Doug profile picture


By all medical logic, smoke should be coming out of his ears.

About Me

Funny (but not in "that" way). For instance, I think "pants" is a really funny word and can be worked into almost any situation ("Are you coming to my birthday dinner?" --"I'll be there with bells on! But no pants.")ATTENTION FRIEND REQUESTERS! I don't accept bands, movies, or most other "non-humans." Nothing personal; I'm sure your projects are swell and near and dear to your hearts... but if it don't have a pulse, I ain't interested. "But Doug," you're saying, "you already have a goddamned theater and magazine as your friends. Don't you think this is awfully hypocritical??" Answer: no. See, I was involved in those projects so I'll have them as my friends BUT I would never ask YOU to accept them as yours. It just ain't my bag, baby...

My Interests

I'd rather sit around and drink and talk with friends than go to a concert. I'm interested in not meeting pretentious people (I was gonna write “I hate pretentious people” but the category is Interests, not What I Hate). I like movies, and good ones seem to be getting made less frequently so I like older ones (but not exclusively). I love dogs but don’t own one. I’ll take Halloween over Christmas any day of the week. So there.

I'd like to meet:

Girls, chicks, dames, broads. You know, women.


Beatles, Stones, Kinks, Sweet Smell of Success soundtrack, Twilight Zone TV soundtrack, any Bernard Herrmann or Vince Guaraldi or really good film or TV soundtracks, even those that use pop music in a good way (like Austin Powers)


Sweet Smell of Success, Star Wars (original trilogy -- before Lucas starting mucking around with them. Hell, I didn't even like it when he starting calling the first film "A New Hope"... jerk), Psycho (if you prefer the remake, please never contact me. Or better yet, throw yourself under a bus), Jaws, The Godfather, Once Upon a Time in the West, Donnie Darko (not the director's cut, though. It overexplained things), Timmy's Wish (short film available NOW on


The Twilight Zone (original -- God bless you, Mr. Serling!), The Simpsons, The Dick van Dyke Show, The Daily Show, Arrested Development (hmm... this one doesn't start with "The..."), Lost (this one, either... aarrrrggghh!), Seinfeld, Dragnet, History Detectives (Elyse Luray... *sigh!*)


Dracula, Black Dahlia, Daredevil: Born Again, the Sin City graphic novels, James Ellroy


Rod Serling, Homer Simpson, Batman ('cause he's a scientist).

My Blog

Halloween in September

I love Halloween.   But I hate Halloween.  The new remake, that is.  I saw it a couple of weekends ago when it was so ungodly hot in my place, it was either go see a movie -- or take a...
Posted by Doug on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:16:00 PST

Vegas, Baby!

So last weekend (starting on Jan. 26th), I went to Vegas with my buddy Tom for the annual Mondo Lounge event (  it was a sort of a tribute to the Rat Pack for the ...
Posted by Doug on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:28:00 PST

Hide yer daughters!

Well, I just came back from getting a haircut, so GAME ON!! (actually, the guy cut it too short so now it looks like I'm being shipped off to 'Nam.  Sometimes I just can't get a break in this tow...
Posted by Doug on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:07:00 PST


I really need a haircut. (hmm... writing these blogs is tougher than it looks.)
Posted by Doug on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:43:00 PST

A Christmas Dream!

No, not about Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men or any of that boring, tripe stuff.  Last night I dreamt I was watching a Christmas episode of I Love Lucy (for you kids too young to know that ...
Posted by Doug on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:47:00 PST

All is well!

Convinced that our mild weather will last for the rest of the month and that there's no danger of keeling over in Santa Ana conditions, I finally came up with a Halloween costume idea, everybody! ...
Posted by Doug on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 01:18:00 PST

A moral dilemma!

What should I be for Halloween this year?? Even though it's my favorite holiday, I'm just drawing a blank this time.  I have one idea, but the problem is, it could be 100 degrees here in L.A...
Posted by Doug on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 05:56:00 PST

Intelligent Design

Thought for the day: If you want intelligent design to be taught in public schools, will you agree to evolution being taught in your churches? C'mon, is it a deal?
Posted by Doug on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 08:25:00 PST

There He goes again!

Well, it's been a year, so why not another blog entry?  This topic's a bit late, but bear with me... I realize, of course, that Pat Robertson doesn't speak for ALL christians (but he must speak f...
Posted by Doug on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:10:00 PST

What's up with that?

If you came home tonight, and your best friend in the whole, wide world was standing in your living room swinging a baseball bat and destroying all of your most prized possessions  Im talking smashe...
Posted by Doug on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST