141. In Finland, "Sintter Klaas" brings bad children a small bag of old toenail clippings.
142. The practice of putting a letter "e" in front of words to mean "web-based" (e.g., eBusiness, eLearning, etc.) was patented by Microsoft in 1992. They are waiting until their anti-trust trial has been officially completed to begin enforcing it.
143. The noun "sled" originates from the name of a 18th-century mountaineer from Finland, Schletz Linden, whose body was used by his climbing partner to slide down a mountain during a winter storm after he froze to death.
144. If a cricket were the size of Mount Rushmore, it could jump to the moon.
145. The increase in the amount of metals mined and brought to the surface of the earth in order to manufacture SUVs has caused higher tides in the Northern Hemisphere.
146. Children conceived on airplanes never suffer from motion sickness.
147. The life span of dogs allowed to dine in cat litter boxes is on average 18 percent longer than that of dogs restricted to commercial diets.
148. Charles Darwin once attempted to breed flying monkeys by crossing chimpanzees with vultures.
149. The steady, rhythmic sound produced by dripping water increases the capacity for sleeping males to experience lucid sexual dreams.
150. Blue water in a toilet bowl causes males to urinate 7 percent more.
151. Women who use chewing tobacco are three times LESS likely to accidentally swallow it while they are pregnant.
152. The melody of the classic hymn "Amazing Grace" originated from a 12th-century pagan song celebrating masturbation.
153. The Federal Department of Online Commerce has been compiling a list of US-based e-mail addresses. Once 100 million addresses have been collected, the list will be sold to online marketers as part of President Bush's plan to reduce the deficit.
154. A 9-volt battery contains roughly the same amount of kinetic energy as a bowl of Lucky Charms.
Anti-establishment college students who understand the power of music to influence. ...and Britney Spears!