Buffalo! profile picture


Sometimes you'll see a strange spot in the sky... a human being who was given to fly

About Me

Who is the Buffalo?
If you stand for justice and are committed to sticking it to the proverbial man than you can rest assured the Buffalo is your friend. If, however, you are out to enslave your fellow man by imposing upon them the rigid bonds of conformity, I would advise you watch your back. Most likely, the Buffalo will gore and trample you and your Hummer.
How can the Buffalo help me?
In the realm of MySpace, "Top Friends" have proved to be a troublesome concept. Millions of people’s feelings have been affected (regardless of how petty it may seem) by their placement or lack thereof on their various acquaintances "Top Friends" lists. The Buffalo aims to eliminate this problem.
Has the Buffalo made a difference?
Many of you will remember that MySpace in its infancy did not allow you to choose who your "Top 8" was. The Buffalo gored numerous technical geeks until this was changed. Though you were then able to order your "Top 8" you were still restricted to displaying eight "friends" on your page. The Buffalo trampled Tom's car until this was remedied. These days, the Buffalo has his eyes set on Rupert Murdoch. The day you open your newspaper to find that Mr. Murdoch has died you will know that the Buffalo has completed his mission.
Can I communicate with this glorious creature?
Due to the recent spam explosions throughout MySpace the Buffalo has had to cut back on his communication with his accomplices (who he refers to as Buffalo Soldiers). Logging into twelve MySpace profiles is difficult for someone with hooves, so the best way to communicate with him is through the Two Words band page. The Buffalo likes their revolutionary sound (or lack of one).
If I am not a Buffalo Soldier how do I become one?
To enlist in the Buffalo Army you must visit the 12 different profiles that contain the Buffalo's parts and add him as a... ahem... "friend". After that you are an official revolutionary.
Yes. Lots.
How can I help the Buffalo?
Brag about your MySpace to your friends and how it is clearly superior since it does not resort to ranking human beings. That's what Hitler did.
Does the Buffalo have a message to share with the masses?
Yes: Moo.
Thank you.

My Interests

(I was feeling generous)

155. The Yanomami tribesmen of the Amazon basin can track game birds by the slight difference in warmth their shadows create on the forest floor as they fly by, for up to an hour after the birds have departed.

156. Contrary to the popular saying, 99 percent of the time you lead a horse to water, it'll drink on its own.

157. The first Ford Excursion was actually designed and built in 1951. It was never marketed because the then-current braking technology required a drum 3 feet wide on each wheel.

158. Rapid deforestation has decreased the friction of the surface of the Earth, causing it to spin infinitesimally faster and thereby cool the air, combating global warming.

159. The flush toilet was invented in Flushing, NY.

160. The inner core of most standard golf balls is made of nougat, which helps the balls remain aloft longer.

161. On occasions when the sun is shining brightly on falling snowflakes, they contain enough ionic charge to stun insects. Observation of this phenomenon inspired the invention of the bug zapper.

162. Over the last two decades, more Americans died of heart attacks while watching horror movies in movie theaters than died while sky-diving.

163. A common misconception is that the term "salsa dancing" derives from the food condiment called salsa. Actually, the dance was invented in the 1930s by a dance teacher named Frankie Salsa.

164. Every common food product, with the exception of fish and veal, contains some traces of peanut enzymes.

165. The number of words in the Bible divided by the number of verses equals exactly 666.

166. An 18th-century law still on the books in Vermont makes it illegal for a woman to lick a stamp in a public place.

167. Anthropologists have discovered a tribe of South American monkeys with a rudimentary system of government analogous to our own three-branch form of government.

168. Constipation kills nearly twice as many people as diarrhea, mainly because the former mostly afflicts the old and weak while the latter mostly affects young, strong children.

169. It is physically impossible to urinate and give blood at the same time.

170. If you fill a standard 750ml wine bottle with live hornets, their angry buzzing will resonate at precisely the right frequency to shatter the glass.

171. During his famous "Blue Period," Pablo Picasso invented the substance that eventually became known as Play-Doh.

172. Every year in the fall, Niagara Falls is shut down for maintenance for 24 hours. The flow is diverted using a massive series of pipes and spigots built for this purpose in 1837.

173. The rare Chilean hummingbird has been known to suck blood from animals like a giant mosquito.

174. Tap dancers frequently forget to breathe normally during difficult routines, resulting in an average of 200 tap dancing-related tragedies per year.

I'd like to meet:

Barack Obama.