Awesome Survey
Name:: I you know me you know it ! wink
Birthdate:: ..d
Birthplace:: earth
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: Dark brown
Height:: 5 foot 8
What's your Favorite.....
Food?: Arabic Jordon Creol
Restaurant?: Aladin's in Victorville California
Drink?: any iced
Sport?: Big Trucks Foot ball basket ball and soccor
Color?: any that looks great on the wearer
Candy?: any with coconut or carmel
Animal?: any Exotic like big parits tiger anther horse even a Rott dog
Physical Feature?: eyes
Movie?: ?
Store?: all lol
Vacation Spot?: any
Season: all
Dessert?: any thing with carmel or stawberries and peaches
Have You Ever.......
Gotten Drunk?: when i was 21
Done Drugs?: what do you think?
Smoked?: what do you think?
Shoplifted?: no
Been in Love?: unconditional infinite love not yet
Had You Heart Broken?: yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: yes
Dyed Your Hair?: yes
Eaten Sushi?: yes
Gotten in a Car Wreck?: yes
Been Out of the Country?: yes
Been on T.V.?: not that I know of lol
Do You......
Sing?: lil
Swear?: hahahaha is this a trick? lol wink!
Shower Daily?: got to
Have any Piercings?: noooooooooooo
Have any Tattoos?: noooooooooooooo
Which Do You Perfer.
Chocolate/Vanilla?: Vanilla
Night/Day?: both
Hugs/Kisses?: both
Bath/Shower?: both
Love/Money?: both
Hot/Cute?: both
Looks/Personality?: both
Mcdonalds/Burgerking?: Burgerking
Cappuccino/Coffee?: Cap shiiiiiiii dont tell no body
In a Boy/Girl.
Eye Color?: browns
Hair Color?: browns or blacks
Short/Long Hair?: both
Height?: any
Type of Style?: deends
Clothes?: Indian wrap
Hair?: down
Location?: Bed room
Emotion?: cool
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One holds an extreme passionate interest in Family life and Loyalty Song and Rap writing Rappin,Flowin Spitin Rhymes Music Composing,Writing Poems, Slogons and Quick Inner Core feelings and Thoughts, All Quotes from Healer in light. "If you expect the best, you will be the best. Learn to use one of the most powerful laws in this world; change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief. Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possibility." A Quote from Healer in light:Peeling Away the Layers: As we peel off more and more of our self-created limitations, it is possible that feelings of blame or judgment toward someone in our life may surface. While these feelings may feel unwelcome in the moment, this is a wonderful opportunity to grow beyond our boundaries. We would not feel blame or even want to judge anyone in our life if we were not seeing a part of ourselves that we don't like being reflected back to us by that person. Sometimes it seems inconceivable that we could have that characteristic/causative belief because it certainly is not apparent. But, a belief below the level of conscious awareness can pull these situations into our life, possibly causing us to havea judgment and even a charge.For example, if someone near you is angry, that person may be giving you the gift of showing you that you have unconscious beliefs about having anger in your life. If you feel a charge with that person, it is activating the anger, and possibly the underlying pain that has been in your nervous system. You mayfeel someone has hurt you, when in fact it is you who has created the experience of pain. The more we find issues with others, the more opportunities we are creating for ourselves to release our old beliefs these feelings stem from. What if everyone is our life was there for a reason, giving us anopportunity to grow? We draw these experiences into our lives to learn from. It is amazing how differently we can experience the people in our lives, including our own children or parents, when we make a shift inside and let go of whateverit was that was attracting the offensive experience! Our thoughts, however conscious or unconscious, are powerful attractors! "I shouldn't have these feelings" is a great way to hold onto them and lock them in because we are in effect judging our experience and resisting the feelings. Whenever we resist a feeling, the bigger and more persistent we can make it.Rather than being at the effect of it, there is an opportunity to make a different choice. A choice for detatching whenever there is a temptation to judge or blame is a way to interrupt the stress response. This stops the focus on the problem (ego), thereby bringing us back to the present moment (truth) and becoming part of the solution. In choosing, we put our full attention on it , and let go. Letting go of the annoying thoughts becomes easier and easier.
Healer in light Quote:SURRENDER!!!  Whenever I find myself resisting what is and yearning for life's circumstances to be different from what they are. I use it as an opportunity to practice surrendering to the present moment. When I realize that my own mental judgments are creating the experience of suffering, I can choose to liberate myself and release the pain by reconnecting with my own beingness.Resisting creates a sense of separation from the world, the psychological mind and physical body can become hard and rigid when people or situations are perceived as threatening. Accepting what is through the practice of surrender does not mean resignation to an undesirable or unpleasant life situation. rather than reacting out of fear, anger, or despair into negative action, by surrendering to the present, we can choose positive actions to shift out of an undesirable circumstance. Author Eckhart Tolle, said "Surrender reconnects you with the source of energy of Being and if your doing is infused with Being, it become a joyful celebration of life energy that takes you more deeply into the NOW "Thus it is through letting go of resistance through becoming vulnerable that we are able to discover out true and essential invulnerability. We are all perfect, whole and complete beings, and surrender is one way to transmute suffering into enlightened consciousness. Affirm: I consciously choose to practice surrendering to the present moment to allow my divine consciousness and my life energy to flow. From the Science of MindHealer in Light Quote: Be  This, along with Divine Order, is a lesson I have been learning, and truly taking to heart. Without that time with God, with self, we lose that balance, our energy, strength, aura, becomes scattered. When this happens, we cannot help ourselves, let alone anyone else. So, my friends, take this one to heart, and always, no matter what, make time to be with God, and to be with yourself. Just to sit, and BE.Be still and know.What does it mean to be still? What are we trying to know? These are serious questions. Having minds that run nonstop seems the norm. Its who we are, after all. Experiencing the quiet within feels like doing nothing. And weve been programmed to think we need to be doing something all the time. To stand still is to get left behind, we think.Lets pretend for a spell that its okay to be idle. Lets take this as an opportunity for a new way of living. With every thought that comes, let it float away. With every desire to speak, let the moment pass. Every moment can be forfeited. Feel the freedom of doing nothing, saying nothing, thinking nothing, for even a few moments. Peace does come. Peace at last.We cant be sure well know anything specific in this quiet, but we will know what we need to. Within the quiet lie all answers.I will give up my mad thinking for a few moments today.Healer in Light Quote:Expect the Best When we are negative and fearful, insecure or anxious we tend to attract the very experiences, situations, or people that we are seeking to avoid we attract these experiences in order to become conscious of and heal our deepest fears. When we are feeling positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness, we tend to attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to these expectations. Therefore, the more we are able to imagine and accept our highest good the more it begins to manifest in our lives, and the more power and freedom we will feel. Affirm: Today I expect pleasure and satisfaction. Plus size womans Fashions
&videoid=1087419793 Central Florida's Hottest Reggae Artist.
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Add to My Profile | More Videos Anyone that finds me positively interesting, as well as TV/Film Writers and Directors Agents, Managers Photographers and anyone whom can make my desired projects a reality as well as anyone with a beautiful inner core spirit light, one of great wisedom, compasion, respect, and most of all loyalty as well as any one who share same passions. Would Luv to meet and work with Erykah Badu. But most of all Ms.Operah, Tyler Perry and Ms. Madea lol. Madea
Add to My Profile | More Videos Anyone of like MindPerception Defines Our Reality" "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. -- Henri Bergson Our entire universe is energy -- vibrating waves of pure potential. The electromagnetic vibrations of our consciousness interact with the energetic potential that exists everywhere as the life force to collapse the waves and create matter. So the patterns of our minds create the form of our world. By simply observing a form, we influence it. We in turn are influenced by others. This challenges us to be more aware of the quality of our being and the vibrations we transmit. "There is no reality in the absence of observation." -- The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
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Take the quiz:
Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)
Hathor, Goddess of Love and Happiness
Hathor is often depicted as an evil woman, one that attempted to seduce men and the take advantage of them. Although she is a goddess of fertility, Hathor was a very kind goddess. She protected women from men and their evil. She loved all very much and also enjoyed dancing.
What a great goddess to be associated with! You are one of those people that everyone likes, that everyone wants to be friends with. Though you may overdo it at times, you are probably loved back as much as you love others, not that a mutual feeling would matter to you. You are one of those people that love all no matter how they feel Take the quiz:
Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)
Sekhmet, Goddess of War
Sekhmet means She who is powerful. She was a mighty ancient Egyptian goddess, who was the daughter of Ra, and was known as the Eye of Ra. Though known as the goddess of war, Sekhmet was known as the power that protects the good and annihilates the bad. She was meant to destroy the men that rebelled against her father, Ra. She destroyed them with such fury, that Ra feared she might exterminate the entire race.
As for you, I'd say you have a pretty good personality. You know humans cannot be trusted, and you are hesitant to do things, so you stick up for yourself and others well. Just watch that temper of yours and life should be great   YOUR ASPIRATIONS ARE YOUR POSSIBILITIESThe first ingredient of your success is to dream a great dream.You must dream big and think big to be big. You're as small as your controlling desires,or as great as your dominant aspirations.Once your mind stretches to a new ideait will never go back to its original dimensions. If you dream of little goals you can expect little achievement.If the goals you dream of are big ones, you'll win big success. High expectation always precedes high achievement.THE DAILY GURU......How to make a LATOSHIA........Ingredients:1 part success1 part courage5 parts ego........Method:Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of wisdom and a pinch of salt. Yum!........Username:..Personality cocktailFrom Go-Quiz.comSCORPIOEXTREMELY sexy.Energetic.Predict future.Most erotic.Freak in bed.GREAT kisser.Not one to mess with.Always get what they wantSAGITTARIUSSpontaneous.Horny.Freak in Bed.High sex appeal.Rare to find.Great when found.Loves being in long relationships.PISCESCaring.Sweet.Smart.Center of attention.Too Sexy, DAMN IT.Very high sex appeal.HumbleExtremely nice/commited to the person they loveSuper good in bedPickyPlay hard to getGEMININice.Love is one of a kind.Great listeners*****Very Good in bed.*****lovers, but will still punch your lights out.Trustworthy.*****Always horny.Soooooo SEXYY****Talkative.OutgoingCANCERGreat Kisser.Very high sex appeal.Great in bedMost horny.Love is one of a kind.Very romantic.Most caring person you will ever meet!Very Kinky, sex is always on mindLIBRAVery gentle.Very romantic.Nice.Love is one of a kind.Silly and fun, sweet!Have own unique sexiness.Most caring person you will ever meet!( Can I stress this)LoudAmAzInG in BeD..!!!CAPRICORNSassy.Intelligent.Sexy.Kinky behind closed doorsPredictable future.Irrestible, awesome kisser.Great talker.Always gets what he or she wants.the BEST in BED.AQUARIUSTrustworthy.Very, Very, Very Sexy.One of a kind.Loves being in long-term relationships.Extremely energetic.unpredictable.from the future.will exceed your expectations.Amazing in bed @ any position, THE BEST LOVERS.Secretly JealousARIESOutgoing.Spontanious.Not one to fuck with.Erotic.Funny.Take you on trips to the moon in bed.sexydamn good in bedTAURUSAggressive.FlirtatiousFreak in bed.Rare to find!Loves being in long relationships.=)Likes to give a good fight for what they want.Extremely outgoing.Outstanding kisser.Sexual as fuck.LEOGreat talker.Sexy.Laid back.Knows how to have fun.Is really good at fucking.(Ryan Shumakers not)Great kisser.Center of attention.Outgoing.Down to earth.Addictive.Attractive.Loud.Loves being in long relationships.Talkative.Not one to mess with.Rare to find.Good when found.VIRGODominant in relationships.Sexy.Likes to have a good time.Freak in bed.Always wants the last word.Caring.Smart.Addictive.Attractive.Loud. Janet Jackson ft Nelly-Call on me
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I'm a lover of all music...
The Cosby Show and Berney Mac Holds many family and personal lessons and the Keys to true family life.
I love all books but I share a surtan passion for Books dealing with wisedom in Poetry, Holy Quran, Kabola, Astrology, Para Psychology, Reflexology, Healing with hands and stones, Herbs, all african Lit, but most of all Meta Physical, Karma Sutra, Massage and Belly Dance and self motovational Books, also how to books.. We often crave to know every detail of every moment of the rest of our lives, but we dont need them. We couldnt handle them, really. We are given all the information we need as the moments tick by. The Holy Spirit knows far better than we what we need to know, and when. And well always find it out when the time is right.When we grow in our acceptance of this principle, our lives will grow simpler. Our task is to turn to the Holy Spirit, not the ego, for direction. Our minds contain them both, of course. Recognizing their separate voices comes with practice and the willingness to be peaceful rather than right.Our lives dont become less exciting when we let the Holy Spirit be in charge. In fact, some might say that going along for the ride, rather than steering the car, offers us unexpected adventure and surprise.Letting someone else decide the routeleaves me free to enjoy the many stops on the way.
Muslim Prayer No Excuse to Miss it
Add to My Profile | More Videos Love Teaches Love brings with it the gift of freedom. Love teaches us to allow the person we love to do as he or she chooses. It teaches us to encourage the people we love to freely make their own choices, to seek their own path, to learn their way in their own time. Love that restrains isn't love. It's insecurity. We may tell others how we feel about something they do or don't do. We may make decisions as a reaction to others' choices. That is our right and our responsibility. But to restrain another in the name of love doesn't create love; it creates restraint."