Glittery texts by
Hi I'm Lucy a Pitbull mix and I'm very loving and love to play. I love to go camping and to go to the lakes with my family. We live in Arizona. I'm aprox, 4 years old. Mom adopted me from the Az. Humane Society. So I was a shelter dog. They said I was brought in there cause I was hit by a car and was in bad shape. I had a collapsed lung and they nursed me back to health. So now I have a new lease on life with a loving family with many animals besides me. My kitty bro, Pokey has his own Myspace too and so does the Girls, also kitties, Bella, Alley, Emma, Snow, and Luna. You might already know them! They are cool cats!!! Besides that I bark alot at people that walk by my house and also at cars cause I have a fear of cars since being hit by one. I love to ride in them though. I eat alot, I sleep on the couch, and am pretty spoiled, he, he, he!!! *** Oh Yeah! I almost forgot to tell you I'm also a Girl Pirate Doggie, AARRRHHHH.... Matey's!!!!