T.F.R.I. |
The Future Repeats Itself:
Time is running out let's hustle
Time's on repeat we want shuffle
Time to revive yesterday's fashion
It's about high time for passion
Is this the world our parents dr... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 04:10:00 PST |
Bio |
A.N. Bio:
Let's just get one thing straight: We are not "chill", "spontaneous", or "random" and neither are you; so stop trying to fool everybody. One day we will meet you in real life and real... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:03:00 PST |
"I Liked You Better When You Were a Pop-punk Band" |
I feel like I haven't written a "non-song-lyrics" blog in quite some time, and so naturally it's about that time again to release a bitter rant in a way like none other than Abby Normal could do:
Mr. ... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:44:00 PST |
Poor Us |
Poor you, reality's hit you like a pound of feathers
Are you getting better?
Or is the weight of the pillow on your head too much?
Well I know that life is ... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:02:00 PST |
A Million To One |
Just to prove to everyone that Dan and I will keep writing and playing new songs, here are the lyrics to a new tune we've invented:
"A million to one"
I've got every reason to never talk to you again
... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:25:00 PST |
The Fall of Myspace |
So I'm not an internet alarmist who believes the 300 bulletins a day I see that say something to the effect of "Tom's gonna start charging for Myspace!" or "Repost this bulletin or Tom's gonna delete ... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 11:37:00 PST |
good news and bad news |
well, i'll start with the good news...
we have a new bass player! his name's jordan, and he's a stud. come meet him at our march 5th show in lehi. we have lots of good shows coming up, and we're... Posted by abbyNORMAL on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |