To my JEDI brothers and sisters around the Globe,If there was one word and only word to describe me:
DICKENSIAN.If there were two words to describe me and my life:
DICKENSIAN OPERA.If there were three words to describe everything I am:
UNDERGROUND GARAGE REVOLUTIONIST.Thanks to everyone for their support. The response to our latest project is overwhelming. Never before has such positive energy been felt before.ENJOY and GOD SAVE BUSH. PEACE, Gregory S. Koenitzer***************************************************
You Are 93% New Jersey! Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
How New Jersey Are You?
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Myspace.com Blogs - Check out this event: JUDGEMENT DAY RUNWAY ARMAGEDDON - JUDGEMENT DAY 2008 http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog....
NYTE-TYME RECORDS will have its VIP table especially reserved! You know who you all are with the invite so come out and see that money.