Missy and Rocky profile picture

Missy and Rocky

He calls me MAMACITA

About Me

I'm Missy...I'm a Chihuahua that some say resembles a chicken nugget...some people even go far as to call me Nugget, but I prefer to be called Missy because I know I'm a bad ass bitch. I'm fawn colored with white paws and a white neck...I'm now 5.5 lbs of pure love (according to my last vet visit) and I have lots of collars because my mommy buys me one almost everytime she sees a cute one. I have 6 now. I'm a very sweet girl, I LOVE humans and I get so excited when I meet a new one. I like other dogs too as long as they don't jump on me or bite at me. I love my squeeky toys, they are my favorite. It says I'm 17 but Im really 6 months old. My best friends are Ginny May, Step, Delilah, Nikita, and Bailey oh and my mommy, Meghan, I am now going out with the cutest Chihuahua ever, Quido...HOLLA
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Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name?? Missy (Missy Prissy, Nugget)
What's your mommy/owners name? Meghan
What breed are you? Chihuahua
How much did you cost?? $400
What's your favorite toy? My squeeky white dog
Tap water ot bottled water? Bottled but I will drink tap
Do you always walk or are you always carried? Mommy carries me when I am at a pet store, I walk around the house and outside but I get carried a lot too
How many pounds will you weigh full grown? they said 4-7, but Im hoping I wont exceed 6
Do you wear clothes? I havent found any that fit me they are all too big
Long or short hair? Short
Indoor or outdoor? Both!
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? Usually with my mommy, its my favorite
What's your fave color? Yellow and Blue
Do you chase cats or get along with them? I didnt like Fred too much, Sadie, Kody, and Postal are cool.
How old are you? (in people years) Ummm Im only 4 months old
Do you like to go swimming? I havent tried yet
Are you fixed? Soon to be
What color are your eyes? Dark olive green
What color is your hair? Fawn and white
Do you get groomed? Nope
Are you potty trained? Im working on it
How much do you bark? Not much at all...at my bed and toys, and sometimes at random people
Have you ever bit anyone? No, I nip just teething and playing
Do you believe in interbreedal mating? Well, if the puppies all get a good home its fine
Do you like the bath or hate it? I hate it
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack? I only see big dogs and they sorta intimidate mem I need to get to know somemore Chihuahuas
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you? No not yet
Do you do any doggie sports?? Running around like a crazy woman
How cute are you from 1 to 10? whoa...way too cute for this scale heh heh

My Interests

Quido, Eating random things off the floor, being adorable, barking at my bed and my toys, jumping around like a Kangaroo, sleeping, sleeping in the bed with Meghan especially, getting lots of attention, chewing my bone, chilling with Ginny May (Rat terrier mix), Step (Rat terrier), Delilah (Jack Rat), Bailey (Beagle), and Nikita (Miniture Pinscher), squeeking my toys, scratching, digging, pooping, pissing, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, licking and biting (only cuz Im teething) *KISSES FOR QUIDO*

I'd like to meet:

Tinkerbell and Bambi, The Taco Bell Chihuahua, Lassie, Otis, Shiloh, Benji, Toto Chihuahua Song

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I will chill to some techno and trance music, it makes me bounce off the walls...but other than that I love all the music Meghan likes...Tool, Metallica, A Perfect Circle in particular...


Homeward Bound, Bingo(Go packers!), Legally Blonde


Lassie, Animal Planet


Quido, Ginny May, Step, Mickey, Anabelle, Nikita, Bailey, Delilah

My Blog


Ive been having so much fun lately! Mom has been taking me to this big park so I can run around! It is so much fun. She also put me in the fountain to see if I could swim and I did it. I loved the wat...
Posted by Missy and Rocky on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 08:03:00 PST

Dear Quido

Dear Quido,     You make my heart melt...everytime I see your pictures and receive your sweet comments I wish I could be there with you...You are the sweetest puppy I know, not to menti...
Posted by Missy and Rocky on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:00:00 PST

I have a boyfriend!

Yeah, I know its not very lady like for a girl pup to ask a guy pup out...but you know I just couldnt resist Quido....hes soooooo cute!!! The best part is he said yes! Yeah, we live a good distance aw...
Posted by Missy and Rocky on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:55:00 PST