WritersRemember.com: Filling the Inkwell profile picture

WritersRemember.com: Filling the Inkwell

Inspiration for Writers

About Me

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Are you seeking encouragement in your writing journey? Are you feeling burnt out in the competitive world of writing?
Writers Remember is a creative writing endeavor here to help you find yourself as a writer. Rest assured, however, it is not just another writing site. Writers Remember is unlike any other writers' website out there, because its focus is on discouraged writers, those who have a fervent passion for the craft, but have been burnt out by the competitive nature which surrounds it.
Julia Temlyn, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Writers Remember, says this:
Writers Remember was born out of something my mother asked me once, regarding the similarities between myself and the heroine of one of my favorite books, Little Women.
"Do you ever feel a bit like Jo-- writing what pleases others and pays the bills?"
Just as Jo March, and her author-counterpart Louisa May Alcott, wrote what pleased the newspapers, gossip columns, and the like over one hundred years ago, so do many writers today. We write articles and content for the internet, sometimes even compromising our values by deliberately butchering the English language in the name of search engine optimization. We might even write novels or stories that please others, but we feel no passion for the stories we've written, not even pride... more like numbness.
In our attempts to write for clips and quick cash, are we falling out of love with the writing process? Have we forgotten what it feels like to scribble in a notebook, to collect our favorite words, to dream? Click here to read more...

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I'd like to meet:

Others who are passionate about writing.
We're always looking for contributors. If you're interested in becoming a staff member or a contributor, click HERE!
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Julia Temlyn, Editor-in-Chief, is also a freelance writer, editor, and proofreader. If you are interested in her writing/editing services please contact her at Temlyn Writing Services .
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Just about any book about writing-- there are too many to list.


Writers Remember Staff:
Julia Temlyn -- Editor-in-Chief
Pattie Reitz -- Assistant Editor & Journaling Columnist
Kevin Kilgarriff -- Staff Writer & Public Relations/Marketing Consultant
Shawn Bogart -- Staff Writer
Kelly Croslis -- Staff Writer, Picture Prompts
Barbara Deming -- Staff Writer, "Come Write With Me" Columnist
Gary Hibberd -- Staff Writer
Diane Penna -- Staff Writer
Yvonne Russell -- Staff Writer, "The Idea Catcher" Columnist
Susan M. Thompson -- Staff Writer