Well I see you've stumbled across the page of Mean Miss C. Good for you. You might not realize it but you are one lucky fuck right now indeed. Here's some things I like Talking to strangers, Random Art, Digital imaging, I'm currentley trying to teach myself guitar, pasting heads, digital scrapbooking, taking pictures but I'm not very good so I dont want to put photography its just me taking pictures :) Oh and Fire
Artists of any aspect, Jack Daniels, Hank, Cash, CARLOS, A psycic who could tell me what lotto numbers to pick, Mikey likes it,that guy at the bar who's celebrating something and keeps buying ya all drinks add him to, mr positive with positivity so great it actually makes me look gloomy, GOD, DOGS, some cats to but my cat is the best so I really have no need for random pussy meetings, The Sand man after midnight, The Candy man when I got the munchies, The Maytag man if my washer and dryer are on the fritz, but no worries they aren't, Oh and DR. Feel Good. I'd also like to meet 1980's Axl Rose. But at my age not then cause I would have been like 9.
I Dont want to meet: Haters, Negative-soul suckers,
Guns & Roses, Weezer, The White Stripes, Dave Matthews Band, Cat Power, Avi Vinocour, Mickey Avalon, 2star Tabernacle, Blanche, Goober and the Peas,The Handsome Family , Hank the Third , Ass Jack, Mountain Goats,Janis Joplin, Anything else I like
Stand by me, Goonies, Lost Boys, Sleep Away Camp (1,2,and 3) Halloween, The Exorcist, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Debbie Does South Dakota, American Psycho, Campfire tales, Donnie Darko, The Others, The Never Ending Story part 1, Blair Witch Project, Kill Bill Volume one and Two, Tommy Rock Opera, Wizard of Oz, House of 1000 corpses, and numerous others I cant even begin to remember at this moment
Although I dont watch much TV, when I do I am guilty of the occasional MTV reality show where the hot young singles lust like bunnies after eachother then battle till the death. Also forensic files :) Oh and the home channel I know how domestic
I refuse to learn to read or write. But I do love anything by Stephen King be it a novel, short story, or screen play the man is a genius and I cant believe what twisted things come out of his head.
Anyone who puts it on the line for the greater good U know who you are and YAY you rock