Check out my Family Album in my Pictures I've just added a few of our pets too.
Our Family Spooky Victorian Mansion we call Home!
Once you enter our gloomy abode you are privy to a number of bizarre items including ancient instruments of torture
(an iron maiden, a rack, a bed-of-nails chaise lounge, stocks inscribed "Hers," and a flogging table)' a huge two-headed sea turtle,
an Eskimo totem pole, a giant brown (and later) white bear, the hastate head of a swordfish stuffed with a human leg (Cousin Ferook's),
a suit of samurai armor, a harpsichord, a king cobra candle holder, a steer-horn-girded armchair, an elephant's hoof filled with popcorn,
a moose head (named Pierre) over the fireplace with one whimsically drooping left antler, and a bearskin rug that growled when stepped upon.Also lurking within the Addams' mansion are Thing, a disembodied human right hand; Cleopatra, an African strangling plant; and Kit Kat, the family lion.
This is one of our Family Portraits -our immediate family consists of our portly son Pugsley Addams, our somber little girl Wednesday Thursday Addams who carries a headless doll named Marie Antoinette, Grandmama 'the witch' Addams who conjures up love spells, the bald Uncle Fester Frump who relieves his headache by compressing his head in a vice ["POP!"], the hairy Cousin Itt who babbles a strange language that only Gomez understands, and Lurch, the family's towering harpsichord-playing zombie butler who answers the family gong with a deep-voiced "You rang?"
Thing is Gomez's childhood companion who moves about the Addams' bizarre home via a labyrinth of tunnels which lead to the mail box, a hidden wall vault and to a myriad of small hinged-topped wooden boxes strategically placed about their bizarre gothic home. Thing's responsibilities included delivering the family mail, answering the telephone (from his gold, nail-studded box), lighting Gomez's cigars and sympathetically patting family members with his five fingers when they were depressed. "Beware the Thing" was posted on the iron gate in front of the Addams house. Conversation with Thing was limited, to be sure, but when hand gestures were not enough, Thing tapped out his messages with Morse Code. When Gomez went for a drive in the car, Thing rode in the glove compartment.
Kit Kat who is in my family album is a full-grown African lion the family pet. It wanders through the Addams' home and unwittingly frightens all of our visitors. Kit Kat has the unique talent of walking backwards up the flight of stairs.When the day draws to a close and the dinner bells rings at the Addams family, I serves Gomez a number of strange delicacies. The family's daily diet includes such entrees as baked iguana, breast of alligator, broiled elephant hooves, casserole of spleen (with a pinch of hemlock), dwarf's hair pie, fricassee of toad, marinated gizzard of lizard, soufflé of aardvark, and tongue of yak. MMMM! Bet you can't wait for an invite to dinner!!!!!!!!!
..Would be amazing to finally meet up with Herman & Lilly :)