Irked profile picture


MySpace Needs To Be REVAMPED!

About Me

Due to the Cheap MySpace Software, incapabale customer service and the impatience of Yours Truly, this profile will be going dark. No, it will not be deleted, because that, my friends is not possible for me to do. In fact, I am not receiving notifications of your IMs, your emails, your friend requests....nothing. Because I have a Real Life, coming to a MySpace that doesn't work every day is, well, quite frankly pissing me off.
I wonder if MySpace realizes that in REAL LIFE, people move every single day. I wonder if MySpace realizes that in REAL LIFE people change their email addresses and are not able to access their old email addresses to change them through their very CHEAP and NON - WORKING software program? I wonder if MySpace realizes that when complaining through customer service about this particular problem that sending an automated response to an OLD email address does not FIX THE GODDAMNED problem? *smiling through grinding teeth*
Despite sending three emails, all with various topic headlines, by the way, discussing my issue, none failed to make it to the customer service department. At least that is what I am assuming. I suppose automatic email solves EVERY SINGLE MySpace question to let us know that MySpace is getting "right on our problem!" Well...not if the the email from which the MySpace account is registered in doesn't work! Oh..."Send us an email, along with your password and we'll fix it", they say. Uh-Huh! Right!
So, my friends, I will be making a NEW profile with my NEW email address. A profile that I can once again access. A profile that I can once again receive notifications from my wonderful friends! A profile that I can once again enjoy. Frankly, if it weren't for the fact that you were all here, I would chuck the whole MySpace thing and give them the old Good Old American, "F*ck YOU!"
THIS profile will be used as a protest against MySpace until it is deleted. I wonder, my friends, if MySpace will even notice? I doubt it. But until then, it will satisfy me to know that they can never contact me to complain about it!!
Your Venting Vamp in the....
Complaint Department

My Interests

Working Software

I'd like to meet:

Competent people


People who care

My Blog

Still True

That's all I wanted to say....
Posted by Irked on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:02:00 PST