Kev Childs: 1349-RoR profile picture

Kev Childs: 1349-RoR

Roll to Hit, Ride to Fight

About Me

We're all presidents, we're all congressmen, We're all cops in waiting, We're the workers of the world, There is the elite and the dispossessed, And it's only about survival, Who has the skill to play the game for all it's worth, And reach an obscure kind of perfection, Let's try and keep as much emotion out of this as possible, Let's try not to remember any names, We'll do it for a country, for a people, for a moral vision, United, we'll make them remember our history, Or how we'd like to be told, How we'd like to be told...And we rock, Because it's us against them. We found our own reasons to sing, And it's so much less confusing when lines are drawn like that, When people are either consumers or revolutionaries, Enemies or friends hanging on the fringes Of the cogs in the system, It's just about knowing where everyone stands. All of a sudden, People start talking 'bout guns, Talking like they're going to war, 'Cause they found something to die for, Start taking back what they stole- sure beats every other option, But does it make a difference how we get it? Well do you really fucking get it?
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My Interests

Doin what you don't think you can. Not backing down

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet everyone Jacket B

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You know if you are lookin at this


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My Dad

My Blog

I just gave away 300 hundred dollars, Go Me

I was on trying to get my wife a ticket to see an old friend. The Hotwire page will default the passenger to the same name as the card holder. This happens on three different pages and t...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 07:39:00 PST


What the fuck is this show? I have always been happy to see things that challenge people as per the idea of game-shows. I hate reality TV other than Rob & Big but this sow has to be the worst thing si...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 05:16:00 PST

New Indiana Jones Movie

I fucking LOVED this movie.  All of the over the top shit in the world has just been fucked in the mouth by how much rediculous shit happens in this move.  I will not ruin it for those who h...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:40:00 PST

i need your adresses

Hello wichita, I need your mailing addresses. Please understand that I need them so send stuff and I would to do that so please send me your addresses and i will be thankful
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:16:00 PST

Building Hate for a Better Me

In times of great reflection, memorable men in the past have gone on "inward journeys to see themselves and find an answer" I am not talking about drugs, I am talking about optical stimulation of the...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 08:15:00 PST

my last blog is for fun

The previous blob today is not a depressed thing trust me. I am having fun doing this. I have gotten messages thinking I am not doin well, that is not the case. I thikn mre peole should watch fucke...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:53:00 PST


I am 26 years old and have lost some friends, like many others. I know that the way we live is not the subscribed lifestyle of most, that is our choice. I have had my share of times that should have...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:25:00 PST

PATHFINDER a quest for under mediocratiesnesslessness

I wanted to check out some movies this week. I had a run at Greenpeace for a little bit, I mean one day and I hated every second of it. I am by no means a supporter of this war and terror doesn't bo...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST

So Close Yet So Far

As I have moved to the windy city, I have been able and blessed to see many new things, at times I feel that the place I have moved to is a delight. Then some things in this world make me want to kil...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:22:00 PST

Important favor needed from the world

Please help get me to Denver the end of this monthConcrete Cleaner is set to play the Denver fest and I cannpt afford the plane ticket.If you can help at all with a small donation please go to the Anc...
Posted by Kev Childs: 1349-RoR on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 02:25:00 PST