announces the recording of her 4th CD, MOD PROPHET
A powerful guitar-driven work, speaking to a modern generation.
Join me in the fight to take back what the enemy has tarnished.
Our youth are seduced by secular rap. hip-hop and alternative/death metal music every day. They are willing to die to "be cool" at any cost. It's the "look at me" generation. Kids from solid Christian families are experimenting with pot, alcohol and heavy drugs at even younger ages, some as early as ten! Contemporary Christian music is not influencing them. Christianity is weak! Christians are geeks.
What can we do?
Kids today think they know everything. They do not want to listen to what we, (over 30's) have to say. Our media, magazines and music blares sexuality, excess, drugs and pleasure. Living in the present and not pondering later consequences has beguiled many into awful demises and thwarted God's great potential for every young person.
I hope to present a music and interview documentary to our youth about the "wages of sin" leading unto death via my MOD PROPHET CD. It will show me being interviewed and speaking about my past battles (and victories) over peer pressure, self confidence, eating orders issues, chastity, child abuse, domestic violence and God's provision and blessing. It will contrast with interviews with friends and family members who have chosen a lifestyle devoid of Christ .
To network with top-notch industry professionals who are committed Christians and who can help me carry this vision through to present this DVD as an educational tool specifically to our young people, but also to anyone imprisoned by a negative lifestyle.
To provide our young people with options, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, provider and confidence of their lives.
My burden:
God cries for the unnecessary sufferings that has beguiled His creation. I have God's heart and it is my greatest desire to see people saved and redeemed from their prisons. Not a day goes by that I don't desire to be out on the streets preaching His glorious emancipation through my music and testimony. Just go to and see metal and rap artists spewing dictums of sex, lasciviousness, revelry, self-centeredness. It is a stink in God's sight. "LOOK AT ME!!!" That is what these music role models are portraying and the kids are eating it up. Their security is in how many people adore them. We are in the last times and kids are seduced by being idolized, but God will not have it- for the proud shall be abased and put to shame. The humble shall be exalted. "When the nukes go off and world war three rages, there will be no "rap & metal gods." Everyone will be piddling on the streets like mangy dogs, desperately seeking a drop of water for their parched tongues. God's faithful will be with Him in glory. Come to Him now while it is still easy.
Please support my mission with yourprayers, networking, industry support and finances. Spread the word to those powerful music & MTV moguls. Have them contact me
via my myspace site. Thank you and God bless you!