Chiquita profile picture



About Me

I am so happy to have my own My Space page thanks to my Mama!
My Mama is a 70's hippie chick~that's why my page is so groovy!
She has all sorts of crazy nicknames for me. Sometimes she calls me Mrs. Beasley, or sometimes she calls me Mrs. B for short. I just really never know what name she'll come up with next!
I am so spoiled! My Mama takes real good care of me! I have a basket full of toys~and she doesn't even mind if I get them all out at once!
She says that our house looks like a daycare center, and she wishes I could learn to put them all away!
I spend most of my days sleeping until she gets home from work. Then it's playtime! :)
She lets me sleep with her under our electric blanket, and boy does that feel good~I am always a little bit chilly.
If I am a good girl, I get what she calls a "good girl cookie". I love those!
Thanks everyone for accepting me as your friend!
Peace, Chiquita
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My Interests

This is my sister Jaime (she's Missy Pinny's mama!) Miss Pinny is my best friend! I'm quite the little watch dog! This is my brother Josh with Sosita (isn't she the cutest?)


Led Zeppelin ROCKS!

"I like smokin' lightening~heavy metal thunder"

My Blog

Trick or Treat

My Mama is at it again!  She said look at all the cute little doggies in their Halloween costumes!  "We gotta get you one!"  So, off to the pet store we go.  We ended up with this ...
Posted by Chiquita on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:22:00 PST

A Dog's Prayer

A DOG'S PRAYER Treat me kindly , my beloved master,for no heart in all the world is moregrateful for kindness than the lovingheart of me.Do not break my spirit with a stick,for although I should lick ...
Posted by Chiquita on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 07:46:00 PST

I hate firecrackers!

Ok,  I love the 4th of July and all it stands for!  But why is it that humans get such a kick out of those things they call firecrackers?  I am deathly afraid of them!  And those o...
Posted by Chiquita on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 06:20:00 PST

The 10 Commandments of Dog Ownership

The Ten Commandments of Dog Ownership 1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me. 2. Give me time to understand ...
Posted by Chiquita on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 08:17:00 PST

Damn Dora!

Ok-this is my first try at posting a blog. February 14th was my 4th birthday.  I thought I would share some birthday pictures!   When Mama got home from work, she brought me a...
Posted by Chiquita on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 05:20:00 PST