Q-POC Lounge Collective profile picture

Q-POC Lounge Collective

Queer People Of Color youth commUNITY!!

About Me

"There are places to get tested for sexually transmitted infections. There are places to access help if you experience hate crimes. There are places to go if you are kicked out of your house. But this is a place where people can be accepted and celebrated as a creative whole person." This was her answer when Leslie Andrews was asked why she supports Q-POC Lounge.
In an effort to continue our commitment to provide provocative and inclusive dialogue via arts and social change presentations, the Pan African Arts Society plans to launch the "Q-POC Lounge" in 2006 to create a community space for people of color who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, flexual, transgender, or who are questioning their sexual orientation, as a part of the !BLAM (Black Literature, Arts & Music) Youth Project. "Q-POC" (rhymes with Tupac) - Queer People Of Color - is a safe, fun, artistic and empowering space focused on youth. We are excited and confident that this project will be a step in the direction of a more unified and accepting community!
The Pan African Arts Society (PAAS) is a non-profit 501c3 organization that coordinates and executes a myriad of arts education and social change venues throughout the year and within the Denver metro-area. The PAAS also collaborates with individuals, organizations, and corporate entities in the community-at-large in order to increase dialogue and action in diverse settings through the use of cultural icons including film, performance, creative writing and oration. It is our hope that these seeds will be nurtured to yield increased possibilities for public engagement, professional, spiritual, and personal development, and preservation and perpetuation of cultural heritage.
IF you have input, want to be a volunteer, or want to BE AT Q-POC please message me with your EMAIL or email us at:
Liz Andrews
Community Outreach Coordinator
[email protected]
Maurice Ka
!BLAM Youth Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Leslie Andrews
Q-POC Volunteer
[email protected]
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 1/1/2006
Band Website: panafricanarts.org
Band Members:
The goal of "Q-POC Lounge" is to empower young queer people-of-color through social events that promote positive self-identity and cultural unity while creating visibility in the mainstream society. Queer is a word that means both people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, same-gender-loving, transgender, etc., as well as people who live differently than what is expected.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

QPOC Cupcakes and Conversation Soiree Pics!

I am sorry we were unable to login here before the event, but it was packed, and you can catch up to these awesome films online too!The movies were excellent, and the cupcakes and conversation with th...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:21:00 PST

Homo Hop West! 4-26-07!

repost the revolution, support queer folks of color (who happen to love hip hop!) xoxo ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Bent Lens Cinema presents Homo Hop Wes...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:09:00 PST

QPOC Fashion Show Pics

Here's the first of them-more on the way soon. These are courtesy Jonas Jaeger, thanks!NubiaBaSheBa EarthDani-our Queer Prom drag queen winner, gracing the stage at the fashion show.Matthew Antuan Ant...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 02:00:00 PST

BIG KID PROM This Saturday! FUNdraiser for QPOC and CAVP!

BIG KID PROM '06This Time We Get It stRaIGHT!!!Ever wanted a "do-over" for prom?Never had the prom you wanted becauseyour idea of a good time differed from theprescribed prom formula?This Prom is for ...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:56:00 PST

QPOC Model Wins Queer Prom 2006 Drag Queen Title!!

One of our models for the upcoming Q~POC Fashion Show, My Existence Is Resistance, won the title of Drag Queen of Queer Prom 2006! The Queer Prom was put on by QPOC allies, Rainbow Alley, a GLBTQ yout...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Mon, 15 May 2006 06:42:00 PST

Please send this letter out or donate to QPOC

Hi QPOC Myspacers!We are posting this letter for asking people or organizations for money to sponsor us. As of now, much of the funding is out of the pockets of our volunteers, so donations are badly ...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Tue, 09 May 2006 12:03:00 PST

KGNU interview, meeting on 2-19-06

Dear supporters of QPOC, Liz Andrews (Community Outreach Coordinator) and Leslie Andrews (volunteer of QPOC) were on KGNU 1390am this morning, being interviewed about Q-POC Lounge, queer people of ...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 02:34:00 PST

Even more QPOC party pics!

Check these out! These are courtesy Jordan Garcia-thanks!! Our supporters from Cafe Cultura & Maurice Ka of the !Blam youth project:Bobby, Claudia, Julie, Maurice, Ara. Awww. Jordan & ...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:50:00 PST

Pictures from the I ? QPOC launch party!!!

Here's some to start and more are to come! Special thanks to Jonas for taking these pics and donating them to the QPOC Lounge. Painting the QPOC Love mural! Leslie Andrews, T Wollerman, an...
Posted by Q-POC Lounge Collective on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 01:28:00 PST