Bosco Freak profile picture

Bosco Freak

Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I have lived in Austin for better than 15 years. I moved here from Seattle by way of Dallas. I am vet of the Dallas Punk Scene and clubs like the Twilight Room and early Deep Ellum Spots like Theatre Gallery. I once lived in a club called the Honest Place. I worked professionally in the music biz for a long time as a booking agent and manager for a lot of small bands, some of which became huge bands. It was a fun ride that I look back on with great fondness both for the music and musicians I was priviledged to help along their merry way through the biz and for the friends and characters I met along the way.Currently I have a small handful of priorities: My kids, my girl, skateboarding, and music. I work for several killer skateboard companies and I have one of those lucky chances to do what I love. I also get to put together a lot of fun events. check my blog for updates on the fun things I've got in the works...

My Interests

My Kids, My Girl, Tattoos, Dreads, Skateboarding, Music, Science Fiction

I'd like to meet:



I'm a musical populist and a snob all at once. I like lots of different stuff. I've had gigantic record collections. I go through phases. Music can be reflective of my mood or dictate it. I hate mediocrity. I don't care if it's awfully beautiful or beautifully awful but commit to something. Don't pansy out in the middle of the road. If you end up there, it's time to hang it up.


I am on fire for netflix. Here's a list of the last ten movies I watched:Wings Of Desire, V For Vendetta, I Am Legend, Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without A Pause, Another State Of Mind, No Country For Old Men, The Good Shepherd, Bush's Brain, Night Of The Lepus, and Jesus Camp.


I watch TV on DVD. Recently I discovered Weeds, a Showtime series about a weed dealing suburban widow. It's pretty fun. Current faves also include Deadwood and The Wire. Sci-Fi favorites are Star Trek(OS, TNG, and DS9), Babylon 5, Firefly, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


I just finished "Spook Country" by William Gibson. I wish that I could say that I lurved it but I can't. It just didn't have the pull of his other works. It's not a bad book just not quite up to par with The Sprawl Trilogy or the Bridge Trilogy.I have started the collected Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy novels by Douglas Adams


Steve Olson, Tony Alva, Salba and all the other OG Punk Skate Thugs that blazed the trail for the rest of the world to follow. Iggy, The Ramones, Bill Monroe, Neal Stephenson, Noam Chomsky, Nelson Mandela. Anyone with the balls to live outside the mainstream without regrets. A Whole life's inspiration in one gnarly black and white photo:..

My Blog

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Can someone please explain this bumper sticker to me? I've seen it for years, invariably on the back of some SUV being driven by a middle class burb monkey soccer mom. So for years, I've seen this thi...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 03:34:00 PST

A Man Of Influence

In the early 1980's my Mother was in graduate school getting a Doctorate in English. When she graduated, she took a job at a small college in Durant, Ok and I spent my last year of high school there. ...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 03:04:00 PST

Laundry Day

Yesterday was a laundry day. I'm not a big fan of laundry in general. Yesterday it was combined with my least favorite of accompanying circumstances, being rushed. It took me forever to get my laundry...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

Sister 1998-2007

Sister came into our lives in August of 1998. She was a present to my oldest son, Irie, for his third birthday the following month. He fell in love with her immediately. More days than not, they ...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:19:00 PST

Recapturing The Original Spirit

So this weekend, I had Will alone. Irie was off with friends. Whenever I have Will alone, it means more skating. I don't think I've had a better skate buddy than Will. He's totally down for skating. H...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 05:42:00 PST

Parking Block Landing

This morning I pressed my forearm into the door to push it open as I came into to work. I winced in pain as the bone is really really sore. It reminded me of the lesson I learned last Wednesday night....
Posted by Bosco Freak on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:40:00 PST

A Previously Unexperienced Level Of Disgust

I have a herd of animals at my house. My every move is shadowed by a furbag wanting attention, food or a walk. Save for one, the tailless, Nubby Lou, none of these animals are mine. They have come to ...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:23:00 PST

The Drive Through Of The Damned

A few months ago, a Taco Cabana went up in my neighborhood. I am big fan of the Taco Cabana. It's the best fast food on the market as far as I am concerned. For Sure, it kills all the other chain "Mex...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:29:00 PST

I Am Not Sure What To Think

I don't make any bones about being a broke ass motha fucka. I sell freakin skateboards for a living. It's a rough road unless you're on a serious shoe or soft goods line. I sell punk rock shoes that a...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 10:42:00 PST

Earthen Delight

So yesterday I was working in my yard a little bit. It should be noted that I am not much into yard work and do the bare minnimum to keep things from turning into either a jungle or a desert. Of the e...
Posted by Bosco Freak on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 08:19:00 PST