arguing, deconstructing, activism, spoken word poetry, all poetry, music, film, books, art, spanish, human rights, connecting, zazen, guitar, singing, coffee, tea, law, labor issues, those annoying abstract concepts that don't mean anything but are fun to talk about
Sufis, and someone who can teach me how to whistle.
tori amos, antony and the johnsons, joan as police woman, sufjan stevens, iron and wine, nina simone, ella fitzgerald, jolie holland, gillian welch, patsy cline, adriana varela, carlos gardel, belle and sebastian, billie holiday, bob dylan, andrew bird, johnny cash, mirah, neil fucking young, nick drake, nintendo rules, regina spektor, sigur ros, ani difranco, radiohead, the smiths, the beach boys, bjork, tom waits, zap mama, tool, bajo fondo tango club, cat power, james taylor, the mamas and the papas, simon and garfunkel, coco rosie, robert johnson, raquy and the cavemen, my brightest diamond, la pequena orquestra reincidentes, talib kweli, common, lhasa de sela
Before Sunrise/Before Sunset, Harold and Maude, Thelma and Louise, Beetle Juice, A League of Their Own (yes, i like geena davis movies),Kubrick stuff, Brazil, Empire Records, Alice in Wonderland (1985 TV version), Jean Luc Godard's stuff, David Lynch's stuff, In America, The Neverending Story, The Hours, The Goonies, WHAS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bedknobs and Broomsticks
I don't really watch tv. BUT...if someone informs me that there will be an occurrence of Get Smart, Mork and Mindy, or The Twilight Zone reruns, I'm there.
(authors) Daniel Quinn (Ishmael books), Dostoyevsky, William S. Burroughs, Jostein Gaarder, Saul Alinsky, Tom Robbins, Sarah Kane, Neil Gaiman, Augusten Burroughs, Beckett, and The Neverending Story. Poetry(spoken and otherwise): Adrienne Rich, Joshua Beckman, John Berryman, Diane de Prima, Cher Fox, T.S. Eliot, Langston Hughes, Nikki Giovanni, The Last Poets, Stacey-Ann Chin, Sekou Sundiata
strong women.