACK"! here is some info that i have gathered! Hopefully someone will read this stuff & it will stop them from ever trying it!!!Here are some letters:Son using meth I never, ever in a million years could have guessed the absolute destructive force that is meth. About five months ago, my 17-year-old son started using meth. I know this because he broke up with a girl he seemed head over heels in love with and started hanging out with 'new' friends ~ gangster scraps, kids who want people to believe they're hard core, so they steal and fight and behave like animals to gain acceptance by other kids who steal and fight and behave like animals. The break-up devastated him and he moped around for weeks, moody and depressed. Then suddenly he started going out, hanging with his new friends and staying out all night, making excuses and lying about why he couldn't be home by curfew and telling me to 'chill' when I'd get upset he wasn't abiding by the rules. It seems strange to me that he chose meth as his drug of choice since he spoke about tweakers with much disdain. "Fuckin' tweakers!" was one of his favorite things to say about someone he hated. Then he stopped saying it. Within two months of starting the drug, money began disappearing from my checking account, small, but expensive, electronics like portable DVD players and CD players started disappearing from the house. Then one morning while checking my banking information, I saw a huge amount of money had been taken out with my ATM card. I confronted him and he said he'd never do that to his family, then while I was out of the house, he packed his things and ran away. He's been gone almost two months now and in that time he's come back twice to burgle our home ~ he stole a new VCR/DVD player, his younger brother and sister's Christmas presents (two new 13" Magnavox DVD/TV's), the family computer, an expensive set of sockets, a Sony Walkman with $45 headphones attached, my purse with all my banking information, and our van. He then stole $400 from our bank account using my ATM card, then using my business credit card, stole $55 from that account. We secured the house after that putting alarms on all outside doors, locks on all the windows ~ we even bought a 12-gauge shotgun. He broke in again about a week ago, but only got as far as the garage, where he stole about $50 worth of meat from the freezer and other food items stored in the garage. When he opened the garage door that is attached to the house, the door alarm went off and scared him away. The crap part about all of this, as if this weren't crappy enough, is there is an underground railroad type mentality amongst his friends. Everybody knows where he is, but will only say they saw him there AFTER he's already left. I've had police scouring the neighborhood with specific addresses and phone numbers to no avail ~ the kid is just one step ahead of them, and I know we're not the only place he's stolen things from. I hear lots of mumbling in the 'hood about what he's been seen with and where he may have gotten it, so his life of crime is running full force. He is completely out of his mind. He isn't even the kid I raised. Other than vaguely resembling the child I know and love, this violent creature roaming the streets wearing my son's name isn't mine anymore. My greatest fear is that I will live the rest of my life afraid he will remain this thing meth has turned him into, and that he will haunt us our whole lives until he kills us or we are forced to kill him. --Justine______________________I'm 14 and for my whole life someone in my fanily has done meth. My dad did it for the longest time. He stoped about 2 years ago. Well about a year and a half ago my mom started to do meth alot. It started out with her being in the bath room for hours at a time. I didnt really think about it till my step dad started to point it out to me and my sisters. Afther about 4 month of her doing it really hard my step dad left, and left my sisters and me there. My mom and me didnt get along at all. We were all was fusing at each other and all most got into a couple of fist fights. She had people coming in and out of our house all the time. Most of the people were men, and i didnt fell right with them there. Some of the guys scared me, like the way the looked at me. I told my mom but she didnt do any thing about it. In jan. I moved in with my dad. i dint really no him but i thought it would be better to live with him than with my mom. When i moved out of my moms house she didnt have power or heat. My little sisters stilled lved with her and i woried about hem al the time. It's been a little over a year sence i moved out. My mom has lost everything. She doesnt have a house, a car, and she doesnt even have her kids. Both of the parents have died and her brother is in jail for the same thimg. She will call me some times and she says she tryin to get better, but ever time i see her i can tell she is fucked up. She thinks i dont no but i do. She has turned my sisters and my life up sid down, and she doesnt even care. i try to help but she wont let me. I dont no what to do --Doris ________________________________What meth has done to me... I was addicted to crystal meth from age twenty until I was thirty-four years old. That's FOURTEEN years of just about EVERY other day of doing this highly addicting drug. I come from a middle-high class family and starting using meth to lose some weight. I was a pretty young girl who was about thirty pounds overweight, and heard this street drug helped you curb your appetite and gave you a boost of energy. I knew I was hooked from day one. Man, was this drug the ULTIMATE!! It made me feel so beautiful and have all this energy. And the sex on it was so mind blowing! Everything on it was mind blowing for me. I loved it. I lost all my excess weight and had the energy to do anything and everything. I ALWAYS went to work because I ALWAYS had the speed to get me through the day. I held down the same job as a waitress for fourteen years--which is how long I did the drug for--fourteen years. Meth made me so friendly and outgoing considering I was semi shy off of the drug, or should I say before I starting using the drug. I kept my drug addiction a secret from my family and friends. People just thought I had tons of energy. And I always had money for my fix since I always went to work. I allowed myself to come down off the drug on my two days off so I could start all over again the beginning of the week. I even hid this secret from my boyfriend of eight years!!!!!! How could he not know I was on speed you ask?? He never tried it and didn't know anyone who did it so how would he know the signs to look for?? He saw me have compulsive shopping marathons and caught me in lies and couldn't understand why I barely slept. And the anger outbursts---oh my God!!! He just thought that was me--how I was normally. I kept it very well hidden. I thought I was just brilliant. I used to roll the meth up in a wad of tissue and swallow it with some water. I didn't want to be the obvious user and have the sniffles all the time or a runny nose. Then after fourteen fast years, at age thirty four I starting having this horrible heaviness within my chest--like I could barely breathe so I rushed to the emergency room. The hospital did an EKG and said something was very wrong with my heart and admitted me. I was shocked considering I never had any health problems and nothing of any illness ran in my family. Of course I had the common cold or occasional flu...but who doesn't? After several days of being in the hospital, I was told I had a leaky mitral heart valve. My heart valve wasn't opening up and closing correctly so I was told I had to have open heart surgery. They gave me the options of either having a pig valve put in, or a mechanical valve made of metal. The pig valve would only last ten years and the metal valve would last forever. The down side about the metal valve was that I would have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life so I would never be "allowed" to have children--because they would be deformed. Never having any kids(which mentally I was never ready for yet since I was such a drug addict) or being able to have kids but having to look forward to having to open heart surgery again ten years down the road--I opted for the no children and had my surgery. About a week later--the hospital kept a close eye on me--I went into cardiac arrest and died for twenty-seven minutes. The doctors told my family and boyfriend I would never mentally be the same. That I would be slow. Being dead that long does something to your brain--the lack of oxygen or something. But the doctors revived me after being dead and I have no brain damage!! I showed them I thought. Then they put in a pacemaker in to give my now damaged heart a shock whenever my heart rate gets out of wack. Needless to say, I was NUTS in the hospital before, during and even after my surgery. The hospital staff all knew I was coming down off from crystal meth. But it wasn't just my coming down from the speed that made me feel like I was losing my mind. It was also accepting my open heart surgery and pacemaker and my option of having children was ripped away from me. I have this huge ugly scar from the top of my chest all the way down to the top of my stomach. And this pacemaker has shocked me several times already which feels like an electric shock going through my heart. It's scary. I also obtained high blood pressure and depression.I'm now thirty seven years old and have been clean for three years. Not by my choice--believe me. I'm just scared of dropping dead if I do some more speed. Otherwise speed is all I still think about still. I only have 15% of a heart left since the drugs damaged it so badly. I've also gained one hundred pounds which also gave me diabetes. I no longer have any energy and I mean ANY. And I've been clean three years and I am always depressed, tired and fat. I hate my life now so much and still am consumed with having "speed dreams" and still think of wanting to do speed. Speed dreams are where you dream your on speed. I still have them almost every night. Where do I go from here?? I hate my life now so much--I can't seem to shake off this weight--which I know contributes to why I feel I have no energy. I'm still with the same guy and I withold sex from him because I'm never in the mood anymore. "I'm too fat" I tell him. "Please wait for me to lose some weight." And I haven't and he's still waiting. I no longer get any mental highs--no excitement from really anything anymore.