Paula profile picture


this is me

About Me

Well lets see my Name is Paula , and well I am married , and have been a game pro for many years now witch most people think is nerdy , but I dont because well you try making in the gaming industry and be a female. I am also a store manager at 2Brothers communications we are a authorized agent of verizon wireless in Rock Springs, yes i do have a cool phone its the venus it rocks go lg ppl less probs that way . I have the coolest and nicest freinds in the world they rock it! Umm I was president of the Rocksprings skate park commitee, I have been a local show promoter for many years now. My favorite game in the world is Wow , swear to god they put drugs in the game. Damm you Blizzard for making such a awesome game. I love Bad Religion they are the truest punk band. Other than that hi my name is Paula
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My Interests

Video Games, My favorite is World of Warcraft ,All GTAS,Narc, NFS, Thug, Splinter cell,God of War , I own every Star Wars Game there is !Punk rock shows, Skateboarding and my Friends

I'd like to meet:

Greg Graffin of Bad Religion just to talk to him for a few minutes , My guild because they are so kick ass, Stephen King I want to know what goes on in his head, Tony Hawk who wouldn't want to skate with him, John West psycho skater dude , Adam Sessler of G4tv I would love to game with him, Shirley Manson & Poe Two Awesome women with powerful voices. Hayden Christensen , lol, Because he is such a good or bad Darth Vader mmmm , hmmm!
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Bad Religion,Bloodhound Gang they crack my shit up, Green Day, Pearljam, Garbage, Poe, Metallica, Linkin Park, Screeching Weasal, Alot of ska, I Like most music, not into a lot of rap, or country


Matrix series, and GhostBusters love Poltergeist , weird mind benders movies, Movies that make you think, I love all the Star Wars movies!


Favorites is Invader Zim (dam you hally, and devin) Avatar the last Airbender,Love the Simpsons, and all great cartoons, and comedys love to laugh, Buffy the vampire slayer! And the Sapranos, Anything Dane Cook he is funny as Hell! and Most Haunted on the Travel channel!


Stephen King books


My hereos are my husband kevin for being the best friend I ever had . my sister Julie for being the mother I never had. my father { who passed away for being the { greatest person I will ever know}

My Blog

small miracles

well today allround in fact the last year has been nothing short of being a disaster for kev and I, My knee surgery, then him almost dying and then being sick and not working has taken a major toll on...
Posted by Paula on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:44:00 PST

Shows ! Being Flakey! Appologies

Well lately it seems even to myself  I have been flakey lately, there has been things in my life that seems to be a road block to everthing i want to do with my life , and it makes me want to giv...
Posted by Paula on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:14:00 PST

Feeling Comfortable in My Own Skin

I have realized something that I guesse just came into my own. When I was 18 I dressed a little on the sexy side. Then i got Married and thought this is over I cant be married and Sexy anymore. So the...
Posted by Paula on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 07:14:00 PST

Nautical Star Promotions ( First show)

So Ashley and Myself decided 2 heads are better than one so we started a concert promotions company and Called it Nautical Star Promotions, its a place where you can talk to us about setting up shows,...
Posted by Paula on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:33:00 PST

Check out this video: NC2M/ I made this hope you enjoy!

So I made a video of past shows I threw and this one is a compilation of Nothing comes to mind!Posted By:PaulaGet this video and more at
Posted by Paula on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:46:00 PST

Bands and People that have helped w/ shows!

Well I just want to let people know these are some of the awesomest bands That have played for me and you should say hi the next time you see them! 1. 3/4 Nelson      &nb...
Posted by Paula on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:21:00 PST

School shootings!

I knew a kid named John M. I went to school with him,He had no freinds , He was spoiled , rude , self righteous, tatle tale, Know it all , he drove everyone crazy! oh ya and a liar!Even the teachers h...
Posted by Paula on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:37:00 PST

Why I love World of Warcraft!

I got a message from a person checking out My Myspace this morning , telling me what a retarted person I  am and telling me that I have no life and was pathetic and goes on telling me that anyone...
Posted by Paula on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:32:00 PST

So I have been asked to throw shows again!

well everytime I leave my house I am asked , yesterday I was told that if I were to throw another show , a couple of my freinds would donate a very large sum of money towards the show!My Whole problem...
Posted by Paula on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:12:00 PST

What a strange Year It has been!

So it has been a very strange year from this date to the last one year ago today I decided to start throwing shows again, due to my freinds convincing me to do it since I had nothing better to do my h...
Posted by Paula on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 08:44:00 PST