Nupie profile picture


In girum imus nocte et consumimur igri

About Me

All the wonder~full and distracting Girls, ladies, and Women...***ShIvErS***............EVERYBODY KEEPS ASKING ME TO PROVIDE THEM WITH WEB INFO. FOR ME ART~WORK...... COMING SOON!!!::::::DANCE WITH LIFE:::::: "we practice meditation in order to see ourselves as we truly are and life as it truly is. when we are suffering, we can look inside to find the cause - always some form of clinging. by noticing how quickly we attach to new ideas and perspectives, we can begin to unlearn the habit. one trick is to watch for moments when we feel the need to defend ourselves or our point of view. defensiveness is always a red flag; it shows that we have once again become stuck in a point of view. we are pretending to be solid, and we want everyone else to go along with it. with a little honesty and effort, we can determine where we are stuck and then choose to let go. gradually we become more flexible, finding it easier to let go of our perspectives. we take this 'me' less seriously, appreciating instead our dynamic and unfixed true nature. with practice, we begin to see the world from the perspective of BIG MIND, which can see all perspectives but clings to none. we learn that it is possible to return to the view of BIG MIND whenever we've become stuck. it's easiest to assume that we're stuck somewhere; we only have to figure out where and then let go. liberation from the self is living each day without a place to stand or ideas about who we are. that's when we can dance with life."- genpo roshi the path of the human being------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

My Interests

In no particular order... puppies, babies, kittens are the things that make me smile... blue sky, creatures crawling, life happening around us, that nobody seems to notice, but me.***SOCIETAS INSOMNIA***I put all my frustrations, heartbreaks, and confusion into Art...metal... Metal... METAL!!! GIVE ME YOUR USELESS GEARS, METAL, RANDOM OBJECTS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!When it seems that I am not paying attention to the world around me... I'm seeing, hearing, and contemplating everything ELSE that is going on in that exact moment...I also like to go skydiving... anyone up for a leap of faith?!? Just make sure you bring goggles, the kind that strap to the head, they don't supply them... dry eyesockets... ugh!STRYCHNIN GALLERY{STRYCHNIN.COM}I LIKE ME SOME EXPERIMENTAL THEATER!!!!!!WHAT ABOUT YYYOOOUUU!!!!!!,http://www.soci,, ............................................................ .............. ~the people who loved Anna, the people who knew her, the people who didn't know her but love her anyway. It is called A Parable of Immortality, by Henry Van Dyke~................................................

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(Image Courtesy of )"“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”"

I'd like to meet:

anybody whom I have yet to meet...Life only happens once, and I want to meet the people that take complete advantage of that... preferably without feeling the need to kill themselves with drugs or too much alchole.Live life. ENJOY IT!!! DON'T DESTROY IT!!!ALSO...Andro... Butch... Dyke... fems who can handle themselves well... Women who are Artists...oh, and one day I really, Really, REALLY wanna meet........................................................ ............................................................ .......................................Killer Art Click Hear To View
The Killer Art Group Click Hear To View
Art Nexus Group

"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back."
Hey click on the axe and grab it. Get your hands bloody baby! Add it to your page or put it in a comment box. Doesn't matter where you put it just PASS THE FUCKIN AXE!


I enjoy all differn't types of music, from Duke Ellington, JPop, Korean Muzic both Traditional and Modern, all forms of International Muzic, to Pok JaYoon, Lesbians on Acid, The Epoxies, to Sisters of Mercy, Dead Can Dance, Kittie, The Church, Peter Murphy, Covenant, Evil's Toy, VnV Nation, Tragic Black, Cruxshadows, Switchblade Symphony, Slick Idiot, Kmfdm, Skinny Puppy, Throbbing Gristle, Spk, CALLASSED PHALLAS, CONTAJUS, SCRATCH, Johnny Cash, Midnight Oil, Qntal, JAK STONE, SINNERGY, LKN, BIMPNOTTEN, DRAGONFLY, LEVEL BLACK PDX, BITE THE CURB, HEROES AND VILLIANS, ALAN PARK, RUM REBELLION PDX, Anything But The Girl, the Great Classical Wizards of times past... etc.


You're Jet Girl! You're a hard worker, especially when it comes to
working on your jet or TG's tank. You started
off extremely on the shy side, but over the
years you've become just as hardcore as Tank
Girl. And in the comic you're a bit of a man
hater! nawww... I'm just a friendly Dyke!!!
Which Tank Girl Character Are You???
brought to you by Quizilla.................................................... ............................................................ ...................................................Desert Hearts, Bound, A Boy in a Box, But I'm a Cheerleader, Orlando, The City of Lost Children, Amelie, Meet the Feebles, Old Boy, Blue Velevet, Alexander, Arthur, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, Goonies, Cool Hand Luke, The Dark Crystal, Conan the Barbian, Red Sonya, Why Vegan? (while eating steak), Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Blade Runner, Serenity, May, Matrix Series, AniMatrix, Romper Stomper, Lord of the Rings Series, Quest for Fire, Freeway 1 & 2, Forbidden Zone, Legend, Valley Girl, The Never Ending Story 1, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Alien Series...


The History Channel... Discovery Channel, PBS... any questions?!?You know whats better than tv?! Watching things become consumed, and melting in the Fire Place... it is rather entertaining.For the Record, I have not watched any tv in over a year...So tv! EW!


Enjoy reading about animals at the slaughter house, while eating steak. The way of the Peacefull Warrior, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. A wide variety keeps me entertained...{For some reason people think I read Comic Books... please! I DO NOT!!! ...DO NOT ENGAGE IN DISCUSSION OF COMIC BOOKS WITH ME!!!}


My Father

My Blog

Same-sex couples win the right to marry in California!

:::reposting for Victory in California with a big fight ahead ...
Posted by Nupie on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:37:00 PST

Got Art?! Want Some?!

Sooo... I'm sure u geekz will b happy 2 know I am sellin' me Art~Work, ya want somef'n u let me know, not just 4 display n e more, contact me.
Posted by Nupie on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:28:00 PST

Hello Every1 looking 4 more Art Showz!!!

SOOO... not on~line much 'cause the place I moved in to... well... was told there was free net access... but come to find out there iz none at all! Sooo... I am look'n for more Art Shows... yes, yes, ...
Posted by Nupie on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:52:00 PST


Gods! I’m mov’n once again... when will it ever end?! Was I destined to live in one place for longer than... almost 2 years... is the longest so far n about 10 years... now after 4 months ...
Posted by Nupie on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:01:00 PST

Oklahoma lawmaker: Gays worse than terrorists

:::reposting   Oklahoma lawmaker: Gays worse than terrorists ...
Posted by Nupie on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:28:00 PST

REPOST: the Devil Dolls MC would like to.....

:::reposting for> REPOST: the Devil Dolls MC would like to..... ...
Posted by Nupie on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 03:21:00 PST

For those interested in SUPER HIGH EXTREME PLATFORM SHOES!!!

They are Fantastic and theres alot of ClubKids that would LOVE to get this Boots in this SUPER LOW PRICE, normally this boots retails for $1,300 U.S. DOLLARS!O.O and in a bid 4 these found the startin...
Posted by Nupie on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:36:00 PST

ART~SHOW AT THE FEZ THE 9TH!!! I’m gonna have pieces up SHOW 2 BENEFIT M.A.R.C.

..> .. Get resource file-name (06/21/2006)--> ..> ..> ..> ...
Posted by Nupie on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:25:00 PST

ROSE CITY COPWATCH Fundraiser Party w. DJs Harmony & Kinetic

ROSE CITY COPWATCH Fundraiser Party w. DJs Harmony & Kinetic Dance! Dance! Revolution!Rose City Copwatch will host a...
Posted by Nupie on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:15:00 PST

...and forgot to add...

Sorry kidz, forgot to add that the sale ov the legit Fur in these Fur Stores, and others, help raise funds to protect all the differn't type ov species.Seems backwards, but it is true, ov course a cer...
Posted by Nupie on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 02:16:00 PST