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Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter

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IF YOU DO NOT PERSONALLY KNOW ME...IF YOU DO NOT TALK WITH ME ON THE PHONE OR IF WE HAVE NOT MET IN PERSON OR HAVE CORRESPONDED VIA EMAIL - DO NOT INSTANT MESSAGE ME...I WILL NOT ANSWER! IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME VIA INSTANT MESSAGE...THEN SEND ME AN EMAIL & TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF...OR DIRECT ME TO YOUR PROFILE. AT LEAST SAY SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS INTELLIGENT...& NOT WHAZ UP....OR WHAT ARE YOU DOING... IF YOU CANNOT FORM A COMPLETE SENTENCE & DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE IN WORDS SUCH AS THEN & THAN, THEY'RE, THERE & THEIR OR YOUR & YOU'RE...PLEASE DON'T WRITE TO ME. WE WILL NOT BE COMPATIBLE ON ANY LEVEL... IF YOU ARE STILL INTERESTED AFTER READING THIS...THEN PLEASE READ ON...I'm me. You either like me or you don't. If you don't like me that is fine. I'm sure I won't like you either. I can be very opinionated & if you ask me for my advice - then be prepared to hear it - I'm going to tell you like it is. If you don't want to hear my advice, then I beg of you to please keep your mouth shut! Even though I am quite opinionated, I do have a very open mind. I like to hear others thoughts on various subjects. I'd never tell anyone that they are wrong on their opinions/thoughts since they are entitled to their beliefs, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them - or them with me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the beach, especially Myrtle. Love to look for sharks teeth. Have basked in the sun on Waikiki beach & on the Italian Riveria, but Myrtle will ALWAYS be my favorite. I'm NOT into instant messaging so don't even ask. I'm NOT looking for a man or a boy or the love of my life - I've already had those & definitely don't need anymore! I have a lot of pet peeves...& believe I actually suffer from what is called sensitivity perception disorder. I do not like to hear people making any kind of crunching noises while they are eating... Such as chomping on ice, celery, chips, etc. People popping, smacking & chomping gum, completely frazzles my last nerve & I can become unglued really quickly. Can't stand to see people eating with their mouths open. Looks like they are chewing vomit...and if I wanted to see that then I'd just go puke. Don't like people who sniff snot down their throat...why don't you just pull it out your nose & eat it...there's no just see what it looks like before it hits your stomach...Tissues are cheap...get a box. Can't stand to hear & watch people who loudly suck & slurp food off their fingers...That's what napkins or paper towels are for. Definitely don't like people who whine...what are you 3? Jeez...Grow up! I just love people who complain & complain about their lives or situation...they don't have enough money...their boss is a is stabbing them in the back...their partner is horrible...etc...either do something about it or SHUT UP! Then there are the people who think they know me. Yeah right. I could sit here all day long & do nothing but write about myself & people still wouldn't know me. I'm happy being a homebody. Doesn't take much to make me comfortable. Definitely NOT into the bar scene or partying. I like nice things, but I'm in no way a high maintenance gal. The older I get the more I find I just want some peace & quiet in my life. No arguing, fussing, fighting, screaming or yelling...take that somewhere else. I have other things I prefer to give my energy to. However, if you mess with a family member or friend you will definitely see hell come upon the Earth. I was married for 20+ years before losing my husband to cancer a couple years ago. I have 4 grown children & 4 grandchildren. My life is pretty well complete. I'm looking for some companionship/friendship, dating if you must call it that. A relationship that is very casual & easy going. Dinner and/or nice conversation is all I am interested in for right now & for the foreseeable future. No pressure on either side. If you're looking for more than that, then I'm sorry. You just aren't going to get it from me. If you're looking for a romp in the sack...look elsewhere for that too. I consider myself to be a Gnostic Wiccan - that is Gnostic not Agnostic & if you don't know the difference...then google it. Would prefer to date someone of the same spiritual path. Someone who is settled, happy & secure with their life path. Someone who is sensitive, understanding & caring without being a wimp. Great sense of humor & brillant blue eyes a plus. Neatly trimmed mustache/goatee combo a plus as well. NO below jaw line beard or goatee. Absolutely NO alcoholics, druggies or game players. Social drinking ok - just as long as it is not a daily thing. I prefer to have my alone time & my space. I do NOT want to be with someone 24/7. Nor do I want to be on the phone with someone all of the time either. If you have "Mommy Issues" them out with your Mother...or a counselor/therapist...I'm not interested in raising anymore children! If you are under 45...please don't even bother...I do not relate well to people who are younger than that. If you're a Bible thumping Christian who is going to bash me over the head with the old testament & then try to wrap me up in love from the new testament...DON'T BOTHER. If you're a FANATIC of ANY religion...DON'T BOTHER. I am VERY secure in my beliefs. If you are a lazy bum, cannot support yourself and/or go from job to job and/or live with your Mother or other relative...DON'T BOTHER. If you do not own your own home or have your own vehicle & a steady job...DON'T BOTHER. If you cannot pay your bills...DON'T BOTHER. If you have served time in jail or prison...DON'T BOTHER. If you are bitter about past relationships...DON'T BOTHER. I worked for the Roanoke Moose Lodge 284 for 17 1/2 years. I worked about every job there was to work at that place. I'm glad it's over! Tiring, taxing & taken for granted! Larry M. Conner - I thank the God/Goddess for you each & every day even though how you got me out of there was nowhere near kosher! I cannot express how happy I am to be away from that place as my life is much less stressful. I do miss most of the members - however there are a few that I could care less if I ever saw them again & I would so love to name them & tell you why...but I'll be nice. J. Larry Foster was the best boss/administrator ever! He really knew how to "rock" a restaurant! My mentor & my friend, I will love him always! To two of the greatest guys in my life - David L. Simmons & Tom Reynolds - you were always there when I needed a helping hand. Your generosity & spirit will never be forgotten - May you both rest in peace! I miss you both terribly!

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My Interests

Pre-Christianity - Gnosticism - Wicca - People Watching - Giving tarot readings - Good conversation about religion or politics. Genealogy - Researching the following surnames from Virginia: Hall, Ledgerwood, Tingler, Austin, Bowles, Lester, Wright, Stanley, Driscoll, Lam, Baker, Crawford, Martin, Persinger
The Part of You That No One Sees
You are wise, insightful, and brilliant.
Your wit is sharp and occasionally hurtful...
Revealing your scorn for people with less intelligence.

Underneath it all, you feel burdened by the stupidity of humanity.
You know what's right in the world, but it's overshadowed by everything that's wrong.
People see you as arrogant. While this is partially true, you are also very sensitive. What's the Part of You That No One Sees?

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ - I'd love to ask him what he thinks about what people preach and teach about him in today's world. Would love to have met Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, Judas, & Paul, King David & King Solomon, Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz, Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Lorne Greene. And most of all I would loved to have known my Grandaddy, Kermit Roosevelt Hall, who died when I was 9 months old. Would definitely like to meet Noreen Renier (Psychic Detectives), Dayle Hinman, the cast of Days of Our Lives, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Dr. Phil, Judge Judy, Judge Joe, Laurence Gardner & Tony Bushby.


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Prefer Top 40 dance music - Hip Hop, R & B, oldies, beach music... Would rather not listen to country - it's too depressing. Definitely don't want to hear any opera or symphonic music...ouch my ears!
Your True Love Is a Scorpio
Why you'll love a Scorpio:

Strong and sexy, Scorpio will overpower you into falling in love (before you even realize it!).
You'll love being swept away by Scorpio - into a world of insane passion.

Why a Scorpio will love you:

You don't mind letting your Scorpio take the reigns, as long as you know you're truly cared for.
Loyal and devoted, you would never do anything to set off insanely jealous Scorpio. What Sign Is Your True Love?


All time favorites - Dirty Dancing & The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The original Willy Wonka, The Shinning, Prophecy, Prophecy II & III, The Craft, Stigmata, Twins, Mrs. Doubtfire.


Just about anything on Court TV, I Love Lucy, Days of Our Lives, Desperate Housewives, American Idol, Leave It To Beaver, Bonanza, most of the older shows from the 60's & 70's...TV Land, please bring back Laugh-In! All the old cartoons - Flintstones, Jetsons, Pink Panther, Scooby-Do, etc. Absolutely love Sigmund & The Sea Monsters, H.R. Puffenstuf, & Land of the Lost. Ok...I have to admit, because of my grandson, I'm a Sponge Bob Fan!!!


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I've read all of Laurence Gardner's, Margaret Starbird's, & Ahmed Osman's books. Enjoy reading anything about pre-Christianity, Paganism, Gnosticism. Not into novels, prefer factual information or very plausible theories. Not into channeled information. Must reads...Akhenaten & The Religion of Light; American Folk Magick; Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions; Ancient Civilizations; Ancient Egypt Ancient Gods, The; Ancient Mystic Rites; Archangels & Ascended Masters; Atlantis Blueprint, The; Attaining the Worlds Beyond; Authentic Gospel of Jesus, The; Bible Unearthed, The; Bloodline of the Holy Grail; Book of Hiram, The; Book of Lilith, The; Book of Solomon's Magick, The; Brother of Jesus, The; Celestine Vision, The; Chalice & The Blade, The; Children of Mu, The; Christianity - An Ancient Egyptian Religion; Christianity - The Origins of a Pagan Religion; Civilization One; Cloak of the Illuminati; Creation Spirituality; Custodians of Truth; Daughters of Isis; Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, The; Egypt - Child of Atlantis; Fingerprint of the Gods; Five Dialogues; Forbidden History; Galactic Alignment; Genesis Unveiled; Giza Power Plant; Gnosis - The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed; Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ; Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas, The; Gnostic Gospels of Jesus, The; Gnostic Philosophy; Gnostic Scriptures, The; Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes; Gnosticism - New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing; Goddess in the Gospels; Gospel of Judas, The; Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The; Hermetica, The; Hex & Spellwork - The Magical Practices of the PA Dutch; Hidden Gospel, The; Hiram Key, The; History of God, A; Holy Bible From The Ancient Eastern Text; Holy Blood, Holy Grail; In the Beginning - The Story of the King James Bible; Inner West, The; Isaiah Effect, The; Jefferson & Religion; Jesus & The Lost Goddess; Jesus Family Tomb, The; Jesus Mysteries, The; Jesus Papers, The; Kepler's Witch; Key of Solomon the King, The; King David - The Real Life of the Man Who Ruled Israel; Lemuria - The Lost Continent of the Pacific; Lemuria & Atlantis; Living Gnosis; Looking For Dilman; Lost Christianities; Lost Gospel Q, The; Lost Land of Lemuira, The; Lost Scriptures; Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark; Lost Teachings of Atlantis, The; Lost World; Magdalen Manuscript, The; Magdalene Legacy, The; Magdalene's Lost Legacy; Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings; Mary Magdalene - Bride in Exile; Mayan Calendar & the Transformation of Consciousness; Merlin & the Discovery of Avalon in the New World; Montsegur & the Mysteries of the Cathars; Moses & Akhenaten; Mysteries of Isis, The; Mystery of the Aleph, The; Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran, The; Mythic Past - Biblical Archaeology & the Myth of Israel; Omens of Millennium - The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams & Resurrection; Opening of the Way, The; Peter, Paul & Mary Magdalene; Pistis Sophia; Politics of Jesus, The; Real History Behind the Da Vinci Code, The; Realm of the Ring Lords; Rebalancing the World; Reformation, The; Reincarnation The Missing Link In Christianity; Religion of the Ancient Egyptians; Rule By Secrecy; Sacred Encounters; Search for Omm Sety, The; Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics, The; Secret Initiation of Jesus at Qumran; Secret Teachings of All Ages, The; Secret Teachings of Jesus, The; Secrets From the Lost Bible; Secrets of Mary Magdalene; Secrets of Rennes-Le-Chateau; Secrets of the Sands; Sermon on the Mount, The; Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts; Sign & The Seal, The; Sion Revelation, The; Son of Man - The Mystical Path to Christ; St. Mary Magdalene; Sumerians, The; Supernatural - Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind; Talisman; Technology of the Gods; Templar Revelation, The; The Bible in History - How Writers Create A Past; The Brother of Jesus & the Lost Teachings of Christianity; The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold; The Church of Mary Magdalene; The Goddess, The Grail & The Lodge; Time Travel; Twin Deception, The; Underworld; Unveiled Mysteries; Uriel's Machine; Virgin Mary Conspiracy, The; Voyages of the Pyramid Builders; Way of Melchizedek, The; Way of the Essenes, The; Who Wrote The New Testament; Woman With the Alabaster Jar, The;
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My deceased husband, Preston. He fought a good fight with cancer. He went through his treatments, his surgeries and I never remember him complaining about anything. He was gallant and brave through it all and was ready to go when he passed.
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This has to be what my husband looks like on the other side!

My Blog


I just love people who are ungrateful.  Ungrateful for everything they have and ungrateful for everything they take, take and take from people - whether it be a family member, friend or com...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 07:22:00 PST

Yeah...that’s it...right...

Mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo....Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah....Yadda yadda yadda...Mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo...Aaarrrrggghhhhh...Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...Yadda yadda yadda...Mu...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 02:58:00 PST

Ummm...wonder where this place is...

Up On The Hill...   Up on the hill stands a massive building. It holds many people, Yet it's still empty. Talking, singing, dancing, but it's just a noise. Up on the hill, You'll find a few who c...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:59:00 PST

Preston 6/1/46 to 6/10/2005

Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:27:00 PST


Once again another person has been abducted from a shopping mall parking lot...and now her body has been found.  We may not know all of the circumstances of her abduction and eventual murder yet,...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 02:45:00 PST

My Beliefs...

I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church and home.  I always had this feeling that the things I was hearing and learning were not exactly right.  I felt something was being left out.  I ...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Fri, 25 May 2007 08:39:00 PST

Roanoke Moose Lodge

I should write a book.  And what a book it would definitely be.  I could write about all of the things that have taken place behind the doors and on the property of the Roanoke Moose L...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:06:00 PST

Sensitivity Perception Disorder

I want to know about "Sensitivity Perception Disorder".  At least I believe that was the name given to it.  The Today Show aired a segment about this a few months ago.  I am unable to f...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:11:00 PST

Friends vs. Southern Friends

FRIENDS" VS. "SOUTHERN FRIENDS" FRIENDS: Never ask for food. SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Always bring the food. FRIENDS: Will say "hello". SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. FRIENDS: Call you...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:31:00 PST

Virginia Tech Tragedy

Mother/Father God encircle the Virginia Tech campus and each person who is there and those who lost their lives and those who are injured, with your loving and healing hands.  Bring to them a sen...
Posted by Cindy The Shark Tooth Hunter on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:26:00 PST