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Hi Welcome to my Lily Munster Space, No I'm Not Lily or the beautifull actres who played her Yvonne DeCarlo.I loved the show it was so funny in matter of fact my whole familywould sit and watch it, Ill be adding to this place for a while thanks for stopping by
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Lily Munster Lily Munster is a helpful and loyal housewife. She lives with her husbandHerman, her father Dracula, her son Eddie and her lovely if homely niece Marilyn. She fully supports whatever her "poopsy" husband Herman does and works hard to encourage him in his career at the funeral parlor. Lily is a devoted mother as well. She always serves her family a hot, bubblingbreakfast from her kitchen cauldron. She is fastidious with her appearance, working hard to keep her green, vampiresque complexion at its best. The cobwebs in her house are draped to perfection, and the dust clouds that rise from the furniture can't be matched anywhere else. Lily is also a wonderful daughter to Grandpa Munster. She and her husband provide Grandpa with both an unsafe place to live and a dangerous lab to work in -- though many less-dutiful daughters would say that at 378 years of age Grandpa should be retired by nowThe actress who plays Lily is Yvonne De CarloYvonne De Carlo was born Peggy Yvonne Middleton on September 1, 1922, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (while some sources have her first name as Margaret, most agree it is Peggy). She was three when her father abandoned the family. Her mother turned to waitressing in a restaurant to make ends meet--a rough beginning for an actress who would, one day, be one of Hollywood's elite. Her mother wanted Yvonne to be in the entertainment field and enrolled her in a local dance school and also saw that she studied dramatics. Yvonne was not shy in the least. She was somewhat akin to Colleen Moore who, like herself, entertained the neighborhood with impromptu productions. In 1937, when Yvonne was 15, her mother gathered her up and went to Hollywood to try for fame and fortune, but nothing came of it and they returned to Canada. They came back to Hollywood in 1940, where Yvonne would dance in chorus lines at night while she checked in at the studios by day in search of film work. After appearing in three short films, all unbilled, she finally got a part in a feature. Although the film, Harvard, Here I Come! (1941), was quite lame, Yvonne shone in her brief appearance as a bathing beauty. The rest of 1942 and 1943 saw her in more uncredited roles in films that didn't quite set Hollywood on fire. In _Deerslayer (1943)_ she played Wah-Tah. The role didn't amount to much, but it was much better than the ones she had been handed in the past. The next year was about the same as the previous two years. Her roles were either secretaries, someone's girlfriend, native girls or office clerks. Most aspiring young actresses would have given up and gone home in defeat, but not Yvonne. She trudged on. The next year started out the same, with mostly bit parts, but later that year she landed the title role in Salome, Where She Danced (1945) for Universal Pictures. While critics were less than thrilled with the film, it was at long last her big role, and it was a success for Universal. Now she was rolling. Her next film was the western comedy Frontier Gal (1945) as Lorena Dumont. After a year off the screen in 1946, she returned in 1947 as Cara de Talavera in Song of Scheherazade (1947), and many agreed that the only thing worth watching in the film was Yvonne. Her next film was the highly regarded Burt Lancaster prison film Brute Force (1947). Time after time, Yvonne continued to pick up leading roles, in such pictures as Slave Girl (1947), Black Bart (1948), Casbah (1948) and River Lady (1948). She had a meaty role in Criss Cross (1949), a gangster movie, as the ex-wife of a hoodlum. At the start of the 1950s Yvonne enjoyed continued success in lead roles. Her talents were again showcased in movies such as The Desert Hawk (1950), Silver City (1951) and Scarlet Angel (1952). Her last film for 1952 was Hurricane Smith (1952), a film most fans and critics agree is best forgotten. In 1956 she appeared in the film that would immortalize her best, The Ten Commandments (1956). She played Sephora, the wife of Moses (Charlton Heston). The film was, unquestionably, a super smash, and is still shown on television today. Her performance served as a springboard to another fine role, this time as Amantha Starr in Band of Angels (1957). In the late 1950s and early 1960s Yvonne appeared on such TV programs as "Bonanza" (1959) and "The Virginian" (1962). However, with film roles drying up, she took what turned out to be the role for which she will be best remembered--that of Lily Munster in the smash series "The Munsters" (1964). She still wasn't completely through with the big screen, however. Appearances in such films as McLintock! (1963), The Power (1968), The Seven Minutes (1971) and Casa de las sombras, La (1976) kept her before the eyes of the moviegoing public. Yvonne's last big-screen appearance was in _Sorority House Murders, The (1993)_ .

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The Barefoot Executive (1995)
Here Come the Munsters (1995)
Mirror, Mirror (1991)
Cellar Dweller (1988)
American Gothic (1987)
Bad Girls in the Movies (1986)
Play Dead (1986)
Vultures (1983)
The Munsters' Revenge (1981)
Nocturna (1981)
House of Shadows (1980)
Guyana, Cult of the Damned (1980)
Satan's Cheerleaders (1977)
Good Idea! (1975)
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time (1975)
The Girl on the Late, Late Show (1974)
The Mark of Zorro (1974)
The Power (1968)
Arizona Bushwhackers (1968)
Hostile Guns (1967)
Arizona Bushwackers (1967)
Munster, Go Home (1966)
A Global Affair (1964)
Law of the Lawless (1964)
McLintock! (1963)
Timbuktu (1959)
The Sword and The Cross (1958)
Band of Angels (1957)
Death of a Scoundrel (1956)
The Ten Commandments (1956)
Raw Edge (1956)
Magic Fire (1956)
Flame of the Islands (1955)
Shotgun (1955)
The Captain's Paradise (1954)
Passion (1954)
Border River (1954)
Tonight's the Night (1954)
Sea Devils (1953)
Scarlet Angel (1952)
The San Francisco Story (1952)
Hurricane Smith (1952)
Fort Algiers (1952)
Tomahawk (1951)
Silver City (1951)
Hotel Sahara (1951)
The Desert Hawk (1950)
Buccaneer's Girl (1950)
Calamity Jane and Sam Bass (1949)
The Gal Who Took the West (1949)
A Escandalosa (1949)
Criss Cross (1948)
Casbah (1948)
Black Bart (1948)
River Lady (1948)
Bandido Apaixonado (1948)
Brute Force (1947)
Song of Scheherazade (1947)
Slave Girl (1947)
Salome, Where She Danced (1945)
Frontier Gal (1945)
Road to Morocco (1942)
The Best of Bonanza - V. 1
Yuletide TV Treats 2



While she continued to land many leading roles and remained quite active in movies throughout her career, Yvonne was enticed into television for another role that would cement her name in the minds of millions of people. The TV series was The Munsters and Yvonne played the Lily Munster. The series led to a movie, Munster, Go Home, in 1966 in which the family of ghouls travels to England after inheriting a castle, and then many years later, a made-for-TV movie, Here Come the Munsters, in 1995.In a career that spanned more than 50 years, Yvonne De Carlo played many different roles in many different movies. Young actors starting out today should look to her career as inspiration that perseverance can pay off. From those faltering first steps in Hollywood, she always knew she would make it. Far from an overnight success, Yvonne stayed true to her craft and true to her dreams. It's too bad there isn't some reward for that.


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For Lily It would be Herman and her family