Deadsilence Syndicate profile picture

Deadsilence Syndicate


About Me

.. -- -- -- -- -- --I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 ! ..-

DSS are not really trying to be a live DnB band as such, weve always just played what ever we are into at the time!
Just so happens that most of the time we're into extremely nasty basslines and beats!.. whats your excuse?
We dont use any sequencers or backing tracks and we play only the finest hand crafted instruments imported from grandma pegs backyard
All you need to do is go to and listen to our tunes as many times as you can bare... The most listened to tracks get played on the radio...
all the other bands on there seem to be the usual arslick monkeys, kleen, kiyzer gays wanna bee's... so lets see if we can get something a bit different in the concience of these bloody tight jean wearing indie saddo's by getting the good old DS band infecting their mind!!!

here's some nasty gossip about us:

'Blistering, eardrum-perforating Drum 'n' Bass thrashed on real live instruments by a band who make Red Snapper sound like Craig David by comparison. Bass-heavy, brooding, bombastic and raw as botulism'

Crashing genres together, tightening the all-live musical fury and opening minds wherever they go

This deadstupid lot are without doubt the nicest chaps Ive ever met!
- welsh Gareths gran

Sign up to the deadsilence mailing list for latest news gigs and rubbish

Fresh footage of DS thrashing Exploit and Bloodsucker LIVE on the stage of Bloc Weekend 2008...

Footage of DSS performing the Bomba to a rather large crowd of loony ravers at French tek, May 2005

Lazy Dayz video, shot mainly at Brett's wake in the woods. 2003R.I.P Brett we love you.

DSS thrashing a guirilla gig outside waterloo station, NYE 2003... we pulled up in a van full of instruments, generator and speakers and went for it!.. we lasted about 30 minutes before the cops moved in, but we got away with it!
this footage was filmed secretly on a phone and had to be smuggled out of the city in a hamster!

For more DS music, gig dates, news and nonsense visit our website

Resistance against the New World Odour Arm yourself here with DSS DEODOURISERZ...
In roll on or spray on.. in 3 different flavours...

official : Over 300 hundred documents and media files relating to 7th July bombings.
The July Seventh Truth Campaign : A Call for July 7th Truth & Justice
indymedia : coverage of important social and political issues.
Mark Thomas : Comedien and activist... If you´re not pissed off, then you´re not paying attention! : because there's a battle for your mind
Guerrilla News Network : Brilliant hiphop fueled info site
FILMS Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary :On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day... well maybe you dont...
"The scariest film you’ll see this year. Makes Fahrenheit 9/11 look like Bambi." TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism ...Alex Jones' latest film covers in detail the proven history of government sponsored terrorism, and focuses on the 7/7 London bombings and 9/11...
MARTIAL LAW 911: RISE OF THE POLICE STATE ...Another Alex Jones film... exposing the Bush/Blair regime for what it is, a practicing NAZI dictatorship...

My Interests


Member Since: 12/29/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Krude - Vocals
Ren - midi Drums
The Reverend - Electric Cello/ Keyboards
Bagz - Electronic Percussion and samples
Finn - midi Bass
Influences: Drum&Bass, Jungle, Electro, Grime, Dub, Funk, Punk, metal, Hip Hop, old skool hardcore..'you know the score!' Dubstep, Miami Bass, Slayer, Chaz n Dave, PublicEnemy, Lee Perry, Michael Smichael...
Sounds Like: Comparisons with The Prodigy, The Streets and Johnny Rotten have been made...
But not by us...
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Contrary to the latest 'urban myth' Deadsilence have not split up!Nor are we likely to, there's far too much at stake for us to make a rash decision like that... And, its far too much fun!Although th...
Posted by Deadsilence Syndicate on Wed, 07 May 2008 05:09:00 PST

Ever wondered why K-heads seem retarded ?? maybe its because they are!

One for all you K freaks out there! Bottom line:All dissociative drugs carry a real risk of permanent brain damage. Dissociatives include ketamine, DXM, PCP, dizocilpine, and nitrous oxide " Diss...
Posted by Deadsilence Syndicate on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:37:00 PST

Deadsilence records for sale!!

DSS bands foot to the floor, mosh pit inducing stormer, suicide bomba, is out to buy now in 12" picture disc format.. with a killer electro-darkness track from Bass Junkie on the flip.. Get em from ww...
Posted by Deadsilence Syndicate on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 06:08:00 PST