Hi there we are Da Girl's! Bella~~ is a beautiful Lynx Point Siamese and she is 5 yrs old. Alley Cat~~ is a cute Siamese chocolate point and she is a 2 years old. Emma~~ she is a medium haired tabby/Maine Coon mix, that is very sassy and she is 3 yrs old. Snow~~ she is a beautiful siamese mix and she is 6 yrs old and is very prissy and bitchy. We love to play together and take long naps on and off all day. We love to sharpen are claws on our Mom's books she has every where and she doesnt like that much. We love to eat sweets and break into Mom's candy stash quit often. Mom loves to take our pictures and show us off. We love to play with our human sisters who are 3 years old and 11 years old. Bella~~ loves to be the Motherly one and licking and cleaning all of us. Snow~~ I'm the white looking Siamese mix who is sassy and prissy and the bitch of the group I'd like to think so at least. Emma~~ I love to sleep on top of the TV in Moms room but get in such a deep sleep and fall off the TV all the time. Alley~~ I like to bite the Biotches Asses around here. Luna~~ The Tiger stripped kitty was a stray on the streets till Mom brought her in pregnant with kittens. Kanikka~~ The tan and white/orange and cream looking kitty was a rescue from a local shelter that added to our family in Feb, 2007. There's alot of us but we are one big happy family and spoiled bunch too. So we are looking for some kitty friends and other pussy's to be friends with us! Bring some extra Kitty Nip with you when you come.
I edited my profile at Doobix.com
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