~Princess Bambi~ profile picture

~Princess Bambi~

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Bambi, I'm a 2 year old, 3lb chiihuahua, but don't let my size fool you, I'm FULL of personality! I am Geordie's little sister, and I was found by the same rescue group that found Geordie :) I was a stray, no one knows how a super cutie like me ended up on the streets, but it's okay 'cause now I have a great new home where I get spoiled LOTS, and a big brother to look out for me too!
My favorite thing to do is cuddle inside someone's shirt or jacket ^_^ I also love running around and wrestling with Geordie, playing with bugs, and laying out in the sunshine. Long walks and car rides are super fun - but nothing beats kisses!! I AM THE KISSING BANDIT!! XD
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My Interests

I love kisses, cuddling, dancing for treats, going for walks and copying everything my big brother does! I'm a little shy about meeting new people at first, but usually it only takes me a few minutes to warm up :) I'm super loveable!

I'd like to meet:

Lots of fun doggies!


I like my daddy's bands, Drunken Prayer and Mars Needs Women.


Animal Planet!


My big brother Geordie, my new mama and papa, and Courage the Cowardly Dog!

My Blog

Beach Vacation!

My mama took a 4 day weekend, and we all went up to Long Beach, WA, and stayed in a cute little cottage right by the ocean! We had lots of fun, but it was too cold for me most of the time, I had to w...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:12:00 PST

St. Patty's Day fun!

Yesterday the weather was SUPER warm, so we went downtown to Saturday market and shopped around, and then walked by the river! It was so cool! The only downside was - We took the trolley (cablecar) ...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:57:00 PST

Fun at an Oregon Humane Society fundraiser!

On Wednesday night we went to a fundrasier for the Humane Society! It was at a really cool hotel downtown, and they had a contest for several of the doggies up for adoption, to be the new hotel masco...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:51:00 PST

My first SNOW DAY!!

We had ever so much fun today, even though it was cold and crappy outside!! Mama and daddy stayed home from work, and we all cuddled and watched movies and played games :-D And I got to snuglle with...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:36:00 PST

I got tagged!

You've been tagged - List 6 things you do, and tag 6 others; list the 6 you tagged at the bottom of your blog. here we go!1. I am SUPER kissy, and love to try and make out with mommy and daddy!2. B...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 11:53:00 PST

Blackberry picking by the river!

Yesterday we all went down to the park by the river, and Daddy picked blackberries while mama ran along the beach with us! It was so much fun, there are so many crazy smells down there! Mama said I ...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 07:45:00 PST


Yay!! We went to the vet today, and they did some x-rays to see how my leg is doing, and it's all healed up! They took the pins out right then and there while my mama and Geordie waited for me. I h...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 10:36:00 PST

My great 6 day weekend!

So my mama's brother came to visit from Colorado from last thursday until today - it was so much fun! We drove up to Washington to visit out great-gramma and grampa, they were very nice :-p And then...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:19:00 PST

This whole broken leg thing isn't so bad after all!

haha... yesterday was grooming day, but I didn't have to have a bath or ANYthing done, because of my leg!! Instead I just got to watch Geordie being tortured, LOL. He had to have his nails clipped, ...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Mon, 15 May 2006 08:14:00 PST

My Surgery... and new pictures...

Hey friends! I didn't think my very first blog would be about something so traumatic, lol... but that's life for ya!On Wednesday morning this week I went in for surgery on my right front leg (I broke...
Posted by ~Princess Bambi~ on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 07:19:00 PST