L'Acephale profile picture



About Me

Formed for the Reason of Unleashing Sonic Destruction & Corruption through Epistemic Terrorism and Bibliophilistic Atavism. Acephale, based on the ideas and motivations of the early 20th century artist, philosopher, esoteric, secret circle and journal of the same name. Most prominent amongst its members, Georges Bataille, whose writings gave life blood to that and this project. Acéphale from the Latin a-cephalus, headless or without a chief; Our monikers: Religion. Sociologie. Philosophie & The Sacred Conjuration. An ensemble fiercely religious in a Nietzschean manner, currently resurrected in this incarnation fusing equal portions Epistemic Terrorism and Literary Atavism basing its transmission in the combination of both Black Metal and Folk elements. Conceived initially by Set Sothis Nox La on a steady diet of Wolfthorn, Les Joyaux De La Princesse, Corrupted, Toroidh, Hate Forest, Drudkh, Krzysztof Penderecki, Veljo Tormis, Henryk Górecki, Huun Huur Tu, A.V.A and various Tibetan and world folk musics in the cauldron of ceremonial birth.
Now currently embodying several co-conspirators building on that foundation with additional elements percussive bacchanal, Volkisch metal tinges and multi-vocal assault. Finding further insight from such luminaries as the thelemic prankster Kenneth Grant, Heathen epics such as the Eddas and the Sagas, to German Romantic writings (such as Ludwig Tieck, Georg Heym, Georg Trakl amongst others), The Kosmischer Kreis(Alfred Schuler, Stefan George, Karl Wolfskehl) and the writings of the french Decadents, Surrealistic writers like Latréaumont and Unica Zurn. As well as writings related to Ouilipo (aka "Ouvroir de littérature otentielle") and authors such as Robert Walser,Bruno Schulz, Rene Daumal, Clark Ashton Smith, Arthur Machen and James Havoc. To the films of Ingmar Bergman and Brothers Quay, and such artists as Hans Bellmer, Suehiro Maruo, Andre Masson, Franti--ek Kupka, Franz Von Stuck and the great Austin Osman Spare. While celebrating such folkways and beliefs prior to this modern era be they Odinist, Druidic, Chöd or many other belief systems wherein the balance of everyday life remains close to the earth: Life not separate from spirituality, but a spirituality infused with the base material. Not the "as above, so below" philosophy of Hermetic thought where one spiritual entity reigns above, but closer to the concept of Radical Traditionalism. Our philosophies, perhaps best quantified with the Batillean statement that we stand as "a war machine against received ideas."

My Interests


Member Since: 10/17/2004
Band Members:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hails, From a long cold winter, there are the first buds of growth on the tree for L'Acephale. After some length of time there will be again some news.  The development of this band, this entity...
Posted by L'Acephale on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:24:00 PST

Demo Re-Release

Hails, The Demo "Mord und Totschlag" which is a saying similar to "Blood and Thunder" or more commonly "wrack and ruin" has been re-released in a profession manner by the outstanding fellows at A...
Posted by L'Acephale on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:19:00 PST

Demo first press sold out re press out now and soon

Hails, The limited demo on black cdrs is sold out! How ever it has been re- released on Kvlt Cassette by 23 productions. Excellent reproduction with all arts of the booklet of the self released versio...
Posted by L'Acephale on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 01:34:00 PST

Book of Lies out now + Live shows to follow

Hails, Book of Lies is officially out and making its way out to distros everywhere. It is also available through us. Contact us for details. The production is lavish. Full color gatefold cover with pr...
Posted by L'Acephale on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 09:16:00 PST

Limited Demo Finnished and Seven inch at press

Hails,The Demo is at this point fully realized and will find its way to various elite distributors soon. Limited to 100 copies on black cdr with full 8 page large scale booklet and poster. Grim, Cold ...
Posted by L'Acephale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Acephale currently in the studio

Hail, Acephale are currently in the studio recording our debut 7" for Parasitic records. Parasitic recently updated their site and is worth visiting at Parasiticrecords.com With the inc...
Posted by L'Acephale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hails and Salutations.

Hail, L'Acephale both a journal and a secret society existed in France in the 1930's founded in part by Georges Bataille. His writings and the writings associated with the group form the nexus of the ...
Posted by L'Acephale on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST