G’day! Welcome to the world of Merrick and Rosso.
We’re a couple of Aussie comedians who have worked together for the last ten years or so. We do Stand up, Radio, T.V and illegal adult movies. ( except in Germany where they are still legal!)
We can currently be heard daily on our syndicated radio show on the Nova network. We do morning radio each day in Sydney and can be heard around the rest of the country later in the day.
We often tell people that we met in prison, which of course is bullshit, we are way too good looking to survive on the inside.
Our favourite t.v show is anything with Corporal Klinger in it. We also like Japanese game shows where people get badly hurt in an attempt to take their minds off killing themselves.
Our hobbies are : Being awesome.
Our biggest failing is : Modesty.
Our favourite food is : Ranch dressing (hold the salad)
Our favourite holiday destination is : Anywhere you can drink and use firearms whilst in a car with teenage lady boys. ( Or Thailand)
Person we’d most like to meet: The guy who said “no†to Paris Hilton, and whilst there we can chat to Bigfoot and give the Loch Ness monster a reach around!
For more unsavoury material, go to merrickandrosso.com.
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