Goddess of Bad Roads profile picture

Goddess of Bad Roads

This is crazy

About Me

I never say the right thing till the moment's passed.For fun, I cry and pretend I'm in France.

My Interests

thinking of witty anwsers for ridiculous questions, Chinese flim, memorizing the rules of Syntax for spelling, overcoming my fear of ringing telephones, remembering to get dressed, maintaining a cretain amount of distance from my fans, breaking my addiction to chalk and chalk boards, not talking about myself in public, and learning how to use a microscope.

I'd like to meet:

Christan the Lion


I do enjoy music.


I also enjoy books.


His Holiness the Dala Lama, people who change injustice, small children in Africa who walk miles every night just to sleep in safety, and Sid.

My Blog

To go with the listening part--

Here is the text of the poem for those who would like to read along while you listen. Sort of like those records and books we had when were we kids. _________________________ Break-up of my Lands...
Posted by Goddess of Bad Roads on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:20:00 PST


Ok, The Wichita Eagle interviewed me on Thursday about poetry in Wichita and the quotes don't suck for once. They are running a slide show to go with the piece and choose my poem to go with the slide...
Posted by Goddess of Bad Roads on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 10:41:00 PST