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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Firstly.................I set up this MySpace profile in an attempt to find out if there are other people out there who feel in any way the same way that I do about the world. I don't get to meet that many people face to face as a result of geographical isolation and long term unemployability!!!! ............................................. In a nutshell, I think that the world is largely populated by 'lost/ deluded / unaware / relatively uneducated / arguably 'crazy' people, and that it is time (as it has always been) for ALL humans to try start to do something to change that situation before it's too late. This is hardly a world shattering statement, I know, but it's the truth as I see it. I'm lost too, in the sense that I don't seem to be able to find my way 'home'. There is an ever present sense of unease. It's hard to see how any 'God' could possibly intervene directly and quickly at this stage of the game. A virus, a flood, nuclear war, armed rebellions? I can't see how they would work. We would still be left with a load of 'bully boys' who would take over the 'new world'. A 'God' or 'Gods / the 'Universal Energy' / 'Love' may be 'pulling our strings', but we humans ourselves must try to sort out the mess here on earth......................and we have to make a start somewhere....and that starts with looking at why things are not working out for us as a species..................... Humans are not really able to COMMUNICATE with each other at anything other than a superficial level. Never totally. Words just don't work as well as we think they do and there are no 'knights of the round table' to plead one's case to when matters are in dispute. Wise and fair decisions are rarely made. What we really think about people and what we say to them are often two different things. There are some things that should be said but we never say them.....or if we do, they are not really 'heard'....or we get a violent or defensive reaction etc etc. It goes in one ear and out of the other as the saying goes. Sometimes the things that we have to say are based on false information or false emotional reactions from our past. Sometimes we don't say things to avoid hurting people even though what we have to say is the truth etc etc. ......................................One first step in trying to sort out the 'mess' that is humanity could be to recognise that that is a fact?? To stop pretending that we ourselves are 'perfect' and to talk about it ????!!!! ....................................Also, we ourselves are almost certainly made up of more than one 'personality'. There is more than one 'me' and more than one you, depending upon place and circumstance. We are intrinsically 'split' beings, all of us. We have sub-personalities. (We love to blame/accuse/be frightened of 'mentally ill' people though!!) Often we can not even communicate reliably with our own 'other selves'. We lose the real plot too often....if we ever had a 'plot' at all. We may think that we know who we are and that we are stable, but is the person who you think you are the 'real' you?? What a pity that there is not some sort of 'sanity meter' that we could all plug into!!! We have to try to CURE OURSELVES.....not to wait for or to expect others to do it for us........I have some ideas in this regard though I can't be sure that I'm on the right track. Maybe, already, you think that I'm a complete balm pot???? Obviously (and predictably) I don't think so!!!! Not a 'complete' one anyway................................... we have to find our 'real' selves......then we have to learn to hold on to our 'real' selves at all times. If we can't find our real selves, then how about looking for signs of our 'FALSE SELVES'? The parts of us that don't always do the things that we would like to do. The 'right/ethical/humane' things. Looking at the things that we do that make us less than 'perfect' humans. That can be a scary thing to do. To realise how far we are from 'perfection'......and then to admit it.........I can't possibly say all that I wish to say on a page like this, so in time I will say more via blogs....and hope that anybody who reads them will offer feedback.................................................... ......On a different note................I have in my Pics section,a picture of myself next to a motorbike. The picture was taken in Rome, on Easter Sunday, the week the last Pope died. I didn't even know it was Easter weekend when I booked the flights to Rome. The numberplate on the motorbike reads 'I AM MI'. That was a strange enough 'coincidence'......but, if you translate the numbers on the plate into letters from the English reads ' I AM MIAGGI' in the teacher from the Karate Kid....(Weedy kid beats bullies). Just at the end of the same road there was a poster that read 'I Am What I Am'. Hmmmmm....what are the chances of that?? Messages and metaphores?? I have believed in SYNCHRONICITIES (highly unusual and unlikely coincidences) for a long time now and have experienced many of them, as have my children. I suspect that here may be no coincidences and that everything that happens is /was meant to happen and was going to happen anyway. EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS CONNECTED AT ALL TIMES. WE ARE ALL PART OF 'THE one' UNIVERSE....BY DEFINITION. IF WE ARE NOT PART OF THE EVERYTHING, THEN WHAT ARE WE?? Again, as a child I realised that 'technically' I live on the same street as the queen!! Just that the 'steet' changes name a few score times between our two houses! After all is said and done, we all started from the same lump of condensed energy/matter at the time of the 'Big Bang' did we not? We were once ONE. We are all made of the same stuff.....matter.....and energy...which ultimately are the same thing....ENERGY. We are all connected back in distant history and remain so today.............................. Soooooooooooo........I think that the world is basically a huge low secutity lunatic asylum and is populated predominantly by unaware and 'mad' people. If the word 'MAD seems a little over the top and puts you off, then how about 'LOST' people?? Lost sheep, lost souls, lost minds etc etc. We are lost because we can't find our way 'home'. We can't see it and we may not even know that it exists. Home is when we can all 'get along' with each other..................................The CHAMBERS DICTIONARY definition of 'PSYCHOSIS' = A serious mental disorder characterized by eg ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS, hallucinations, MENTAL CONFUSION, and a LACK OF INSIGHT on the part of the patient into his or her condition. By this literal definition alone then, many of the people that I have met in my life are, 'by definition', 'at least a 'little bit' psychotic'!! How many people do you know personally who are deluded, have false illusions of their own importance, are mentally confused (and confusing) and have no idea whatsoever that there is anything 'the matter' with them? Because so very much of the 'truth' of the world is still unknown, we are all surely 'deluded' to a greater or lesser extent for much of the time? Many deluded people will try to convince you that it is you who are deluded. Check it out. Try telling someone that you think is mad or stupid that they are 'mad' or stupid. They just will not have it!! At least your 'classic loony' shows himself/herself openly by his/her overtly strange behaviours etc. Covert / undiagnosed 'loons', however, are much more dangerous and the world if full of them. Many of them are in positions of so called 'authority'. ............................................................ ...................This MYSPACE page is my attempt to see if anyone else 'out there' agrees with me....................... NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE on this planet until we all realise that we are indeed more than a little 'unbalanced' and 'deluded'. ALL OF US. Unfortunately, also, just living in this crazy world can make us crazier too. Starting in childhood of course. Mixing with 'nutters' every day does little to improve one's own mental health. I'd like to try to connect thoughts with others and to try to establish what truth we can rely upon and to connect to a tiny glimmer of 'sanctuary'. Early days yet of course!!
.. Blogs - "A People’s History of American Empire" A Howard Zinn Video - The

If you have a few minutes to watch this please...??T Blogs - Uniting & fighting back is no longer a choice; it’s a matter of survival -

Watch this please.....Tx Blogs - War Made Easy - The Man Common MySpace Blog

Worth a watch...Tx

nobody really knows

This is incredible I feel...I can't stop to listening..LOLPosted as a bulletin but want to get to as many people as possible...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet........................................................ ............................................................ ..........All of the people out there who would like to see some start made towards accepting, understanding and then ending the insanity that surrounds us each and every day. Some effort made to get all people to see that we are ALL really quite insane when it comes down to it i.e we are not living in awareness of 'the ultimate truth', not living as we are potentially capable of doing. People who give a damn about other people should be seen as more important that a bunch of relatively talentless, ego maniacal celebrities and power crazed, greedy businessmen and there really any difference??................................................ .......................................................... Apart from that......I'd also like to meet........................................................ ............................................................ ...........................Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Billy Bragg, Michael Stipe, Roger Waters, Tony Benn, Einstein, Carl Rogers, Eugene Gendlin, Robert Oppenheimer, Steve Vai, Rory Bremner, Spike Milligan, Michael Palin, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Rik Mayall and Ade Edmundson, Michael Foot, P D Ouspensky, George Orwell, Quentin Tarrentino, The guy who wrote the Matrix and ,of course, many many more...The 'T' in 'T-Party' represents T for Trevor, T for TRUTH, T as in T-JUNCTION...we have to choose which path to take soon. Before it's too late.I'd also like to meet the elephant headed God Ganesha from the Hindu faith. He is the SOLVER OF PROBLEMS AND THE GRANTER OF GIFTS....................................................... .... Ganesha's mother, PARVATTI, in conjunction with SHIVA (his dad), represent the essence of perfect MALE / FEMALE UNION. The ideal couple. The essential joining of equal and opposite energies. If one man and one woman can not get it together physically and intellectually, then what hope for humanity??Changing the world starts with the INDIVIDUAL.................................................. .......... We are not a 'psychologically well' species. The answers to humanity's problems lie in PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SPIRITUAL EDUCATION rather than in politics and politicians. You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. Finding yourself and holding on to yourself is a good place to start. Then you can help others. ............................................................ ............................................................ ... T

My Blog

Anti-Smoking Laws and related things..

This from Mr Joe 'Is She Really Going Out With Him' Jackson....eloquent to the Nth degree..SMOKE, LIES AND THE NANNY STATEFor thousands of years in the Americas, and about 500 years prettymuch everywh...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 10:49:00 GMT

Mister Wiggles has ' ed off' I tried....he tried....we failed.....
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:17:00 GMT

POLICE BRUTALITY? Shocking police brutality....this is what we are up against....get ready all....
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 08:42:00 GMT

Cuban Angels Aquarela do Brasil 5/3/08 Truly angelic....
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 11:35:00 GMT

Disney's Occultic Secrets (Part 1)
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 10:31:00 GMT

Disney's Occultic Secrets (Part 2)
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 10:20:00 GMT

PART 1: Alan Watt on Television Brainwashing.
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 09:25:00 GMT

Alan Watts On Buddhism - Test Clip 1
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 08:41:00 GMT


Recent trip 'dahn da smoke'.......tea, wine and DANCING !!
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 08:45:00 GMT

Peak Experiences.. From 'Integrated Theory of Intelligence'

Discussion on:Peak Experience,Mystical ExperienceAbraham Maslow Examine the relationship to peak experience as defined by Maslow and how such an experience led to the formulation of "Integrat...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 11:35:00 GMT