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Writing checks that others pay since 1982.

About Me

Trying to pin down a philosophical world-view that doesn't require a great deal of intelligence to comprehend but still placates the ever-thinking brain is hard work. Who does God like most? Are people good? What should we be doing with our time? Is money necessary? Who am I?
Who cares?
The 2008 version of Andrew is much more introverted then, say, the 1999 version. Go figure. I'll admit I enjoy the world of music, cynical observations, maps and CNN... but that's about all you're getting. I don't really get excited by the chance to give a brief, written synopsis about myself because of the restraint it requires to get anyone to care, so if you really thought you were going to get to know me by reading my "About Me' section, I sincerely apologize (though I'm probably actually revealing a lot here). There was a time not so long ago when I was very open and outgoing... and loud. If you knew me then, you probably know a lot about me that I'd like to take back but if you weren't around during the time of Hurricane Goff feel priviliged that you missed it, unless you enjoy chaos, in which case get a time machine. Now I am a bit more reserved, so if you really care to break through my walls I suggest bringing a lantern and a pick-axe.
I yam what I yam.
Question: Why is it that I seem to be more honest on here than I can be with people face to face? Sarcasm and cynicism have been attributes that you could argue defined me in the past, but I'm trying to break the sleeper hold they've had around my neck. They are temptresses to be resisted when possible. I still slum with them often. I'm trying.

My Interests

In general, I like to think of myself as a human being living on the earth. The rest of you will fill in the remaining gaps.

I'd like to meet:

I wouldn't mind having a sit-down, face-to-face, over coffee conversation with God. A leisurly chat where we could really hash out what exactly is "up".

On a serious note, I like it when I find that their are people who view the world through similar eyes. Of course if people see things differently, I'd like to hear about that too, but I'll probably just smile and nod if I think your apprach to life is self-centered and not well thought out. Sorry. Ask me about our 31 flavors!

I think I'd like to do something significant soon.

Help me.


Whatever the trendy band/sound of the moment is, I love them. Better yet, YOU tell me what to like, I will not protest.

(Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, The Who, Sufjan Stevens, The Beatles, Neil Young, Smashing Pumpkins, Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Radiohead, Alice In Chains, Dave Matthews Band, REM, Rage Against The Machine, Curtis Mayfield, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Anthony Skinner, U2, Violent Femmes, Erykah Badu, Elvis Costello, Jennifer Benoit (In that order? Maybe.)


If a picture is worth a thousand words how many words can we get out of a moving picture? Cinema has the ability to evoke the spectrum of human emotions, but when analyzing the inherant human value of any film, Andrew Goff says ask yourself this question: Did things blow up?


"Reality" Shows are improving America, one Jell-o brain at a time. I turned mine off. If I had TiVo, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (pronounced Re-pore) would be watched, but who can afford that ridiculousness. Oh, you can? Give something to charity then money bags!


Time, Bible, Newsweek. There was a large temptation to lie a lot in this section. Congratulate me for being sincere.


"Heroes" is not an apt way to describe the people on this list.
Instead, this is my ever-growing list of the people who's public myth I admire. The way these individuals approached life has shaped my own throughout the years, from a young television watcher all the way to an old television watcher:
Abraham Lincoln
Barack Obama
Bill Cosby
Bill Watterson
Billy Graham
Bob Dylan
Brian McLaren
Bruce Springsteen
Eddie Vedder
Fred Rogers
Gary Larson
George Orwell
Hunter S. Thompson
Hulk Hogan
James Marvel
Jason Wells
Jesus Christ
Johnny Cash
John Lennon
Jon Stewart
Keith Green
Larry David
Lenny Bruce
Leo Tolstoy
Mahatma Ghandi
Malcom X
Mark Cobb
Martin Luther King
Michael Savage
Mick Foley
Neil Young
Pete Townshend
Reggie Miller
Samuel Clemens
Soren Keirkegaard
Stephen Colbert
Stevie Wonder
Sufjan Stevens
Tex Avery
Theodore Geisel

My Blog

$4.00/gal! - We Did It!

Let me just say that I bought Jen a bicycle for her birthday.You're welcome, Al Gore.Check out this video: $4.00/gal ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by a.e.g? on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:42:00 PST

Larry Norman: 1947-2008

I haven't spent a lot of time with people that the world deems as "important", but I did have the pleasure of being able to spend the day with Larry Norman. I actually was able to pick his and his br...
Posted by a.e.g? on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 05:22:00 PST

I invented the term (V)log.

So there.You probably shouldn't watch this video unless you already don't respect me or you really have nothing to do. It was only intended for three people. If however, you have been bad and you need...
Posted by a.e.g? on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 11:09:00 PST

Mother Popcorn

                        Change is not something I am a fan of. I, Andrew Goff admittedly have a ...
Posted by a.e.g? on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 09:31:00 PST

RUNTS -- A Sweet & Sour Tooth

Even as we as a country wade through the mire of a directionless war, a failing healthcare system and a growing sense national apathy, I was unprepared for the shock I received recently as I indulged...
Posted by a.e.g? on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 01:44:00 PST

A Mexican Confrontation

(We are all adults here.)As many of you know, I just returned from what I will forever refer to as an epic sweep through Baja California. The events of that journey warrant an entire blog of their own...
Posted by a.e.g? on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 06:42:00 PST

Maggio vs. Goff vs. Marvel

(waste some time with me.)   In 1995, both Grant Hill and Jason Kidd were named NBA Rookie of the Year. The Associated Press (who votes on these things) apparently found the task of choosing between t...
Posted by a.e.g? on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 01:30:00 PST

Let's Get Idealistic, 'Merica!.. Wait... Where's Everybody Going?

(Sorry, the following is political, but so is life.)   It being election day and all I thought I'd say something:  ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> L...
Posted by a.e.g? on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 12:04:00 PST

Inspiring? Scary? 'Merica?

I am of the belief that everything we do has an artistic bent to it. From the way you put ketchup on your hot dog to how you arrange the items on your desk, there is higher purpose behind everything. ...
Posted by a.e.g? on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 01:14:00 PST

"The Man" doesn't stand a chance: "The Reverse T-Shirt"

(First Man: "Has anyone seen Andrew's tongue?") (Second Man: "Did you check his cheek?") (First Man: "Why?")   Study after irrefutable study have proven that 'Merican-born, early-mid twentysometh...
Posted by a.e.g? on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:03:00 PST