ART N' MOTION 2008!!MY TRIP TO NEW ORLEANS!! watch my video...its the second i've ever made in my whole life. the first minute is me just runnin' amuck :) then its the good stuff
The creation of a school of hope will beautify our surroundings in turn causing connection to the natural rawest expression of nature – love. Human or alien there exists a universal pattern transparent to most yet projecting sound, colors, and electron clouds; From its inception its design in lies the frequency of life.Our ability to hear a tree falling in a forest is enabled with introspection, not mere proximity. You being another eye for which my soul to see, we are other each other intertwined in our minds which radiate and gravitate like ionic elements attracted to an intrigued by our polarizations.
I believe as sure as I breathe the quantum mechanics of energies depths. Shipping upwards toward our siblings we radiate light on a vast spectrum of illumination.
Our eyes may not be able to always see the continuity of journey’s we all share yet again innately intoned have we become with our senses we feel overloading the senses within our bodies existence. The entity of its own, a creation through collision of molecules we HAVE learned to create and progress through conflict—yet must conflict entail destruction? Or RE-vision…ME-vision and WE-vision.Collectively we utilize the gatekeepers to different parts of ourselves, pieces which may have be dormant for centuries.
So we learn to continue to see ourselves with new eyes so our perception will change, being fluid as the sea. Keeping constant we are always looking at ourselves through disillusioned eyes. To see we must evoke and make fluid constant emotion, each encounter enhancing a meeting another part of yourself.
We tend to stop the connection after it “stops†effecting us as our whole being, yet blinded to the matrix of collaboration atoms to cells…cells to tissues….tissues to organs….organs to organ systems….to organization…to population and eco-systems.
This progression is the being, thus concentrating on ourselves may mean talking to a stranger.The “human†alone is part of an expanding ripple. IT’s constant fluctuations radiating energy. As an organism no one part is not an intricate part of the process, life is part of this journey in which we expend and consume energy, continually replenishing the flow between all of us.