I'm impoverished due to illness - SEND CASH NOW!!!
(...well, one has to at least try all avenues, eh?)
first - a spot of promotion for some top musical chaps:
(no you CAN like the Sisters AND the Mission actually..and no, you CAN'T have my 4 night mission gig tickets for next Feb, EVEN if you ask nicely!!!)
...and moving quickly onto other rock'n'roll news....
beacuse they're brilliant and this is a gem from history that you might never get another chance to own your own precious copy of!
My interests should tell you most of what you want to know - put it simply I'm supposed to be a music loving, animal friendly, slightly loopy person who loves to travel, dress up, dance, go to gigs and hang out with like minded people.
When I'm alone at home and NOT screaming at the walls or wrapped up in breathtaking panic, I'm reading, dreaming, thinking, learning, pondering on life's questions or looking at cute pictures of pigs and baby animals....
Of course, there's possibly more to me than that, but putting it into words requires more space than i have here - feel free to ask me about any of my interests though - and i might blog an explaination for any that you do ask about.....
Another quick rock'n'roll interval:
Check out Devilish Presley's website for more info on their current tour!
I'm currenty not working due to complete crapness at keeping a job, keeping employers on my good side and dealing with people as a result of my enduring problems with chronic severe depression and worsening social anxiety.
As a consequence of this, I'm always totally skint and having been eating nought but rubbish for six months ++ my once svelte and model-like figure has become somewhat more blimp like than I should like - please send amphetamines!
I finally have somewhere to live though... close to the river, convenient for the city and the west end.. blah blah blah, but mostly devoid of furnishings or fittings, hence all my "stuff" is still in storage. Good thing really, I take up too much room due to my current porkiness and none of my nice clothes fit anymore anyway.. *sniffle*
Housewarming gift list to be started pronto... oh, hang on, i've still got the one from LAST year....just gotta find the URL and update some of the choices...
So, reading between the lines some of you might gather, this is a pretty bleak time in my life.... but things can only get better, eh?
Chin up!
Oh hang on, which chin?
At least, at the very least, I have music....
and a few very good friends, so all is not lost....
Another commercial break: LOVE THIS BAND, DAMNIT!
Bella Morte - "Earth Angel"
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So, whilst I'm here, in limbo land, I may as well rant about some things I do care about, trivial or not. Things that do keep me wanting, even just for a moment, to be alive. To act. To do more than just stagnate slowly...
Things I have done because I knew I had to, and because I wanted to, and because I could.... Things I will do again and again til my body breathes no more....
Send me to some gigs - I need the exercise!
Well, i can but wish, eh? Hope keeps me going. Something has to....
This is my "public" myspace profile -...so yes I also have another profile, but that one's reserved for people I know in person and bands I know/love who have their own myspace profiles (not fansites).
You can find it if you look on my list of friends - if you're that nosy, of course....
I dance to forget. And I dance to remember. And I dance to feel something other than pain. Though music also makes the pain worse....
You read this far?? No, sorry, there's no prize. I wish there was, but no, there's merely... gratitude?