~The Comfort Zone~
~Interest~As I learn my interest expand. I love music, especially my sons collection as a producer, musician., art, reading, talking and sharing with people all over this planet, mountains, oceans, various scenes displayed in our sky everyday, photography is a passion being able to allow time to stand still as we put them in safe keeping to cherish them at our given time. Driving fast, walking slow, loving just plain loving, movies and stories with a crazy unpredictable twist, wanting to ask Bush "What is your Fu..*ing problem?", special times talking with my son, Godiva Chocolate, Opium Parfum'e body oil, with someone who can enjoy it with me. fireplace, romance in any form;
some things need to stay secret until you share them with someone special,
MMMmm!!! cooking, dancing even with a cane sometimes, writing something beautiful happy or sad, but something people can relate to with a smile, tear, or a simple nod. Did I mention loving just plain loving :-)
I would love to travel the world to see sunrises and sunsets any where. Flying, wish I could fly a plane and helecopter, I wish God gave me the ability to fly without technology, OH well! I hope that people will be able to see the beauty within, because that is what I will be looking for. thinking outside the box. well that's a start and I will end again Keep smiling and laugh with friends until it hurts to breath, great medicine for the soul. What about you now?
My God and Father above, I have a few things I'd like to discuss with him about this planet we call earth. Before that I would like to meet with as many people possible to continue my learning process..."http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h181/ESM_02/Mat
thew7_7-8.jpg" Rhian Benson speaks with the Ghana Black Stars Network
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Just too many to list, anything good for my soul, smooth, exciting, fresh, old skool, easy to my ears, able to reach deep emotions to putting a jiggle in my step, mind releasing, escapes, winding down, getting down, {only if I can get back up again :-D} nodding my head from side to side, snapping fingers, clapping, foot tapping, dreaming, Oh yea, did I mention loving. From jazz, Ella Fitzgerald, FourPlay, to singing a lullaby to a little one. My sons music Check his site "Levphonic" GA. Music section. Stevie, Smokie,Luther,Patty, Mariah,Grover,Maxwell,Seal,Alliah,music from all parts of the world.
God & my son